How to remodel kids closet to make bigger

by Apri
  4 answers
  • 27524803 27524803 on Nov 11, 2017

    You could steal space from a hallway or another room... but depending on your kid's age(s).. reorganizing may be what you really need.

    Most kids don't require a lot of space for hanging clothes and need more space for jeans, t-shirts, sock, undies etc. Since most of my clothes don't hang... I installed 2 of these Closet Maid units in my closet...Walmart sells a similar unit and the bins come in lots of colors..... everyday use stuff stays in the center bins and other stuff like long sleeves, or heavy socks gets moved from the bottom to the top depending on the season, and "yard work clothes" go on the very bottom, and stuff like purses and winter hats and gloves go the very top. I also have a "rule" a new one in... an old one out (to the trash or Goodwill) Most of my everyday shoes go in a hanging shoe bags /rack ..2.. just at the end of these units.

    You may have to start by removing any existing shelves or rods and re-installing higher or lower in a 1, 2, or, 3 tier system. These bins come flat packed and could be custom, assembled to fit below the hanging stuff... you could put shelves across the ends of the closets, and hanging in the center...

    It all depends on the size and configuration of your closets.... start with the dimensions.... use some graph paper and start planning how to use the space to best suit your kids needs.... don't forget under the bed... that is a great place for toys, shoes and "stuff".

    comment photo
  • Kay27246977 Kay27246977 on Nov 11, 2017

    maybe post a pic of what it looks like now

  • Rhonda Rhonda on Nov 11, 2017

    gut it and decide if you can add shelves or extra bars for clothes. Sometimes just utilizing all space is the way to gain space. We added shelves and a clothing bar under the one that was in there and it increased the space dramatically.

  • Lisette Lisette on Nov 11, 2017

    Don't do it till they leave for college