Asked on Mar 17, 2014

House color/ landscape

by Stephanie
My husband and I tried picking house colors and the ended up settling and I hate it... Any ideas to make my house look more appealing ?
Kind of dark
250 of 254 answers
  • Lori Garrett Lori Garrett on Mar 18, 2014
    go with water colors, s in baurs (home depot's brook blue, sea foam, cloud white, they are light and adds color to dark areas)
  • JulieArt JulieArt on Mar 18, 2014
    What about window boxes with flowers on those windows above the garage? Or a large decoration there like a sundial? I love the pergola! How about a very large pot with a tree in it between the front door and garage? Just something to break up the open areas. The garage doors are cool! The trees are lovely. The paint is fresh and clean and the trim highlights those areas nicely. It might not have met your expectations but it is lovely.
  • Felicity Woodruffe Felicity Woodruffe on Mar 18, 2014
    as above also add some pretty plant hanging baskets with lots of pastel coloured flowers good luck
  • Lori J Lori J on Mar 18, 2014
    I like Lori's suggestions, but I would hit the trim, doors and garage doors with them.
  • Stephanie Stephanie on Mar 18, 2014
    Thank you for the suggestions. I can't do flowers because I always end up killing them.
    • Nancy De Blauw Nancy De Blauw on Mar 19, 2014
      I really live Becky's ideas. Since flowers are out, how about clumps of bushes? With different shades of green, different shapes, heights, and textures, flowers & berries, they give you quite a lovely, carefree look. Ask for some guidance a your local garden centre. They are often very knowledgable, & will go out of their way to give you info so that you are a happy repeat customer.
  • Kara Spurlock Kara Spurlock on Mar 18, 2014
    Def need shutters! I would suggest black. Also paint those doors. Last replace the poles with decorative support columns. I also agree with railing. Since flowers are not your thing you can "flank" the doors with ferns! Easy to take care of. ;)
    • Kim Campbell Kim Campbell on Mar 19, 2014
      @Kara Spurlock I would also change the outside lights, and remove the wrought iron pieces on the garage doors. Perhaps add a wooden bench to make it more inviting.
  • Felicity Woodruffe Felicity Woodruffe on Mar 19, 2014
    Black wood just introduce even more dark to the whole look the shutters are a great idea as is the balcony idea flowers or somekind of climber such clematis or wysteria or even virginia creeper with its goegeous colour xhanges over the season would be great
  • Marianne Marianne on Mar 19, 2014
    I would go with black shutters. The down stairs side of house to entrance way add white railing and stage with a sitting area adding some color to the left side and a grouping of small bushes in front of the railing. Go to your local nursery and find bushes that require no to limited care (there are plenty). Add taller potted plant/bush where your little one is right now. The right side needs something above the garage but not sure exactly what.
  • Kaytee Kaytee on Mar 19, 2014
    Not sure where you are, but if you're in a warm winter area, dwarf citrus trees do well in large pots. Dwarf pomegranate (non-edible) also does well as a potted plant. Both have wonderful flowers and fruit that is at least decorative, and depending on the citrus variety, may be edible. Succulents like jade plant are another possibility-- very easy care.
  • Leona G Leona G on Mar 19, 2014
    Easiest fix would be to use a lighter trim color in a warm shade of the same color hue. Then you could accent the door with the present trim color. You also might want to paint the garage doors so the contrast isn't so hard. I am facing the same problem but haven't picked my colors yet. Good luck
  • Joan McGregor Joan McGregor on Mar 19, 2014
    I don't like the white and would paint the garage door the same rusty colour you have on the trim and paint doors a dark blue and add dark blue shutters
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Mar 19, 2014
    If you do not intend to change the color, I would paint the garage doors the same color as he house and the front door that rust color. No shutters. Extend deck all the way across front of house and put up a modern railing...posts with cable run through it. Then put a sculpture wall hanging between the garage & front door...One of those that looks arched ones that looks like a fountain but plant hanging vine/flowers in it. (See photo...get one you can paint any color you like.) You need some curved lines here. Then group your pots in one area at the left end of the porch...use stacked stone to raise some of the higher. Then plant miniature shrubs in the larger pots & flowers in the smaller ones. Use bright colors.
    comment photo
  • Marilyn Marilyn on Mar 19, 2014
    I think a lighter shade of what you have on the house for the shutters, doors and trim would look rich and planned.
  • Shari Veater Shari Veater on Mar 19, 2014
    Why not paint the garage doors and front door the same color, something to go with the house, but not white...white stands out too much with your house color...when painting a house it is usually trial and error but you will get it right :)
  • I agree with many and paint the garage doors the color of the house or a lighter version. shutters would look good and you could make your own out of 1"x4" and paint the color of trim and this would tie in with the decking. Above the garage door I would get a 1x12" or whatever the size (and color) of the decking plate is and put that above there to at least give some dimension to the right side of the house. You could even add wrought iron or molding to give some dimension. I would also suggest painting the door up on top to blend in with the house. I think it makes it look like you are an apartment building. I would paint the front door a bright color (what is your fave?) You need some green in front of your home but if you do not want the extra work, then think about adding a railing for some detail there? If you kill everything, then think about ivy, philodendrons, and ferns such as Kimberly or even Macho ferns that only need watered and will give you green? there are options for easy green. Kimberly ferns can get huge and that would look good on each side of the window and even between garage and front door (I would put a tall shrub such as a topiary, standard, or even an arborvitae in a big pot there for drama).
    comment photo
  • Merry Harshey Merry Harshey on Mar 19, 2014
    A few bright container plants will liven it up. You can also do a couple hanging plants.
  • Anne Anne on Mar 19, 2014
    I would paint the front and garage doors the same colour..peach/orange colour..wide trim around the windows or shutters painted cream..good luck!!
  • Cyndi Moore Tippett Cyndi Moore Tippett on Mar 19, 2014
    Before I went through the expense and time of painting the house again, I would first put a small railing around the top deck and mimick it on the lower deck. Nothing too tall just an accent painted the same color as the trim. Then I would put chairs and a small table and large pots planted with something tall and small annuals on the bottom patio. I would paint the garage and front doors a medium gold, nothing to bright. You could also add a header over the garage doors, about a three foot depth to balance the top deck. Then if all else fails and you still hate it.... paint the house a medium green, yellow doors and white trim with the deck painted the color of the house so it would fade into the facade.
  • Rhonda Fleming Rhonda Fleming on Mar 19, 2014
    Garage doors needs painting & add shutters to compliment the style of your home.
  • Cheryl Hedrick Cheryl Hedrick on Mar 19, 2014
    Add shutters in a darker color as well as the garage doors.
  • Janene thomas Janene thomas on Mar 19, 2014
    Yellow it's a very happy and popular colar
  • Lisa Lisa on Mar 19, 2014
    Add a porch and shutters
  • The248672 The248672 on Mar 19, 2014
    I would do a almost cream color on the walls with a darker tan or hunter green on the trim. Flower boxes would look nice also! :)
  • Cora McNulty Cora McNulty on Mar 19, 2014
    I'd do the garage doors. Red with red shutters. Like a burnt red. And planters of the same color to pop it
  • Debbie Stanley Debbie Stanley on Mar 19, 2014
    I had the same problem a few years ago. We changed the trim to white and added black shutters. It looks like a different place now.
  • JoAnne Retondo JoAnne Retondo on Mar 19, 2014
    Cheap quick fix? paint garages and doors and trim a lighter or darker accent... black would be great! Add above details as u can!
  • Carmen Webster Carmen Webster on Mar 19, 2014
    Shutters would be nice
  • June McDonald June McDonald on Mar 19, 2014
    The color is not bad, but do the garage and door same color. Shutters would be nice also.
  • Kathleen R Kathleen R on Mar 19, 2014
    Annabelle Hydrangea bushes and Knock Out Roses in front, easy to grow, come back every year, and will give a little pop to your landscape! They will add texture and life to your dull house by brightening the landscape!
  • SandyG SandyG on Mar 19, 2014
    Shutters and a sleek cable rail around balcony.......will look good and provide safe usage. Colorful flowers in pots or around trees in front yard.
  • Rebecca Glenn Rebecca Glenn on Mar 19, 2014
    Window boxes/planters, shutters, the garage and front doors in a color that coordinates and pops. Use the house color as a neutral backdrop, basically. Add potted plants and landscaping too.
