Seeking Ideas for best

I am seeking ideas of plants that will work on my apartment patio. I get sunrise and morning sun, once the leaves are all on the tree it will be more shade I believe. I have a hibiscus and fan tail palm, both of these will have to come back indoors after the season, so I am looking for plants that I can leave in place year round...I am thinking of a potted cedar I believe...would appreciate any thoughts and ideas...been a while since I have lived apartment living...I have a cathedral window so will always have the view....It has black rod iron railing and it's third floor high. I appreciate your input...Thank you for your time..
  4 answers
  • Adrianne C Adrianne C on Mar 24, 2014
    Philodendron is an easy plant out doors, and ficus.
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Mar 24, 2014
    I don't think philodendron or ficus will make it through a winter outside in Atlanta. It sounds like you have a good amount of room. How about a camellia in a large pot? You would have evergreen foliage and beautiful flowers in winter or early spring depending on the type.
    • Constance Binkley Constance Binkley on Mar 24, 2014
      @Douglas Hunt thank you for your response. I will research which camellia I should get for Atlanta...Thank you for your time...
  • To give you some green, I love putting hostas in pots and that way in the winter you can just leave them out with no worries. To leave in a pot for some height in shade, I would think about gardenia so you can have blooms and the intoxicating smell to enjoy while relaxing...Boxwoods like shade and do well in pots too and you can even shape them if you want. Depending upon how much room you have, you could even plant black eyed susan vine or morning glories in a pot with a trellis and use them as screens (if there is enough light. You could always pothos (philodendron) and hang above to drape and in the winter, cut back to the pot and bring in or take cuttings and put in water for over the winter. You have many choices..Good luck
    • Constance Binkley Constance Binkley on Mar 27, 2014
      @The Garden Frog with C Renee Awesome input....thank you so much for sharing....I now have a visual and a plan.......will post photos at some point when project complete....yes...excited...thank you for your time....Namaste'
  • Donna Byram Donna Byram on Mar 24, 2014
    If you are wanting plants Coral bells will do well in shade and there are several varieties available. Here's a couple of mine. They get tiny bell shaped flowers on them in the summer.
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