How to clean burners of electric stove

by Richard
  5 answers
  • Dysko7710 Dysko7710 on Nov 22, 2017

    This tells you how to pull them off and what to use:

  • Amanda Amanda on Nov 22, 2017

    Hi Richard. My stove has a glass top. I use a magic eraser to clean it.

  • 27524803 27524803 on Nov 22, 2017

    If it is a glass top.... they make a special cleaner and conditioner for that... several different brands.

    For every day cleaning.. greasy stuff... I use Simple Green, a no-scratch green scrubby and a razor scraper.... then remove any residue from the Simple Green with Windex and paper towels (also... before you turn on the burners give them a quick swipe with the Windex and paper towels to remove any dust and stuff) Avoid using a soapy dish rag... as the soap residue will bake on as soon as the element heats up.

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  • B. Enne B. Enne on Nov 22, 2017

    If they are the black pans, do not stick them in the dishwasher (or use oven cleaner). I did it and ruined the finish.

    Hot soapy water and a bit of steelwool does the trick. If they are old and really bad, and the stove is in a good shape, you can find affordable replacements.

    If you are referring to the coils, I just remove them and scrub them in hot soapy water with a dish brush. Let them completely dry in a dish drainer, before putting them back.