  • Dori Griffey Dori Griffey on Mar 19, 2014
    Not bad,just compliment the doors,windows and garage doors
  • Deborah M Deborah M on Mar 19, 2014
    I would repaint the red and go with a shade darker of Main house. then shutters
  • you need to soften the look. landscaping is key. hang flower baskets plant some bushes. bringing some color with plants will soften your look and totally make the color of the house look different
  • Charlene White Charlene White on Mar 19, 2014
    paint the doors same and paint the trim dark chocolate
  • Jackie Mullin Jackie Mullin on Mar 19, 2014
    I would do cream window boxes on upstairs windows Buy some hurricane shutters in creme I would leave them open like an awning then a front porch will add so much curb appeal!
  • Nancy Jane Nancy Jane on Mar 19, 2014
    The color can be dealt with. It is an earth tone. Landscaping would help, some honeysuckle going up the posts and walls on trellis'. Shutters and doors in a 3rd color. A cheerful contrast to the house and trim. You can do this. Work with it instead of hating it
  • Kathy Kathy on Mar 19, 2014
    I think a light color but not white on the doors, and then window boxes the same color then put white flower in the window boxes.
  • Barbara Benson Barbara Benson on Mar 19, 2014
    Paint garage doors and front door an accent color, add shutters painted the same.
  • Mary Jo Michalski-Roach Mary Jo Michalski-Roach on Mar 19, 2014
    Id add some landscaping rocks and plant along patio
  • Penni Replogle Penni Replogle on Mar 19, 2014
    I did something similar...I ended up painting the trim around windows a light cream and put up cream shutters...turned out great and it brightened it up...
  • Lena Campbell Lena Campbell on Mar 19, 2014
    The windows above the garage need to make a much bigger statement. If you can't install larger ones, then fake it. Create some larger looking windows using smoked glass or mirrored glass in the same size as the actual window. Add some shutters to disguise the faked windows. Then add some flower boxes below the windows with some hanging vines/plants and color. Get some colorful flower baskets to hang from the deck and some flowers containers for the deck and plant some flowers and shrubs in front of the area below the deck. Good luck.
  • Cathe Ashcraft Cathe Ashcraft on Mar 19, 2014
    Shutters and a third accent color
  • Deborah M Deborah M on Mar 19, 2014
    I'd also remove the tree
  • Susan Harrier Susan Harrier on Mar 19, 2014
    I painted my house the same exact color--ranch style also with big deck off the back. I am going to go to a much darker brown with black shutters. I agree that the garage doors also need painted. I like all the outdoor lighting! Still looks very cozy even though you don't like it--
  • BrendaG BrendaG on Mar 19, 2014
    Dark Red or Dark Green doors and I agree shutters would be nice
  • Connie Cunningham Connie Cunningham on Mar 19, 2014
    and this is why people should hire a color consultant or interior designer. Not a criticism, just the best way to avoid a costly mistake. Id paint the doors (all of them) a deeper shade. The white or cream draws too much attention and add your railing on the 2nd floor the same color as well.
  • Debby T Debby T on Mar 19, 2014
    Try a light green with a darker green around windows and doors. Please put shrubs and rocks around to accent. I do not recommend mulch.add some Solar lighting.
  • Debi Broadway Debi Broadway on Mar 19, 2014
    I agree with putting a railing up top and below, do it to code for your area and then adding shutters will dress up the outside a lot. Honestly, the color or your house isn't bad, but, the trim color is not very appealing. Maybe go with a lighter color trim and railings and match the garage doors to help your home stand out more.
  • Donna Arsenault Donna Arsenault on Mar 19, 2014
    How about downloading an app or program for choosing exterior colors. If you have already put new siding up or painted,you can use that as your color and play around with complimentary colors for door and trim.I like the idea of shutters and railings and window boxes would add some interest. I see a cosy gazebo feeling near the front door,with a couple of chairs or bench, would make it look inviting.
  • Pamela Pamela on Mar 19, 2014
    I agree it isn't the paint colors it is the fact that there isn't any curb appeal. Add some interest with some of the ideas posted and I think you will see a transformation. Good luck.
  • Donna Conrad Donna Conrad on Mar 19, 2014
    At first it appeared to look like a duplex since the top deck is identical to the bottom. However, if this is a single-home dwelling then the same color that is used for the top decking is what I would paint the garage doors. However, that color is not what I would let remain. I would paint white trim for the house and white shutters. And the front doors a totally different color! I would add window boxes to the upstairs windows with cascading plants. I would add some large clay pots on first floor with lots of color from flowers or a large bushes in pots to cover the electrical outlet from showing and adding some interest to invite people to approach - seating would be a good idea too, with a few Adirondack chairs on that first floor outside area, either both white and/or whatever color you are painting your front doors. You need something of interest to open up the small windows, and that is why I suggest wood shutters on either side of all windows. Maybe, even some metal/iron grill-work found from a junk yard painted white and attached over the garage vertically the length of the garage doors. Or between the upstairs windows or lengthwise down the length of house equivalent to the length of the door and not across. Yet, for sure, the color of the landing upstairs outside - use that color for the garage doors and then all posts/columns and the landing itself paint it white, along with trim all around the house.
  • Bonnie G Bonnie G on Mar 19, 2014
    Put up shutters and a slightly darker color of your house color. Larger Flower pots on each side of your doors with alot of color.
  • Peggy Peggy on Mar 19, 2014
    I always think that unless you have a beautiful garage door it should be painted the color of the house. Some shutters in black with the two doors painted a sea blue or red and definitely a railing around the deck. Then with some simple low maintenance landscaping you should have a beautiful home. Good Luck! Remember it's only paint!
  • Sue Dement Tyler Sue Dement Tyler on Mar 19, 2014
    Get rid of the white, have color used on the house cut in half and use on garge doors and on white around windows. Sme color could b used on the front doo or you could use a greyed turquoise or brick color.
  • Lela P Lela P on Mar 19, 2014
    Your home looks kind of like a khaki color to me. Black can make it pop! I would also use a cream color to paint the edge of the roofs, add window shutters in black and a dark red for the front door. Use the same red and lots of dark green in the landscaping. Add some curved flower beds with shrubs and flowers and black mulch, and a few small trees for curb appeal. Window boxes would be great! Your house would be a combination of khaki, black, cream and red. It would be lovely!
  • Rose J Rose J on Mar 19, 2014
    Change the trim color to a creamy white and add the same color shutters. Lela P's ideas are also great.
  • LeAnn Shultz LeAnn Shultz on Mar 19, 2014
    Now you need to pop with color...reds, yellows, creams would be great. I don't know how much you want to spend so flowers would be an inexpensive way to make it pop.
  • Judy Judy on Mar 19, 2014
    Landscaping will do wonders , probabl ythe most affordable fix ...i do agree w an accent color for the garage door.
  • Joy Badders Joy Badders on Mar 19, 2014
    The front porch would look great decorated with white curtains to provide privacy. Add some comfortable furniture in a light colored print and plants and you have a beautiful and usable outdoor space.
  • Ann Brownlee Ann Brownlee on Mar 19, 2014
    I would paint all trim a light color, including garage doors, trim around windows, if you can't put up shutters now. You could paint the front door a bright color, that pops!
  • Rose J Rose J on Mar 19, 2014
    PS, paint the garage doors the same color as the house, but pick a "punch color" (black?) for the front door. The idea is to make the garage doors go away and lead people to your entry.
  • Mary kemple Mary kemple on Mar 19, 2014
    light grey with blue trim, white accents
  • Diana Letterman Baker Diana Letterman Baker on Mar 19, 2014
    I would paint it taupe with a darker taupe around the windows. Then I would paint the front door red! I would have a huge planter with geraniums near the front door in the summer!
  • Caroline Hargrove Caroline Hargrove on Mar 19, 2014
    Love the color myself. Appears to be a lot of landscaping yet to do, perfect color as a back drop for roses, wisteria etc., flower beds with color. Shutters would add a lot as well Do the shutters, trim and doors in the same color to draw it all together and balance it. The white doors sort of stick out as with any other color other than a very light colored home like white. In the past I've found "inside" colors that I liked to use in "outside" paint. :)
  • Ronda Johnson Ronda Johnson on Mar 19, 2014
    Black or navy Shutters on all the windows and the front door's... Railing on the deck , I don't know if you have to remove the tree but it is leggy like the deck so you need some low bushy plantings. One of my favorite homes is painted Apricot with lots of black and cream accents..
