Need ideas for my craft storage!!

by Kathy
I do scrapbooking/card making and painting. I have a lot of stamp sets, paper, stickers, ribbons and of course paints, brushes and canvases. I need help with some ideas for organizing my craft supplies!

  6 answers
  • DesertRose DesertRose on Nov 16, 2017

    If you have shelving, use the smaller clear tubs like you can buy at Walmart. You can label the tubs, but it is much easier to get to what you want if they are clear. Also, you might consider getting a holder like for match box cars that has closing lid and multiple storage sections for smaller items like stickers. A board with a long dowel rod for multiple ribbon rolls will allow you to take as much from the ribbon as you like without digging for it. One can be made easily from a spring curtain rod (for ease of access to add or replace ribbon rolls) or from dowel rod hanging on hooks similar to how curtain rods hang on a hook. For opened packets of scrapbook magazine or letter holders that stand up like you see at office supplies would be handy to reach for a sheet or two of paper from opened packets. Paint you might consider one of the many choices of inexpensive spice racks, depending on the size of your paint containers. Open shelves may serve better for paint if the containers are pint or quart size or larger. Plastic silver ware holders work great for dry paint brushes or stand them in a can you covered with contact paper. There are many choices of the contact paper and sizes of cans as you would need. The cans could be placed on the same work table area where you sit and to the back for easy access. Hope some of these ideas help or get your creative juices working for what would be good for you. Have fun! I love things organized. It takes away the hassle of your work space when you want to concentrate on being creative in a craft, not looking all the time for what you need.

    • Kathy Kathy on Nov 16, 2017

      Thank you for the ideas! Organization really is the key to getting more projects completed!

  • Pascale Nguyen Pascale Nguyen on Nov 16, 2017[]=organize%7Cautocomplete%7Cundefined&term_meta[]=craft%7Cautocomplete%7Cundefined&term_meta[]=supplies%7Cautocomplete%7Cundefined

  • Candy Walsh Candy Walsh on Nov 16, 2017

    I use several different things to store my goodies. I have bookshelves lining one wall in my craft room and use baskets for bigger items and I have a couple of cute lunch boxes for my stamps and inks and small things. For my paint brushes I use mason jars, it's great to be able to see exact what I've got and just grab one.

  • Rhonda Rhonda on Nov 16, 2017

    i bought plastic containers that hold small pieces or paper. I have a shelving unit that I measured and found the right sizes to maximize the space. Love it!!! It takes time to find what you need but worth it to find the perfect containers.

  • Kathy Kathy on Nov 16, 2017

    Thanks for the great ideas!

  • Emily Emily on Nov 16, 2017

    My husband is an artist and this is the way he stores some of his things. First is a counter he built in to use, but unfortunately it is always covered with things. The space below stores, sketch pads and blank canvases. The second pic is of two sets of drawers. I know he made the bottom one to store drawings in, but can't remember where he got top unit. He also has bookshelves in this space and his computer. He also has a large work area in basement for sculpture, kiln and his other interests like printing, airplane making, kiln, clock repair. We both like to have more than one area for our projects. Some are dirtier than others. We both like plastic storage containers with drawers, they are better than plastic boxes.

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