What to Do With an Ugly Floor? No, Seriously, I Need Help!

Amanda Caldwell
by Amanda Caldwell
I hate this squishy, linoleum-esq, whatever the heck kind of flooring in the bathroom that came with our house. It has big bubbles in some spots and just needs to be replaced anyway. What would you do in this small bathroom? I don't want ceramic tile or more linoleum and I want to keep it looking light and clean in there. *My cat, Sydney, making a cameo appearance*
This is the only bathroom upstairs, so it gets used a lot. I have 2 young boys as well, so it has to be durable. The rest of the floors upstairs are wood laminate, so I'd like it to compliment it, or at least not clash horribly. Please help!
  10 answers
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Apr 21, 2014
    Tile would be my choice because it is not porous! If you do not want that, then look for some seamless vinyl. Since this is a small space, go for the best for the best results. Keep in mind that some of the natural stone is stunning, but it is also porous and will hold in the germs! With 2 boys, you certainly don't want that because whatever dribbles onto the floor will stay there...smell too!
  • A Otero A Otero on Apr 21, 2014
    Metallic Epoxy or paper bag method. Both are equally lovely.
  • Leigh Anne @ Houseologie Leigh Anne @ Houseologie on Apr 24, 2014
    There are now tiles at Home Depot and Lowe's that look like wood. I love them! Here's a link to them: http://www.homedepot.com/s/wood%2520look%2520tile?NCNI-5
  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Apr 24, 2014
    There is a flooring product that is like old Battleship Linoleum. Have some of the old variety in my house that was installed in the 30's apparently. It is smooth surface, virtually indestructible. Think the new version is called Marmolium or such. With 2 boys, you need tough!
  • Kara Spurlock Kara Spurlock on Apr 24, 2014
    I painted mine! I love it and it has held up really good! Step by step on my postings. Good luck!
    comment photo
  • Jeannie Jeannie on Apr 26, 2014
    On the cheap, put down peel and stick squares or vinyl planks.
  • Loisrnc Loisrnc on Aug 20, 2014
    You could consider the vinyl plank flooring that is super easy to put down. I have never used it before, but I am considering it in my bathrooms. It looks like wood. The prices vary depending on the thickness. It is supposed to be great for basement areas and I think in bathrooms also. It clicks together, and if one gets damaged you can take that piece up and replace it with an extra one.
  • Bill Bill on Aug 20, 2014
    I have been installing carpet & vinly for over 30 years .first you will have to remove & re-install the toilet.If you are O K with this the rest is not that hard.,you also have to remove the base,if rubber &replace with new if you have wood base ( 1/4 round )it will have to R & R .Check with your local hare ware store they will set you with ever else you may need you may need .total cost wax ring-mastic(glue) new baseboard $10.00 $20.00 material (vinyl) Also about the same. try to make small slice with a sharp utilly knife where the bubbles are,sometimes the installer did not let the mastic set up DO this to let gas excape.if you still have bubbles the vinyl will have to be taken up My normal charge with no problems $100.oo-150.oo labor Only. Good Luck P. S. it`s realy not that hard
  • Diane Arnold Diane Arnold on Aug 23, 2014
    Take up as much of the flooring as you can before taking out the toilet if it's the only one. You will need to check the sub-floor to make sure water has not gotten under there and caused some of those bubbles in the flooring. If there's damage like wood rot you might need a new sub-floor. It's small, so it won't take much to fix if it's just the plywood. If it's good underneath your options are open. Do some reading about the paperbag flooring. Sounds strange, but it is beautiful and can be done in whatever color you want using stain after gluing the pieces down and then sealing with epoxy or other sealer. Good luck, have fun!
  • Sybil Nicol Sybil Nicol on Aug 23, 2014
    I just read this post, and the next open floor in my house; I'm going to try this "paper bag floor". It looks sooooo good.. http://www.hometalk.com/diy/kitchen-dining/floors-brown-paper-bag-4265163