  • Barbara C Barbara C on Mar 19, 2014
    I agree painting all the doors a darker color would be good. For me I would put some flower boxes under the windows over the garage doors. I would also do some landscaping along the drive and across the front of the house.
  • Alicia Carroll Alicia Carroll on Mar 19, 2014
    What about emerald green door and cream trim? I have always heard that contemporary houses shouldn't have shutters but my house does have them and I am going to probably go with emerald green door and shutters. My house is brick but it is similar to yours in color and it is tough. And then yes, add plants! Moon flowers are a really easy flowering vine to grow and tons of fun. You could get them to grow up those posts and it would soften the whole look. I would also do a nice bench on the porch there with some big potted plants. You could add some cream colored cushions on the bench to add some punch. I would go big with your plants and pots.
  • Toni E Toni E on Mar 19, 2014
    If you can't paint again, I would add pretty accents. Bright colored window boxes, front door, etc. My house is a small ranch with light tan siding. Drab and boring. I painted the shutters and front door bright red and the porch railings chocolate brown. It turned out really cute. The boring tan isn't the first thing you see anymore! The garage doors look like they have black "hinges"? Could you paint them to look like old carriage doors? Or something in keeping with the style of house.
  • Shirley P Shirley P on Mar 19, 2014
    actually I like it except the white doors I would like an orange door at entrance that would make it pop
  • Leanne okeon Leanne okeon on Mar 19, 2014
    light grey, bright white trim red door
  • Debbie Hebbeler Debbie Hebbeler on Mar 19, 2014
    All windows need shutters with window boxes and bright flowers that drape over the sides. My suggestion would be that if you want to keep the front door and the garage doors white, I would have all white trim and shutters to soften the dark color. I would even paint the trellis white to incorporate the white. Over the garages I would add a large piece of rod iron you like that would withstand the weather. Add rod iron house numbers centered between the front door and garage door going downwards. @Stephanie
  • Marcia S Marcia S on Mar 19, 2014
    I like the shutter idea,but I love shutters. The only thing I would say to that is don't buy can make them..and with the size of you windows go out and find some pallets and make them out of that..then I would paint the house a light to medium grey and leave the trim red or even a darker red..I think it's Valspar that makes a color called Spanish Tile,it's a deep red, that makes a wonderful accent color. I also love the flower box idea which can also be made out of the pallet..AS far as taking out the tree,besides it costing a lot of $$ you would lose your shade..maybe having them trimmed would be a better idea if the tree was a problem. But I would diffidently put some hanging baskets out and some other landscaping in the ground. In our neighborhood when someone thinned out their landscaping it was always offered to someone of the neighbors so that might be an option in yours..What ever you do..never just settle..because as u found hardly ever like it..Best whishes
  • Debbie Hebbeler Debbie Hebbeler on Mar 19, 2014
    Also add some black rod iron furniture in front of the bay window to pull it all together.
  • Nina Walker Nina Walker on Mar 19, 2014
    I think a red door would be lovely Maybe some planter boxes for the windows would look great
  • Heidi Kapszukiewicz Heidi Kapszukiewicz on Mar 19, 2014
    I note everything is pushed up against the house. How about putting in a lane of colorful and/or flowering shrubs or flowers along the driveway to bring our eye down away from the house? Or a rock walkway you can put flowered plants on???? I agree with some color on the garage door or change the house color to a warm beige.
  • Annette Yach Annette Yach on Mar 19, 2014
    They have these awesome wood looking garage doors(see pic for example)....I bet those would look real cool with this color. Not only that but just some landscaping with some color will help blend everything together.
    comment photo
  • Donna Tracey Donna Tracey on Mar 19, 2014
    if you can't repain, I would use the same coloe on doors, trim garage but very deeper shade , if you can change the color, paint cream with dark brown or burgandy doors, trim etc. I would put a railing around the front porch/ entrance and have hanging ferns in pots ufrom the roof.
  • Erin Dwyer Erin Dwyer on Mar 19, 2014
    I'd go with shutters and maybe some gingerbread trim around the porches. Also maybe do a surround on the columns of the porches to beef them up. It would give it a more stately southern pkantation type look....if u like that style.
  • Cindy Zimmerman Cindy Zimmerman on Mar 19, 2014
    Garage same color as your home, flower boxes under the two windows on the right side above garage doors, color on your doors and some simple landscape... pretty cheap fixes really, but with a big bang.... good luck and have fun.
  • Carol Scott Porter Carol Scott Porter on Mar 19, 2014
    paint the garage doors the same as the trim. add shutters and do a 3rd color that isn't neutral on the front door. then had some landscaping to warm it all up
  • Joy Joy on Mar 19, 2014
    Paint the white a green or burgande,
  • Max Cady Max Cady on Mar 19, 2014
    Shutters..lite color. Paint entry and garage doors. Garage door same as house..entry rust or navy..
  • Dana Bryniarski Dana Bryniarski on Mar 19, 2014
    I think it's fine, but would paint the doors!
  • Mary Hare Mary Hare on Mar 19, 2014
    Get white shutters on your front windows... Put up window boxes on the upper and fill with artificial flowers,,,I did it on house it looks awesome
  • Jeanette Navarro Jeanette Navarro on Mar 19, 2014
    I agree with Lela, paint the garage doors black as well as the white around the windows. I wouldn't do red on the doors (although that might look ok), I just think 3 colors will do the trick. Also you definitely need black shutters, as well as landscaping.
  • Wlhnsc Wlhnsc on Mar 19, 2014
    Shutters would look good.
  • Michelle hayes Michelle hayes on Mar 19, 2014
    Paint the trim white..add shutters...put a nice white railing on the top deck...paint your bottom deck posts white and add some flowers and landscaping a..yellow or red front door would be a nice pop and change the door on the top to a patio door with windows...looks like your almost there with a few changes..good luck 😄
  • Brenda Clark Brenda Clark on Mar 19, 2014
    Move! It's not the color! It's the house!
  • Kay Grelck Kay Grelck on Mar 19, 2014
    You need something to bring your eyes down from above the garage doors, paint the doors and trim with a contrasting color...where ever you picked your color from usually have other color that are similar or contrasting....then bring in some tall scrubs by the garage door and's better than repainting the whole house which is much more expensive.? I'm not an expert, but do know how to save money on projects around the house....good luck, hope this helps '
  • Charl Danley Charl Danley on Mar 19, 2014
    Burgandy or charcoal might be a thought. Also a deep green could be pretty. Do a search for images of tan houses and see what others have done that you might like. I couldn't see what color your shingles are, maybe match the shingles?
  • Deborah Cook Deborah Cook on Mar 19, 2014
  • Barbara K Barbara K on Mar 19, 2014
    Two tone the garage doors with the same paint you used on your house...paint the front door....needs some shrubs & plants for color
  • Jill Lagon Jill Lagon on Mar 19, 2014
    Maybe change the light bulbs to a bright white bulb as well. :)
  • Janet Picone Janet Picone on Mar 19, 2014
    I would accent with maroon shutters
  • Charlene Terrell Charlene Terrell on Mar 19, 2014
    White shutters and trim.
  • Diane M Diane M on Mar 19, 2014
    If money allows maybe stone(a light color) under the deck. Also I agree with Heidi
  • Genette Kurtz Genette Kurtz on Mar 19, 2014
    Put a large trellis across both garage doors. This would mimic the deck. Paint garage doors darker color than house. And I agree with the window boxes under the windows on the right. Also paint deck, trellis and all columns white.
  • Donna Arsenault Donna Arsenault on Mar 19, 2014
    Just saw this link in the related posts shown below,you send them this pic of your house and they can send you back a snapshot of what your house would look like with shutters
  • Phyllis Phyllis on Mar 19, 2014
    Paint doors and garage a cream or light tan color and shutters a dark rust or chocolate. Porch rockers is a must!
  • KrysFL KrysFL on Mar 19, 2014
    Lighten up the trim to a white or off white.
  • Julie Julie on Mar 19, 2014
    I agree that the garage doors need to match the house. I prefer light body so would lighten the house to create more contrast to trim. In order to add interest to the big bare spot above garage doors add a narrow structure to match the other side of the house. Doesn't need to come out from the house very far, just to break up the blank wall.
  • Jackie I Jackie I on Mar 19, 2014
    I would enlarge the moulding around the garage doors and the front door. I agree with putting up a railing on the upper deck that compliments the wider moulding. I would paint the garage doors and the two other doors a warm cream including the new, wider moulding. The potted plants all need to be much larger and a nice two seater bench under the window.
