Painting wallpaper?

by Brh28865314
Is it possible to paint over wallpaper walls, any special directions? Thanks. B

  5 answers
  • DesertRose DesertRose on Nov 16, 2017

    You might, but the wallpaper will turn loose one day, so at best it is a very temporary fix and not a very professional job could be done.

  • Janet Panos Janet Panos on Nov 16, 2017

    Hello! Yes, you can paint over wallpaper. However, there are some excellent tips about doing it at the link I am providing. Please read through the tips first:

  • Rhonda Rhonda on Nov 16, 2017

    Yep you sure can! Might not hold well, but it's a good temporary solution if you don't mind redoing it as the wallpaper peels off at some point.

  • Ginny Ginny on Nov 16, 2017

    Don't do it unless you have no other choice. When I moved into my home in the 70s, the powder rm. had painted paper on the walls and what a mess removing it in later years. Removing should probably be done professionally because you can take she sheetrock with you during the process. Good luck.

  • Michele Pappagallo Michele Pappagallo on Nov 16, 2017

    It is always better to remove the wallpaper before painting. When you add wet paint to dry wallpaper, it can cause the wallpaper to bubble up and loosen from the wall...making a huge mess.