Birds nesting in ceiling

Debbie Walker
by Debbie Walker
need to keep birds away from nesting in the ceiling on my porch?
  5 answers
  • Barbara R Barbara R on Mar 23, 2014
    Is there any way to hang some aluminum pie tins..hang 2 together so the wind catches them. (It keeps the birds away from my raspberry patch!)
  • Hang a wind chime or two. You need noise. I would even think about those statues that croak/talk on motion. for me I encourage the birds to build their houses in hanging baskets, birdhouses, and other hanging things around my deck and yard. This is something you may want to consider... Good luck
    • See 1 previous
    • I have to chuckle because I have a pair of Nuthatches that keep poking out a hole in the side our house that I had temporarily filled because it's about 12' up. I would get one of those fake owls. I have heard they work. Good luck
  • Robyn Hill Robyn Hill on Mar 24, 2014
    I always heard if you paint the ceiling a light blue color they wont nest because it looks like the sky, sounds silly but I've seen it work ! :)
  • Front Porch Ideas Front Porch Ideas on Mar 24, 2014
    Hi, Debbie. Our porch ceiling is painted blue which I think helps because it gives birds the impression that it's the sky. But admittedly, we did see a bird attempting to build a nest on our porch even with the blue ceiling. But they only brought a few twigs and then did not return. We talk about haint blue porch ceilings on our website. You could hang up an owl or fake snake on your porch as another option. Another idea is to put a piece of screen in the area where they like to nest. Hope those ideas help you! ~~Mary and Dave~~
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  • Muriel Muriel on Mar 24, 2014
    Are you trying to keep the birds out? If so take down the nest and put a loose piece of material so it hangs and flutters. Hubby hung a red rag from the garage and the swallows quit building. Thumb tacks worked. We would forget to start the season with a flag/cloth etc. so would clean the beginnings of a nest and then have to scrub. The swallows swooped the front door so back we wanted them elsewhere. We do love watching the birds, just not dive bombing us.