  • Allison Robbins Allison Robbins on Mar 19, 2014
    Shutters, small roof overhang over garage doors, make a front porch with sitting area, flowering shrubs.
  • Sue Deyo Sue Deyo on Mar 19, 2014
    It is a orange tone. I am sure it turned out darker than you thought. Change the trim to a lighter color. White is too stark. It will have to be a taupe creamy color. Change front door and garage door to the same trim color. Get shutters to in a lighter color. Also create a front porch. Get rails to connect to those posts. Then change lighting. Also solar spot lights. Change landscaping put light shrubs that can be shaped and some flowers.
  • Jayne Evans Jayne Evans on Mar 19, 2014
    Paint garage doors same as house. Put up navy blue shutters and window boxes filled with flowers and trailing vines under windows. Paint upper door same as house, front entry door either navy or a bright color and put navy or pots matching entry door color all around the front porch/entry. Landscape the front of the house as well.
  • Joyce A Joyce A on Mar 19, 2014
    Shutters would only elongate those tiny windows. Keep the main color, coordinate a color to match the body of the house for the white doors, garage too, and if affordable, over the garage under those windows do a pergola to match the deck to add interest to that big blank area. (only needs to extend a foot or so).
  • Kelli Blanton Kelli Blanton on Mar 19, 2014
    Paint the garage doors the same color or a tad darker so they don't "pop". Paint the trim white and how about a bright white front door add some bright yellow flowers in white planters on each side of the door.
  • K. Cantrell K. Cantrell on Mar 19, 2014
    If your stuck with the color (Its really not that bad) then pop it up with lots of red stay away from orange though, it's too close in color as the paint and you will look like the Great Pumpkin house! Redo trim only in a cream and then do shutters or window boxes and railing on balcony!, Shutters and front door red (make sure red is an Orange red and not a blue red) and then go with texture in plants. It just needs visual interest. Keep the garage doors in the cream as the trim and let the landscaping be the jewelry on a sensible dress so to speak! :-) I so hope we all have helped you....don't's only paint! :-)
    • Kellie Alexander Kellie Alexander on Mar 19, 2014
      @K. Cantrell I agree. Some red would definitely help. I would also repaint the trim if at all possible to a white -- same as garage doors. Flower boxes on the shorter windows on the right and definitely some decent looking rockers or some sort of settee on the porch. Good luck!
  • Les Bush Les Bush on Mar 19, 2014
    Love the colors. I think landscaping would do a lot to help tie everything together.
  • K. Cantrell K. Cantrell on Mar 19, 2014
    PS, something needs to fill up the space above garage doors. Maybe some type of portico or trellis.
  • Annette Portell Annette Portell on Mar 19, 2014
    I think I would add railing on the deck and some flowering shrubs/flower bed in front of porch colorful garden accents and I am not crazy about the stark white doors. Maybe add a color that will compliment your colors or trim the squares on the doors. A potted tree on the deck. Maybe check out other outdoor lighting options too. The yellow lighting tint against that color is distracting. It may help to change the tint of the bulbs.
  • Jan F Jan F on Mar 19, 2014
    Shutters and a little fence around the deck area.
  • Tina H Tina H on Mar 19, 2014
    I would put a railing on the upper deck, then paint railing, posts, deck and all trim work either a white or light cream. Garage and house doors of a contrasting color. For landscape maybe some flowering vines that would go up the columns and maybe across the upper railing along with some low shrubs and other perennials along front/side to add more curb appeal. While it might be a bit dated, a large monogram initial or some type of grapevine wreath/etc centered above the garage doors, that would break up the starkness and add a little interest, will tone down the color there. Just my thoughts! Whatever you do, please post some pics :)
  • Rhonda Rhonda on Mar 19, 2014
    Landscaping and bigger trim around the windows and garage doors would add a lot but also consider a better front door and add personality to the 'porch'.
  • Amy Little Amy Little on Mar 19, 2014
    Shutters and white trim would brighten up the house color. The house color itself is nice.
  • Debbie Debbie on Mar 19, 2014
    I would replace the door and put side-lights on both sides of the door, put shutters on the windows over the garage with the same hardware as the garage. Put a small white half fence under the overhead veranda, remove that post by your living room window, and place one at either end, not in the middle Make the cement walkway as wide as the veranda , if it isnt already and put a couple of wicker chairs out there with a small table, for a patio setting. Make sure you put to evergreens and colorful plants at the posts, tree and middle. One last thing, i would put a trim piece of wood the same color and width as the veranda and continue it across the garage to the end, so the lines of the veranda flow over to the garage. The space over the garage is too vacant/empty. Always have three colors brown, white, dark brown, or rust, cream..,green......
  • Kathy Kathy on Mar 19, 2014
    I love the PA barn quilts you could stencil something like that above your garage doors. I would also paint the garage doors.
  • Annette Portell Annette Portell on Mar 19, 2014
    If I were to paint it I would have went with a light gray and grapey burgundy trim
  • Jane Jane on Mar 19, 2014
    Definitely shutters and a lighter trim.
  • Leslie Creane Leslie Creane on Mar 19, 2014
    Flower boxes with color and trailing plants. Use large pots around the garage doors with tall planting and paint garage doors to look like they have windows in them.
  • Lorraine V Lorraine V on Mar 19, 2014
    the little roof/deck needs a railing of some sort; perhaps planter boxes instead of real railing. paint the boxes in your favorite bright color. then use that same color for doors and some of the new DIY skinny shutters but not the garage. Paint garage doors the main color of your house. On ground level, I would add same skinny shutters to big window. For added interest to your landscape, I would add low ground spreading shrubs along front of porch. The area to the right of the front door needs a very large wreath perhaps grapevine type to which you could decorate with seasonal silk flowers. Along the driveway, continue with evergreen type low ground level shrubs.(can't think of the name of them but they would give detail with out clashing with window boxes above. Draw this plan out on paper and see what you think. It's minimal cost with high impact.
  • Barbara Barbara on Mar 19, 2014
    Your Home needs architectural interest..first get rid of the tree that is blocking your front door..create a grand inviting entrance.with great hardware a more sophisticated wood door, painted a contrasting color to the house, the door could have side light on both sides.. also interesting moulding around the door as well.. add larger more interesting exterior lighting..scale to size of the house/door/windows . pergola across the entire upper facade of the house.. /.shutters on the windows. the color of the house can be changed to light green or gray.. with crisp white pergola.. landscaping front of the house, low shrubbery evergreens and perennials mixed with some bulbs and annuals..
  • Emma Horton Emma Horton on Mar 19, 2014
    White bench on the porch and some pots and plants...
  • Debora Brown Debora Brown on Mar 19, 2014
    shutters, blooming bushes and a small fence around the ground floor patio
  • Penny Hubbard Penny Hubbard on Mar 19, 2014
    Extend the porch cover all the way across the garage doors. Add green bushes with flowers. Add white shutters around the windows. Nice color really!
  • Janis Consolver Janis Consolver on Mar 19, 2014
    Add white shutters
  • Jocelynn Rapp Jocelynn Rapp on Mar 19, 2014
    Matching railing on the top and bottom areas, make them a sitting area , also matching the sets on top and bottom.Landscaping with lits of flowers and hanging baskets.I agree with shutters for all the windows and also the front door. You could also get architechural top of the garage doors...your home is lovely, just needs a pop here and there...
  • Christine Christine on Mar 19, 2014
    The shutters plus some window boxes with colorful flowers be great!! Definitely needs some pops of color where ever you can fit it!!
  • Ann Grunloh Ann Grunloh on Mar 19, 2014
    White shutters. Looks like black hinge-type trim on garage doors so white deck railing with black iron spindles.
  • Diana Ward Diana Ward on Mar 19, 2014
    The color is nice and is just begging for a pop of color elsewhere on the house. The color looks earthy (hard to tell in pics) about painting the doors (front and garage) in a shade of orange/red? A nice trellis with climbing roses between the front door and garage door as well. You def. need something above the garage doors...maybe you can find a nice piece of salvage...metal, that would really define the area. A seat below the front window with large print fabric would draw the eye too. Good've got good bones and a lot of suggestions!
  • Jasmin Jasmin on Mar 19, 2014
    I think bright white shutters & railing on the second level porch. I agree with removing the tree in front of the door , large landscaped areas in front of the house & up the drive way. Maybe a couple of white rocking chairs with a small table on the porch. I think your house is pretty... It just needs some jewelry ; ) lol.
