How does one remove unsightly stains from toilet bowl????

by Janice
I have used bicarb soda ,bleach ,coca cola and heaps of scrubbing ...please help me icon

  9 answers
  • Maggie Cz Maggie Cz on Nov 22, 2017

    I pour bleach in and let it sit for awhile then flush. I keep it clean by spraying Tilex or CLR.

  • Ghi22279354 Ghi22279354 on Nov 22, 2017

    Use CLR ( calcium, lime and rust remover) sold almost everywhere

  • 26061930 26061930 on Nov 22, 2017

    Careful not to mix products.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Nov 22, 2017

    If everything else fails, use Muriatic Acid full strength. This is a last resort as it is very dangerous if the fumes are inhaled. You have to open windows and use a fan so that it blows the fumes out the window from the toilet. Empty the water from the toilet, pour the acid in and swish it so that you cover everything with a toilet brush. Let it sit for a few minutes, then swish it again to help get rid of the stains. Your toilet should be sparkling now. Occasionally it does need to be repeated if it is real bad. Make susre you have a folded towel that you hold over your mouth and nose when you are working with this. Hold your breath when you have to use both hands. Turn the water back on and flush a few times to rinse the bowl real well.

  • Amanda Amanda on Nov 22, 2017

    Hello. Have you tried using a pumice stone? They make them special for toilets.

  • Sharon Sharon on Nov 22, 2017

    What are the stains? rust? i get one of those bleach tablets and put it in the tank, or you can pour vinegar in there Then I use Bar Keeper's Friend and scrub the stain off. This stain usually come from having hard water in the tank and a leaking flapper.

    Lime deposits, I pour a bottle of CLR in the toliet before bedtime and let it sit all night, then in the morning, flush and scrub with bar keeper's friend again. If its built up over a long period of time it can take multiple applications. I buy the CLR at the Dollar Tree in green bottle, so you can afford multiple applications.

  • Janice Janice on Nov 22, 2017

    I have a button on the top of my toilet to flush it ... think that actually they are lime deposits ... They have become black and no matter how much I scrub it with bleach , exit mold , coke , bicarb soda it just won't budge ...

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Nov 22, 2017

    The pumice stick this is excellent way to remove stains and rings in the toilet. When commercial toilet cleaners fail this is my go to. Great for thick crusted calcium mineral build up.

    They are found at my local Walmart for less than two dollars -good for multiple uses. Be sure to follow the use instructions, soak the pumice stone in water for a few minutes. While the stone is soaking, grab your toilet brush and splash water up around the ring. Note: It’s very important to keep both the stone and the surface wet while cleaning to avoid scratching your porcelain.

    I like Barkeepers Friend for other stubborn areas -might suggest pipecleaners ( more than one) to see if that can clear away stains and mineral deposits and residue to clear the small water holes at the top.

    comment photo
  • Try a product called 'Scouring Stick'. It's pumice.