What kind of plants can I put on the front porch now?

Help! We're having a realtor tour of our home in two days and I need something to put in these empty urns! I don't want to use fake stuff (plus its so expensive), but what can I use if it's not getting above the 40's during the day? (I'd probably just put it out for the day and bring it back in after the tour until the night and day temps get warm enough.) Any ideas? Also, any idea who's even selling plants at this point in the Chicago area?
Help! What plants can I put in these urns when it's only 40 degrees out?
  31 answers
  • Lori J Lori J on Mar 17, 2014
    How about a couple of small potted boxwoods? They keep their leaves throughout the season, are reasonable and should not be difficult to find.
  • I love this idea! I guess I hadn't thought of evergreen plants since spring is SO CLOSE that I had flowering plants on the brain! Just not sure they're selling them around these parts this time of year, but I can check our local nursery tomorrow. Thank you Lori J!
  • SK on Elderberry SK on Elderberry on Mar 17, 2014
    Can you find any evergreen? Any kind will do. Just cut and arrange. No money spent.
  • All our evergreen plants are looking kinda sad now! Maybe I could salvage something that wouldn't look too bad....either that or visit our local forest preserve in search of....just kidding!
  • Linda English Linda English on Mar 17, 2014
    you might plant a little taller evergreen and put some primrose and pansys around the bottom...give lots of color and they are pretty hardy if it gets cold in your area.
  • Karrie Lightsey Karrie Lightsey on Mar 17, 2014
    asperagus furn would look real nice
  • White Oak Studio Designs White Oak Studio Designs on Mar 18, 2014
    Do any of your neighbors/friends have greenery that you could cut? I live two hours south of you near South Haven, MI and anything I plant will be killed by the frost here even pansies. We can't plant until almost June here. So greenery like pine boughs mixed with twigs of Red Oshier dogwood sticks would be very pretty. Do you have any open areas, woodlots or rail road tracks near you where you can glean some Juniper, white pine or evergreen boughs? Mix greenery with the natural branches. Or if you have a nice florist they might be able to get you come curly willow branches - a very interesting and unique wavy branch.
  • Pansies and potted ivy. Just bury the containers and cover with dirt or pine needles .
  • Katherine brooks Katherine brooks on Mar 18, 2014
    Tall and wispy evergreen branches would work big you want a pop of color purchase forced Snd in the pot tulips or daffodils. You will not need to bring them in at night either care my website www.katherinebrookslandscapes.com for some good container pics.
  • My Vintage Bench My Vintage Bench on Mar 18, 2014
    You can also get bunches of any type of willow branches to give some height and structure to the area. Secure them in the urns with new potting soil Then tie a pretty spring green, liliac, or yellow ribbon around your urns with a bow. Viola! When the weather warms up, you can add pansies or other flowering plants of your choice! Below is a photo from www.marthastewart.com.
  • Ene19230 Ene19230 on Mar 18, 2014
    Topiary rose bushes would look pretty. I have also seen topiary hibiscus. You could look at your local nursery for both of these. Another idea would be miniature arborvitae which have lovely lines and would add a pretty pop of green. You need something with some height to accent the entryway.
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  • DR HANDY DR HANDY on Mar 18, 2014
    Pansies are always a solid choice but some other options are golden sword yucca, green mountain boxwood, emerald arborvitae (for a little height), bergenia, and multiple types of Junipers. Applying an anti desiccant can protect leaves against Chicago winds.
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  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Mar 18, 2014
    Temps in the 40s won't faze pansies. They'd get my vote.
  • Deb Deb on Mar 18, 2014
  • Liliana Wells Liliana Wells on Mar 19, 2014
    A little holly for height and pansies for color.
  • Irish53 Irish53 on Mar 19, 2014
    I have seen evergreen cuttings in empty window boxes by me that look just beautiful all winter long.
  • Nancy De Blauw Nancy De Blauw on Mar 19, 2014
    How about some evergreen boughs with red twig dogwood for a pop of colour?
    • Ene19230 Ene19230 on Mar 19, 2014
      I do that with mine in the winter. I go to the woods and collect beautiful branches that complement one another in color. I agree with you Nancy De Blauw that would look nice and be inexpensive too.
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  • Kendra Loftus Kendra Loftus on Mar 19, 2014
    Another great evergreen you can use is rosemary. Some stores have them trimmed to look like a tall(ish) tree. Add some pansies for color. The scent is calming and inviting as you walk through them and the pansies add that pop of color to draw your eye to the entrance.
  • Buster Evans Buster Evans on Mar 19, 2014
    Definately pansies, a variety of colors to choose from!
  • Too late! I already bought purple pansies! But they do have a pop of yellow with some forsythia thrown in so hopefully we're ok! And we have a really nice doormat:) Thanks, Janis!
  • Thanks, Kendra. I do love rosemary and never would have thought of it!
  • Thanks, Buster. Already done:)
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Mar 19, 2014
    A small green shurb...They have lovely ones that look like small Christmas Trees and they cost about $20 at the big box store...2 bags of top soil and your're done. You can add some petunias for color if you wish.
  • Wanda sinnema Wanda sinnema on Mar 19, 2014
    Depends on the look you want...if you want formal try LEMON CYPRESS,,,,, they are a light lemon lime yellow,, or anything tall: dwarf HYNOKI CYPRESS, with bright pansey around the edge....replace the pansey with annuals later on..
  • Dee Dee on Mar 19, 2014
    Kathleen sounds like you got it all togather the two will look great good luck with your showing.
  • Barbara j. guise Barbara j. guise on Mar 19, 2014
    Pansies, pansies and more pansies!!!
  • KathrynElizabeth Etier KathrynElizabeth Etier on Mar 19, 2014
    Small, potted evergreens.
  • Molly Meredith Molly Meredith on Mar 19, 2014
    fake ones! The fake are so pretty these days.
  • Reno Girl Reno Girl on Mar 19, 2014
    Fill your pots with soil.Find Fuzzy Willows seeing as it will be spring soon(.I wanted to use the appropriate name used for these willows but it wouldn't let me use the term.) Kitty Willows or another name used for kitties at least that is what we call them here in Canada. Michaels has some really nice dried ones that are very pretty and plunk them into the soil.Add stakes of lights that are white at Rona or Lowes they are great! They are found in the garden section or light section. You need to plug them in with an extention cord so as not to see the cord source. Or add battery operated mini lights entwined with the willows. You can also just use tall branches with the stake lights in them as well. No need to bring them in at night! I use these all year round as I switch up my plants for winter, spring, fall and summer. The light stakes are such a pretty addition to the planters! I use a remote control that you can plug them into from your power source inside the house and you can find these at most places. That way you don't have to go outside to turn them off. Turning them on and off from inside is a bonus! They come with a little remote that works with the power source that you can plug your lights into. We also use this remote for our Christmas lights as well. You plug your lights into the power cord that comes with the remote. Anyway this is a wonderful lit addition to your welcoming entry!
  • Meburke Meburke on Mar 20, 2014
    I too have red brick façade.I'd do ball/round boxwood..formal yet.. soften the many rectangles of the door / windows etc..esp nice in faux depending on your light requirements!
  • MaryAnn B MaryAnn B on Mar 20, 2014
    Race to the home store and purchase whatever is blooming. Just place the containers in the urns.