  • Sherry Harvey Sherry Harvey on Mar 19, 2014
    Definitely add railing to the upper balcony and paint those rails plus the columns on the downstairs in white, and put a couple of white rockers on the downstairs porch. Later, you can add some flower beds and/or bushes outside which will dress it all up, too. I think that would be enough that you wouldn't need the oft-suggested shudders necessarily.
  • Pj Gates Pj Gates on Mar 19, 2014
    I would dig in 2 feet from all your walk ways and drive ways and plant lots of color to soften all that concrete. I like Joans idea with the dark blue trim and door that would give it some pop. Maybe a nice matching bench under that tree too. Hope all works out.
  • Mclines Mclines on Mar 19, 2014
    You might try pots with flowers in front of the windows. That usually brighten up things
  • Betty Jaynes Betty Jaynes on Mar 19, 2014
    It looks a bit like an apartment house. Make it look more single family home. You have some great suggestions here and it seems white shutters, plants and porches. Nice house with lots of possibilities keep asking for help. ...people have such good ideas these days.
  • Sondra Sondra on Mar 19, 2014
    The colors aren't that bad, it appears bland because you need a bit more landscaping. Perhaps a big lilac bush towards the left end of the house, a flower bed with rose bushes, ferns, clematis, birdbath, etc to bring color and interest into your living area. A trellis around the garage doors with a climbing rose, clematis, or other flowering vine would help. A climbing vine across your patio cover would look cool also. Personally I don't think your house is the right style for shutters. Perhaps some colorful lawn furniture on your patio, in front of the big window would make it more homey and appealing as well. Some places, such as Hobby Lobby, have interesting wall decor, like stars, etc that you could put above the garage doors. Paint them to the colors (red, white, browns) that you would like if they don't have the right color and put about 3 large stars across.
  • Carolyn Bebb Carolyn Bebb on Mar 19, 2014
    I agree with the shutters. bright flowers
  • Janet Mitchell Janet Mitchell on Mar 19, 2014
    I would put shutters on those windows...same color as you have around the windows...paint your front door that color or a contrasting color and add more landscaping and pots of flowers.
  • Pj Horst Mcconoughey Pj Horst Mcconoughey on Mar 19, 2014
    Our brick house had black shutters until recently when hubby painted then orange. What a difference it made. They now draw the orange out of the bricks and looks much better
  • Peggy Donnelly Peggy Donnelly on Mar 19, 2014
    It looks like a motel. I would invest in new windows, install only one garage door and maybe add window shutters. The color is not my favorite either, but installing shutters would give you a place to add contrasting or complementary color.
  • Rhonda Vigus Rhonda Vigus on Mar 19, 2014
    I think the trim should be changed to black and black shutters. It's easy to try, just print out the picture and color the trim and draw in the shutters.
  • Pat Staum Pat Staum on Mar 19, 2014
    Sorry, but why would you want to highlight garage doors? They should blend in with the house so they fade away. Shutters would help but don't see white ones -- how about black.
  • Robin Stauffer Robin Stauffer on Mar 19, 2014
    Blue or turquoise shutters and trim. Bigger windows.
  • Candace Seaton Candace Seaton on Mar 19, 2014
    Is there a rail around the deck? Looks dangerous. Build onto the deck with an arbor, so it looks like the deck goes all the way, but it is really open. Plant a pretty vine up each post and all the way across. Paint garage doors a light tan (too much contrast). Get a set of pretty white wicker porch furniture and BIG pots with colorful flowers either side of door...Paint doors dark chocolate.
  • Janie Taylor Janie Taylor on Mar 19, 2014
    planter boxes on the upstairs windows with white shutters
  • Jennifer Davis Bunn Jennifer Davis Bunn on Mar 19, 2014
    Perhaps there's too much contrast with the white doors. I would paint them all cream, as well as the pergola, and landscape. Mullions on the windows trimmed in cream, also.
  • Sheila kaperak Sheila kaperak on Mar 19, 2014
    Darker doors and shutters a third color.
  • Lynne Lynne on Mar 19, 2014
    Your front door should pop with color, your garage doors should blend in with the house. You are welcoming people in to your house through your front door not your garage door. :)
  • Rosalind Coates Rosalind Coates on Mar 19, 2014
    Add a third color by putting up white shutters, and trim around the door. It's cheaper than repainting and you'll love the difference.
  • Darlene Mitrevics Darlene Mitrevics on Mar 19, 2014
    Paint your garage doors the same color as your siding, enlarge (if you can) and paint your bottom front door with a pop of color (your entrance needs to be better defined), definitely shutters, remove the tree blocking the door, big potted plants to try to cover up the top door (which I would also paint the siding color), add a small table and a couple of chairs on the porch, and more landscaping! You need a better focus for your entrance.
  • Naomi Naomi on Mar 19, 2014
    I would add black shutters and black wrouht iron embellishments above the garage doors.
  • Barbara Felps Barbara Felps on Mar 19, 2014
    Do put shutters on all the windows. I think a barn red color for the trim would be a nice color.I would paint the garage door the same color as the house.
  • Doug Wade Doug Wade on Mar 19, 2014
    I would definitely paint the garage doors the same as the house. It would make it look bigger, not having it being broken up. Gives it more linear illusion of length. Agreed with some sort of railing around the top deck. Hang some flower baskets from under the overhang on both porches, and possibly plant a wisteria to grow up around the support posts on the porch. Agree also about altering the front door color to contrast.
  • Cheryl Green Cheryl Green on Mar 19, 2014
    I would paint the front door blue and put up some shutter and window boxes. You need some landscaping.
  • Terri Kotula Terri Kotula on Mar 19, 2014
    Do a little research on the "era" of your house...Once you know that, then google or bing what colors were traditionally used....That's what we did for our 1920's Craftsman Bungalow. Ended up beautiful!
  • Spiral Design C Spiral Design C on Mar 19, 2014
    Add a third accent color such as on front door and shutters. White would lighten it up.
  • Regenia Lynn May Regenia Lynn May on Mar 19, 2014
  • Regenia Lynn May Regenia Lynn May on Mar 19, 2014
    Window boxes
  • Nanci Burroughs Nanci Burroughs on Mar 19, 2014
    I would paint the trim, trellis and garage doors a chocolate brown, then add baby blue, green or turquoise shutters. If you don't want to add shutters you could paint the front door a bright color and add flower boxes to the windows over the garage.
  • BECKIE BECKIE on Mar 19, 2014
    make the doors pop!! find a color that does that, something no one else on the block has, dont put this on the garage door, find a color that works with the color you have for that like a 3rd color and throw out some colorful containers with more flowers to draw the eye away from the darkness. hope this helps!!
  • Barbara R Barbara R on Mar 19, 2014
    I do like the color you chose...and shutters are pretty reasonable and easy to put up (I did mine myself). They can be spray painted any color you want, preferably to match the new 3rd color you decide of your front door. Yes, camouflage the garage doors & the door upstairs with same color (brown) paint...Lots of good ideas here, let us know what you decide!
  • Lee Ann Yeager Lee Ann Yeager on Mar 19, 2014
    I would paint the whole grey, white trim, white shutters and red or colonial blue on the front door. Ours is a charcoal grey with white trim and a red door, I would do a flower bed from the driveway to the corner of the house on a curve. The curvy flowerbed will take away from the sharp corners of the house. I wouldn't do window boxes as those will bring in ants. You can do hanging pots on the second floor. Also you can do potted miniature firs on the outside of the garage doors and one between the doors which you can put lights on during the holiday season. These are just suggestions. Please post a picture with whatever you decide to do along with this one.
  • Brenda S Brenda S on Mar 19, 2014
    I agree to the one who said paint the garage doors the same color as the house so they don't stand out, and I would paint the front door a red color and add the same red color to shutters at the windows.
  • Marcia Smith Marcia Smith on Mar 19, 2014
    Definitely paint the garage doors to match your siding. Paint the front door a popping color. Add shutters which could be the same color as the front door with a third color as the trim around the windows. I would also add long shutters to the front door. This would make more of a statement to those coming to your beautiful home. Lots of colorful flowers, landscaping and hanging baskets will pull it all together.
