Hubby came home with this metal suitcase but full of dents! :(.

Julie Moyna
by Julie Moyna
Love the suitcases he brought me. Especially this metal one with stripes! However, it's hammered...literally. I have tried to push out from inside and it pops back to dents. Any suggestions? While looking, check out the 25 drawer dresser he scored! Termite ridden back but for my new workshop it works for me! It's huge!
Pic no 1
Inside is great!
Check out this dresser! I'll be posting more questions. I wonder if it was some sort of apothecary case?
Love these handles!
  10 answers
  • Z Z on Apr 06, 2014
    What great finds Julie. Personally, I like the old suitcase just as it is. Well, I'd have to clean it up allot, but I do like the dents. The apothecary chest is amazing!
  • MM&D MM&D on Apr 07, 2014
    Awesome finds!! Lucky girl! I like the suitcase too. Great décor item!
  • Julie J Julie J on Apr 07, 2014
    That looks like a library file system. What great finds!
  • Susan Woodcock Susan Woodcock on Apr 07, 2014
    This is what I did with an old battered suitcase. I painted it all white with gold trimmings & sponged a floral design inside and sold it as a Bridal Case.
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    • Julie Moyna Julie Moyna on Apr 07, 2014
      I love that. I will have to figure something out. I don't want to cover the stripes. I am going to try some wax maybe...
  • Fra42152 Fra42152 on Apr 07, 2014
    Well Dewey Decimal !...I once lost a bid on one of these at an auction. I am still looking for another one. It is a Library card file system from around 1940's the 60's handles were not as ornate as these. Now if you see one the handles lay flat against the drawer. You can see the gap in the handles where a small rectangle of card and glass held the category names.
    • Julie Moyna Julie Moyna on Apr 09, 2014
      I thought I posted my Dewey last night? Here is one that hubby scored for $60!
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  • Chris aka monkey Chris aka monkey on Apr 07, 2014
    @Julie Moyna great scores wtg hubs i would leave the striped suit case as after cleaning and waxing i bet it would look great, try to make other look like it's related and i would paint hugh whatever it is lol xx
  • SK on Elderberry SK on Elderberry on Apr 07, 2014
  • 153091 153091 on Apr 08, 2014
    suitcase is great HOWEVER..I'll take the other piece! Great find.
  • Leah M Leah M on Apr 08, 2014
    As someone who worked in a library, I can promise you that is a card catalog. It looks to be a quite old one because it doesn't have the later drop down and locking system to keep people from removing the cards easily. It may have belonged to a private collector. I'd love to have one! Heck, I could catalog MY books!
    • Julie Moyna Julie Moyna on Apr 09, 2014
      Thank you Leah! That is really cool news! The drawers are huge. I have a smaller one and that is what I remember. I can't imagine what was stored in here. I'll have to do some research. I can't wait until he fixes the back of's trashed but I'm going to just throw some wax on it and bring it in when he's done...nothing wil be changed like I did with the smaller one. Thank you!
  • Kelly Clark Kelly Clark on Apr 11, 2014
    I believe that one is a library filing system I think someone else comment on that but I love them both if the suitcases are hard you can make them into an end table...just a suggestion...:) have fun!!!
    • Julie Moyna Julie Moyna on Apr 13, 2014
      I love all comments and ideas...this is my goal for my wall of suitcases...
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