My Flower Garden 2014

Jim McGovern
by Jim McGovern
This photo is after the plants had been in the ground for only a few days. Had a freeze/frost last night and I'm hoping my plants survived. I'm anxious to see if the area fills in like last year.
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  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Apr 17, 2014
    I don't think the cold lasted too long...I waited to put my Gerber Dasies out. I just hope they are not too wilted by the time I get them out! We are expecting 60s tomorow! Good luck!
  • Jim McGovern Jim McGovern on Apr 21, 2014
    I crossed my fingers and got lucky. Almost no damage to my flower garden. I covered the plants with sheets and towels. The bad thing is that I forggot about my tomato and pepper plants. They've taken a hit, but I hopeful they make it. The first photo is from a few weeks ago and the other two are from today. It will keep filling in throughout the Summer. I also have two real nice Sunflowers that just popped up. I can't believe how symmetrical they are in the layout of the garden. I don't think I could have measured and done better than nature.
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