  • Barbara Barbara on Mar 19, 2014
    House color is very pretty, changing color of garage doors would make a big difference! If you can, the rail on the deck would be amazing.Also love the shutter and window boxes on windows idea would really soften the look. I too think barn red trim and doors would look outstanding also agree the garage doors should match the house! Let us know what you decide!! Have fun
  • Joan Dingeldein Caughlin Joan Dingeldein Caughlin on Mar 19, 2014
    Cream or beige colored shutters--a little navy line around window and paint doors navy!
  • Lupe R Lupe R on Mar 19, 2014
    And some landscape, green against the house will sound out nicely 😃
  • Lupe R Lupe R on Mar 19, 2014
  • Myra J Bruso Myra J Bruso on Mar 19, 2014
    Try a gray paint for the house and add white shutters!
  • Reno Girl Reno Girl on Mar 19, 2014
    Paint out the brown trim the same color as your garage doors. Put up a frosted railing with white trim for the upper deck. Tremclad rails are maintenance free. But if you don't want to do that option definitely paint the rail white along with the spindles as well as the bottom posts to match your window trims and garage doors.A simple pop of color for curb appeal. Another option is to paint the framing on the deck the same color as your siding with the spindles being painted white then add white lattice on top of your railing which will be framed in with the color of your siding.( Add 2ft of white lattice on top of your upper deck railing). Paint your entry and upper deck doors a welcoming bright color that you love that would complement your siding. Suggestion cobalt blue or a rusty red. (If you like these bright colors) Paint your columns the same as the deck above which will be white same as your garage and trims.(If you choose not to do the framing in the same as the siding color for the upper deck) . Add some white lattice for privacy that is framed in along the front portion of the bottom level as this would tie in your upper deck if you don't want to do Tremclad option. Plant vines with white lattice up each column to match the upper deck to match your garage doors and window trims if you don't want to add the full privacy lattice option. Add tall planters the same color as your entry and upper doors that you have painted in your welcoming favorite color that complements your siding .Place these planters between your garage doors and on either side of them as well as your entry door. Add a meandering or curving garden running up the length of the driveway. Do not do a straight garden! You need to soften your curb appeal! Enjoy your love of labor!
  • Suzan Averitt Suzan Averitt on Mar 19, 2014
    Love the color. If you are in the right climate, plant large deep red bougainvillaea to climb the walls.
  • Sarah Siskin Sarah Siskin on Mar 19, 2014
    white shutters, red trim, tall plants along the front of the house and down the driveway. window boxes with pink flowers. looks good!
  • Kathy O Kathy O on Mar 19, 2014
    I like the idea of black door, shyters, garage doors. And some planter boxes and stuff on big windows and by door..
  • Laurie L Laurie L on Mar 19, 2014
    Stephanie, is it the overall color that you don't like or do you think it needs just a little more accents needed to bring it out more? I do agree with many of the suggestions to add shutters to the windows, your home is quite large and the windows seem to get swallowed up with the narrow trim around them. If you prefer not to add shutters you could add some wider decorative trim around the windows to balance them out more. As well as the garage doors frame. If you like the idea of the flower boxes, you could add those on the ground level, which would give the picture window a nice accent. The trim color that you have gone with, is ok, but with that dark color again it is not giving the look that you want especially with the upper deck. With the deck you probably want to go with a lighter shade, maybe a cream color, and paint both the deck and the lower supports that color as well as all the trim. Use the trim color that you currently have and use that on the garage doors and the entry doors, upper and lower.. Adding railings to both upper and lower would really make a great impact on those areas, painting those the same color as the trim. This way you would be using your dark color as only an accent. With the cream color used for trim and the deck, it will brighten the darker hues and give you a little lighter affect. Some landscaping wouldn't hurt either, plants and potted flowers to add some curb appeal. On a side note, you really should add steps to the upper deck, maybe down the side of the house so that they are not real prominent. But that is a real safety hazard along with no railings.
    comment photo
  • Carol W Carol W on Mar 19, 2014
    It depends on the kind of look you want to go with... right now it is basic to the extreme...all hardscape and no softscape. You have what looks to be a balcony above the porch area. I would suggest some type of decorative pillars- rock or peeled logs if you are going rustic, wrought iron if you are going Victorian, tapered if you are going Craftsman, etc. Next consider whether you want railing between the posts/pillars, again in keeping with the style of pillar/post you use. Then consider if you want to put a couple of elongated planter boxes on the rail if you choose a rail or a low row of bushes, or short hedge with some flowering landscape in front of it if you don't want the planter boxes and bring it partially down the side of the driveway to incorporate it as a smooth transition. If you go with planter boxes, make sure that you put in some trailing plants to add interest. Another option would be to build a decorative lattice with round or square shaped "windows" so you can showcase hanging baskets...maybe extending your walk way out a bit below to make it like an outdoor room... most definitely you will want your garage doors to blend in with the house rather than emphasizing them. Also if you go with the planter boxes across the area on the left of your photo, I would suggest some planter boxes to go on the windows above the garage so that the view is a lovely panorama of flowers and greens tying both the living section with the garage section of the house... you want it to seem like it is one home not two buildings set side by side. I would definitely paint the door a bright welcoming color, but since your house is a fall color like nutmeg, I would go with maybe an orange door and put a wide trim around the door with either a darker brown or even a fall shade of green like an olive, or muted but dark shade. Shutters of the same shade of darker brown or the green color that was chosen... Take a sample of your house paint down and look at the color swatches available to see what blends well and what pops. You might even look at wallpaper samples to get an idea of colors that would go well together for your trim and door. You have a house with great 'bones' and could easily be taken up a notch or two by just a few external things... hope you post pictures of your after so we can see what you chose to do!
  • Carol W Carol W on Mar 19, 2014
    This is what I was talking about with the pillars and rail... idea...check out the facebook page of If the world had a front would give you some great ideas!
  • Sbauer Sbauer on Mar 19, 2014
    For a woodsy, natural effect, try a dark green on garage doors, front door and trim. For more POP and a "southwest" look, try turquoise on the front door and select trim, but paint the garage doors either a shade or two darker (or lighter) than the house blend but not be exactly the same. I love red, too, but dark green or turquoise might make a bolder statement. Be sure to have a paint swatch of the house when choosing any color in order to choose other colors that blend well.
  • Debby Debby on Mar 19, 2014
    Adding a third"pop" of color would go long ways to livening it up. And paint garage doors same house color. Paint the front door something fun. Start small, but beginning in the spring start adding landscaping across the front around the tree and extending down the drive. Most garden centers will help you design and put sections together to give you color now w annuals and start adding perennials and fill next year w annuals til you get it down to a low maintenance garden. And some time down the road change out the porch posts or cover them. Be creative you have a great space to work with. Good Luck.
  • Ann Gunderson-Jones Ann Gunderson-Jones on Mar 19, 2014
    the house looks nice! how about a dark brown on the balcony, window boxes over the garage on those windows
  • Connie Smith Connie Smith on Mar 19, 2014
    It is difficult to tell the real color. If it is tan I would use a burgundy color on the doors and Garage doors. Add a few box shrubs in front. I would add lot's of color with hanging pots with a variety of colors. Then finish it up with some furniture at good will or garage sales paint them in awesome 3rd color choice, and put a few baskets on tables and toss pillows and old quilts across your furniture... I picture nice summer nights in comfort on either porch setting.... Lots of candles.... little wine and ahhhhhh ... I even like small lamps with soft lighting....
  • Judi Stump Judi Stump on Mar 19, 2014
    The colors aren't bad. But I do agree . White shutters would be a nice touch. Landscape would help . Planters and some plants would add some design and and color and soften the look.
  • Kim Poulsen-Smith Kim Poulsen-Smith on Mar 19, 2014
    Yes paint the white a different color. Maybe a burgundy?
  • Tina Lynn Tina Lynn on Mar 19, 2014
    Yes paint for the garage doors but also a decorative piece above the garage doors would do wonders. I personally like the house color
  • N J Gross N J Gross on Mar 19, 2014
    Plant some trees, bushes, flowers; shutters on the windows; decorative pieces above the garage?
  • Lori Johnson Lori Johnson on Mar 20, 2014
    How about making the trim thicker/wider and use the same paint color? It would be to scale of the whole house and the big whiteness wouldn't stand out so much. That would help anchor the trim color. The upper deck looks like it's floating, so heavier looking columns painted the same as the upper deck would help lots. Yup, shutters too. Architectural detail will make your house look great! Nice color selection! The tree is blocking the front door,thus unwelcoming. A Natural meandering pathway of sand stone would look awesome lined with flowering shrubs. and just like others say: glorious vines climbing up the columns will add charm! Okay! That was so much fun spending your money! Wishing you the best!
