Beetles be gone!

Linda Davis
by Linda Davis
My 10’ y’all, 6 year old pussy willow leaves at the top are being chewed up in late summer by some kind of smaller dull orange winged beetle. They leave the veins in tacT. I don’t like to use chemicals in my yard, I have big nosey boxers and tons of kids who play across my yard. Is there something I can compound out of my kitchen to make them leave it alone?

  3 answers
  • Suzette Suzette on Nov 12, 2017

    Hi Linda, Here's a video that may help:

    Good luck!

  • Cin27718978 Cin27718978 on Nov 12, 2017

    try making up a solution of liquid dish detergent and water. Spray the plant every so often when you are having the problem. Usually helps.

  • 27524803 27524803 on Nov 13, 2017

    The best thing to do is consult your LOCAL nursery.. they will know whether the beetles are transitory or bore holes in the bark to make permanent homes inside.

    They can give you information on if you need to spray the tree.. or treat the soil (so that the tree absorbs the remedy and kills the beetles when they dine on the tree)

    You may just have to keep the Boxers and the Kids away from the tree during treatment... if you want that treatment to be a permanent solution to the problem