Can I use Wall paper samples for paperbag floor?

by Shelly
Ok I tried to stain my particle board floor and it came out way too dark. Someone suggested doing the paperbag flooring over it. What I want to know is if I can neutral colors from some wallpaper sample books I have for the paper?
  9 answers
  • Rebecca Duff Rebecca Duff on Mar 21, 2014
    Never heard of paperbag flooring, but it does have my curiosity peaked....I have seen flooring put down from used pallets, and it really turned out nice at that! The thing is you have to start collecting which could take some time, but you can usually find them free...Good luck on your flooring and let us know what you end up doing!! :)
  • Jennifer G Jennifer G on Mar 22, 2014
    No, I don't think that wallpaper will work for your floor. In most cases, wallpaper isn't really 'paper' at all, but a form of vinyl. The reason paper bags (or tissue paper) work is that they absorb the medium used to put it down (glue, mode podge, shellac, etc.) and become hard and water resistant. Wallpaper already comes water resistant so it won't absorb the glues or become hard and a clear coat may not adhere to it. Personally, I'd stick to a tried and true flooring instead of thinking quite so outside the box in this instance. Flooring takes a lot of use and abuse, so you don't want to have to redo it yet again.
  • Trey LaParque Trey LaParque on Mar 23, 2014
    I wouldn't see why not the decopage process is still the same. I've Moshe podged material to a glass plate w/ same process as paperbag floor, and it ain't coming off anytime soon! Wall paper just gave me a bunch of possible ideas!!! Hmm...thanks & good luck!!
    • See 2 previous
    • Rebecca Duff Rebecca Duff on Mar 25, 2014
      @Trey LaParque That's a hoot! I want to do some glass like that on some home made hummingbird feeders. I wondered if it would stand up to the weather. I just can't figure it on a floor though..LOL
  • Comet Comet on Mar 23, 2014
    Wow this actually sounds like a GENIUS CLASS IDEA! How come I didn't think of this!!!!!! If you have a few extra sheets just get a scrap of similar board to your flooring ---they sell 2 foot by 2 foot pieces at Lowes etc----and use the same stain etc on it and then try the wallpaper to see how it adheres. Lots of wall paper is STILL paper or has backing paper to adhere to the wall---There are SEVERAL tutorials on Pinterest on Paper Bag Flooring and some just used plain old WHITE GLUE for the adherent and then a good sealer on top- I have probably too large a floor to do any kind of samples on (combined kitchen and dining area abt 10 x 20 feet)---but I will keep this in mind! I have also wondered about just using the paper bag floor with the actual roll of paper and then doing a taped off design---I have old old indented vinyl that is DARK and ugggggllllleeeee and thought if you just laid this out LIKE wallpaper===why bother to cut it into pieces? Great idea for other areas or projects tho! Check PINTEREST for these kind of things. Loads of images and links to people who have DONE this and often re-post updates as to how they hold up.
  • Shelly Shelly on Mar 23, 2014
    Like you said I think I am going to try a sample first cover it and let cure, then let the dogs run on it an see what happens. The reason I would cut it, is I have a books of free wallpaper samples that look like textured solid colored walls. I thought I could cut them in tiles or even shapes to make a design. I do hope it works, I like your idea too, if we could wallpaper a floor then polyurethane it,would change a lot of options.
  • Shelly Shelly on Mar 23, 2014
    Glad I could help, we got the wallpaper sample books to use for paper for scrapbooking etc and have used them for all kinds of stuff
  • Rebecca Duff Rebecca Duff on Mar 23, 2014
    Am I missing something? You are talking about wallpaper that goes on the wall correct? And people/possibly animals will be trafficking on it, furniture set on it, etc. and it is expected to stay in place? Please show pics if you do this and it actually works. I am curious. Remember that the gluing on the back of wallpaper is food for ants and roaches...just saying
  • Shelly Shelly on Mar 23, 2014
    I am not sure yet.. might use this technique more as a backspalsh,,, don't know yet. You would have to look up paperbag flooring to understand the process and what made me think of this.
  • Shelly Shelly on Mar 30, 2014
    I tried this with a picture frame first but the vinly backing on this type anyway did not work like a decoupage etc.