  • Sheila Sheila on Mar 20, 2014
    Low bushes in front. Change the lighhting it looks institutional. The white is SO bland, pick a color you like, look at carssee if you can find a color you can agree on.
  • Susan Susan on Mar 20, 2014
    A seat under the window on the porch would be nice. Maybe some large potted plants and miniature trees. Our neighbor has some large white square planters on his porch with boxwoods, and they look nice. I wouldn't do white though, but maybe a complimentary beige color. Some hanging pots of flowers from the roof of your porch would really dress it up as well. I don't think you have to repaint it...just dress it up with accessories. I would paint the posts to match the roof of your porch.
  • Alma Williams Alma Williams on Mar 20, 2014
    The house has a big facade and a small 'entryway'. If you could replace the single door with double French doors, I would. Have those doors white and paint the facings a cream somewhere between white and the house color. I'd add facings around all the windows in the same cream color. By all means, paint the garage doors the same color as the house. To add more interest, you could divide the house in half horizontally and paint the upper story a slightly lighter color than the first floor. It isn't the paint color that's wrong; it's the sameness of it all.
  • Debra Debra on Mar 20, 2014
    I agree with white around the window frames and I would add a pop of black with wrought iron window boxes under the ground floor window as well as the upper level windows over the garage. Changing out flowers with the seasons. You could make some great flower arrangements that would add a little more color.
  • Phyllis Gross Phyllis Gross on Mar 20, 2014
    Perhaps a burgundy or cranberry color for the garage doors
  • Debra Fugate Bercot Debra Fugate Bercot on Mar 20, 2014
    Window shutters,a different color garage door,shutters in same color.
  • Brenda Tumlin Brenda Tumlin on Mar 20, 2014
    Maybe shutter (white) and shrubs and flower pots
  • Heather Domke Heather Domke on Mar 20, 2014
    Paint garage doors closer to house colour so they are not the focal point and perhaps put some shutters on in an accent colour
  • Windows Etc., Inc. Windows Etc., Inc. on Mar 20, 2014
    Paint color is fine, however I'm suggest adding black shutters, paint the front door an accent color - such as a brighter burnt orange possible, You definitely need to soften the front of the house with landscaping!!!!, not a square design, but some curved lines to soften the look so everything isn't so linear/square - even curving it down into the driveway area - so it looks inviting. Add some furniture/accessories to the front porch as well.
  • Tammy M Tammy M on Mar 20, 2014
    I like the color. You need shutters and landscaping.
  • Anne marie D Anne marie D on Mar 20, 2014
    You need shutters and some kind of landscaping could help. I would also go with a dif color for the trim too much in the same family.
  • Susan Stearns Susan Stearns on Mar 20, 2014
    add flower brushes by the side walk, paint the gradge door same color of the house
  • Toni Marckese Toni Marckese on Mar 20, 2014
    I love the house color. First create a sitting area under big window with big pots of difference colors. Put swing hanging from the house at the very end of that area. Whatever color furniture you use to paint the garage door a shade different and use that color as your accent around the windows. Paint front door different color. Maybe change the light fixtures.( like them though. Maybe have ones by garage different kind. Is that a deck above? I would have a few plants that hang on the edges. Add a rail? Have fun! You can always repaint.
  • Sandra Schulze Sandra Schulze on Mar 20, 2014
    A few flowering bushes and white shutters on the windows to give some pzizazz.
  • Eig310880 Eig310880 on Mar 20, 2014
    Trim, garage doors, should be the same color. Claps should be light as that makes anything look expansive..get rid of all the light and put a security lite on each corner and one/two by the entry. a short post and rail fence along front to driveway . some low lying bushes or perennials, will warm the place up.
  • Erika W Erika W on Mar 20, 2014
    Find a piece of "outdoor-able" art to hang centered above the garage doors. If you can budget it, maybe some new really stylish garage doors. There are so many styles to choose from.
  • Candie Firebaugh Candie Firebaugh on Mar 20, 2014
    Love the color but agree the garage and front doors are too light. You need a railing on the upper deck and make the door not so obvious. This looks like a duplex...
  • Duffy V Duffy V on Mar 20, 2014
    It's not the paint color. It's the garage, door and lack of landscaping
  • Jim L Jim L on Mar 20, 2014
    Please...DO NOT add shutters to these windows! The "thin" shutters do not fit these windows and look soooo bad! Paint the house pale gray. Beef up the skinny post. Paint the trim white and the door yellow...paint the garage doors yellow also...and add plants. Add larger lights under the porch and use smaller, matching ones on the garage.
  • Valeria Blackburn Valeria Blackburn on Mar 20, 2014
    I like Jim L's suggestions above, plus, I would maybe add some kind of railing to the upstairs porch to give it a balcony look, and add some architectural interest. Then lots of plants around the porches to soften them up.
  • Caree Kaufman Caree Kaufman on Mar 20, 2014
    Go lighter and a little brighter, maybe a pale yellow?? Definitely add some shutters to take away from the flatness of the front, and spruce up the landscaping a little. A little will go a long way. So sorry you didn't like the color, I hate it when that happens.
  • Lisa DeLuca Lisa DeLuca on Mar 20, 2014
    You could go with white shutters and change the color of the front doors, top,and bottom to periwinkle blue. Plant some dwarf lilacs which have a longer and later bloom time than regular lilacs. Change that pergola color to white which will make that front area a focal point and draw attention away from the siding color- which btwnisn't really that bad. Good luck!
  • Lisa DeLuca Lisa DeLuca on Mar 20, 2014
    Oh, and get rid of that black wrought iron hardware on your garage door. It conflicts with the style of the house.
  • Judy Ellison Judy Ellison on Mar 20, 2014
    Lisa's right paint the trim white to. You also need curb appeal. Plant larger plants under the window and potted plants on the porch w a comfy sitting area. Put a white railing around the top then some plants. And another comfy sitting area there. Also a white scalloped skirt/ trim around the roof of both porches/balcony areas. Give it a welcome home and sit a while look. The color is fine just ad white. Good luck it's very cute with huge posabilities
  • Andrea P Andrea P on Mar 20, 2014
    Paint again, pale grey, as Jim says, or white. Paint the garage door the same color as the house, lose the "carriage house" garage door trim and paint the front door a bold contrasting color. Please redo the balcony and below it, making it prettier and softer. Paint it the same color as the house.
  • Teresa K Teresa K on Mar 20, 2014
    Paint the trim black
  • Grandy Grandy on Mar 20, 2014
    I read a long time ago that yellow houses are more welcoming. Keep the brown trim and make a focal point in the yard to your liking.
  • Sandy Johnson Sandy Johnson on Mar 20, 2014
    Paint the house grey and the trim and the garage doors black. Do flower boxes under the small windows. Do a long bench on the bottom porch with bright colorful outdoor trow pillows. Put a railing around the top porch and hang a couple of ferns. Paint the doors a bright color ..electric blue!!! or yellow, red, or teal.
  • Andrea D'Avignon Andrea D'Avignon on Mar 20, 2014
    I think adding a railing by the porch area and some shrubs in front would do a lot to soften the front. Definitely a different color with trim that compliments color! It just has doesn't pop right now.
  • Victoria Lee Hirt Victoria Lee Hirt on Mar 20, 2014
    You have made your garage doors the focal point of your house. Paint then and their trim the same color as the rest of your house. Then landscaple the front of your house with your entry as the focal point.
  • Sandra A Sandra A on Mar 20, 2014
    Yeah...a railing is a good start, for the balcony. I'd go with moss green on the house but only if the paint needs to be redone...otherwise, go cheaper and pop it with craftsman colors on the trim: re-stain the redwood pergola. paint the doors and garage doors with a matte metal paint (I'm currently loving the Rustoleum 2x and great results). You have a lot of horizontal lines going on...Try adding tall/vertical pots in complimentary colors (deep earth tones)...even if you use fake flowers in them. I'd get 2-3 for under the pergola. Also, maybe a seating group with vertical stripes on it....think definition and dimension. A flag on the garage would add dimension too.
  • Pamela Dikeman Pamela Dikeman on Mar 20, 2014
    Paint the doors and hardware a pale gold, stencil the edges of the deck and put up a railing, plant,plant ,plant
  • Dawn Otto Murray Dawn Otto Murray on Mar 20, 2014
    I like a lot of the other suggestions but I also think you should put a small pergola that mirrors the other one above the garage doors - this will add some much needed balance.
  • Stephanie S Stephanie S on Mar 20, 2014
    I like the idea of a pergola, or of extending the second floor balcony the length of the house to add balance to the facade. I happen to love yellow houses, so I would go with a pale yellow and white trim. Adding some distinctive landscaping around the trees and incorporating a curved path from driveway to porch would add visual interest as well.
  • Daisypicker Daisypicker on Mar 20, 2014
    To brighten your home on the frugal side...I'd paint all of the window trim; door frames white. I'd paint the front door an accent color that you both can agree on like a deep Green or mauve would pop but what ever would match the color scheme you already have would work great to. To adjust the focal point to your entry way, add either a scrub landscape around the front porch or enclose that porch area with a small railed fence painted white. If you go with the enclosed area downstairs I'd add the same upstairs as well to match. To brighten the entry area the posts would look fabulous painted white. The color that you home currently is, is an elegant color, with the right accents you will grow to love it. I own a very odd shaped house and we painted it all 1 color and accented it with the color your home is currently, we added the white shutters to add a more warm country fell to it as well as adding the white railed fence in front of the porch we extended out. We also have an upstairs but not a seating area and we painted our support posts white. It's a sweet country cottage now but we are in a small town and wanted that type of look. A little paint does wonders if you put it in the right spots. Have fun and try not to stress. I've painted and repainted many a times but a whole house...I usually had to wait until the next time to redo that...hang in there and take it in stride. Accent accent accent the areas you want to pop and draw attention to and recolor the areas you don't. Be sure to show us all what you did. It's going the be cute what ever you guys decide.
  • Rhea Riddle Rhea Riddle on Mar 20, 2014
    Dark Brick colored paint--more red than orange-- on doors; garage doors, and maybe some landscaping pots.
  • Yvette Yvette on Mar 20, 2014
    I'd paint the front door forrest green, and agree with the white shutters. A few colorful plants would help too.
  • Patricia Clark Patricia Clark on Mar 20, 2014
    Definitely a railing around that deck and some nice potted plants.! Trim the windows in white and add shutters and window boxes on the windows above the garage. I'm not crazy about the hardware on the garage doors either. And the front yard needs some landscaping. Maybe some low growing shrubs and flowers in front and along the sidewalk and along the driveway.
  • Robin LaRiviere Robin LaRiviere on Mar 20, 2014
    Classic White with black shutters and a red door!!! Place greenery around house, small trees! Patio wicker furniture!!!
  • Jocelyn D Jocelyn D on Mar 20, 2014
    bright flowers / or maybe even a trellis at the end. different lights
  • Imagene Freeman Imagene Freeman on Mar 20, 2014
    maybe a wine or burgundy for shutters...and a rail on the deck.. and stain the concrete ..
  • Annette Choate Annette Choate on Mar 20, 2014
    I agree with most paint all the trim. I think white. A rail around the top deck. White Window boxes under the ones above the garage. Long planter under front lower window. Potted Italian cypress between the 2 garage doors. Paint the doors darker reddish brown.
  • Margi Margi on Mar 20, 2014
    Shutters and lots more shrubs & plantings.
  • Dana Smyth Dana Smyth on Mar 20, 2014
    Butter yellow with light gray window frames and white on the the window caseing!! It looks nice together!
  • Barbara williams Barbara williams on Mar 20, 2014
    I had always wanted a soft pretty light yellow home with white trim..looked great but the desert sun made it fade fast...I finally found a paint from behr called antique chest and a complimentary trim home is awesome now..
  • Wanda sinnema Wanda sinnema on Mar 20, 2014
    Since you have a white garage door(s) I'd carry the white around the windows....but I would change the door colors, at least for the main make it stand out and pop more, so it says HERE,, is where you come in.. The upper door I'd use the same color as the trim and on a railing. It almost looks like a apartment waiting for some stairs to the 2nd floor. A narrow flowerbed with lower ing shrubs in front of the window, maybe a few pots on each side of the door..Something narrow and verticle-maybe evergreen like a DWARF HINOKI cypress,,This year you might just do some pots,,,,try different color combos and see what you like together..
  • Wanda sinnema Wanda sinnema on Mar 20, 2014
    I might add I have a brick home almost the same tone as the paint color. Ours has dark brown gutters and sofits,,The new vinal windows are almond. When we bought storm doors, we went with a wine colored...White didn't look right, beige would be harder to keep clean, chocolate brown was to blah....I got a sample of the door trim from the hardware,,,, a had it computer matched for the door color.. Now my flowers and shrubs are all shades of plums, pinks, purple,,, and I use a splash of lime (lemon cypress tree) in potson the street side of the house. Another option is a computer program, you can play with the design, till you get one you like..Lastly hire a master gardener or local landscape designer for a short consultation.. Even some of your local nurseries have good ones on staff..
  • Kristy Cronk Kristy Cronk on Mar 20, 2014
    I'd paint the house yellow with black trim and shutters and a red door. Classic with a little spunk of red :)
  • Evelyn Dickson Evelyn Dickson on Mar 20, 2014
    Repaint your garage doors- don't leave them white.....that dominates all the colors....just sayin'
  • Bill Snyder Bill Snyder on Mar 20, 2014
    I agree shutters in a light and bright color will make a huge impact. Paint the garage door and use 2 colors one for trim and one main. Maybe shutter color for main and house color for trim to tie it all together. Some bright landscape colors would help also.
  • Gayle Wylie Gayle Wylie on Mar 20, 2014
    Landscaping and shutters
  • Gloria W Gloria W on Mar 20, 2014
    Take the picture during daylight not when it's getting dark and you have the lights on. Just don't see it at all...I hate it to...
  • Joanne W Joanne W on Mar 20, 2014
    My home is almost identical to this. When we replaced the siding two years ago, I knew I wanted a color that was soothing and calm with my color pallet. Since I love a French country style, I chose a siding that was called a cornflower blue. After having it done, I noticed several houses in our neighborhood, used the same color scheme. I have never regretted it. It is relaxing and so easy to plant flowers and bulbs without any clashing!!
  • Shelby Jacobs Shelby Jacobs on Mar 20, 2014
    We painted ours "humble gold" which ended up looking like a butternut squash color. Hated it. We changed our doors to "plant pot red" and added white trim with a white trellis, as well as ornamental grasses and feel in love with it (as did our neighbors)
  • Kathy Warren Kathy Warren on Mar 20, 2014
    Paint trim dark brown
  • Janeice Griffin Janeice Griffin on Mar 20, 2014
    Need some landscaping, curb appeal
  • Dorothy M Dorothy M on Mar 20, 2014
    I like it. The Magic Brush lady on Facebook did some garage doors and they looked like wood. That might look good.
  • DeAnna Rasmussen Barr DeAnna Rasmussen Barr on Mar 20, 2014
    Found this color scheme at I wouldn't keep the garage doors white.
    comment photo
  • Bj T Bj T on Mar 20, 2014
    I think the garage doors need an eyebrow of some sort that connects to the rest of the house & painted to tone them down so they don't dominate so much. the trim color needs to become much more a part of the picture. it looks like a good color - just not near enough of it. it looks like you have an abundance of trees in the area so maybe think about removing that huge tree that obscures your front door. make the front door the focal point and add a walkway. it's a nice house
  • Nancy Nancy on Mar 20, 2014
    Put flower boxes below the windows above the garage. Then plant some low shrubs in front of the sidewalk in front of your big window. Paint the front door a bright and pretty color. :)
  • Velma Velma on Mar 20, 2014
    I would paint the trim white, and add some trellis with flowers climbing up it.
  • Nina Walker Nina Walker on Mar 21, 2014
    Please post new updates if you change your front
  • Debby Hicks Debby Hicks on Mar 23, 2014
    I like the warm colors....very could add a large wreath right above the garage doors and def. some nice landscaping will make your house VERY inviting!
  • Juliet O Juliet O on Mar 25, 2014
    If you don't mind a little more painting, change all that trim to navy blue. Add Encore azaleas in Autumn Amethyst and Knock-out Roses in one of the deeper pink shades. You could bring in a few hydrangeas in white. Create a few small gardens anchored with hostas in varying shades of green with some variegated leaf varieties mixed in, fill in with forget me nots, lily of the valley, and vinca or wintercreeper. I would also add low-maintenance window boxes planted with petunias (pink and white would have plenty of drama.) ~Interior Decor and Landscape Design