Marbling Flower Pots With Spray Paint

Rhonda B
by Rhonda B
I was looking for a way to give an updated look to my terra cotta flower pots that would be easy and cheap. You will need: Flower pots, 3 colors of spray paint and white paint, shallow tub, gloves, and a stick or two. Here is how the project turned out.
First-paint pot white.
Second, fill shallow plastic tub halfway with water then spray your first color in water.
Third, spray the next color into the first color.
Keep spraying different colors until the surface of the water is mostly covered with paint.
Next, roll the pot (with a stick inserted to hold it) on the surface of the water. Make it a continuous roll if possible. Use another stick or your finger to roll it.
When it is completely covered lift it out then hang it up to dry (I use the stick for this).
Here it is drying:-)
It is really easy to do-visit my blog for instructions.

Happy planting!
Rhonda B
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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3 of 11 questions
  • Billie Billie on Aug 06, 2021

    it talks about using nail polish. i have lots of colors and would like to find a use for it would it go on the pot before going in the paint

  • Wan72014738 Wan72014738 on May 09, 2023

    Can I print the directions out for this project?

  • Lulu Lulu on Aug 08, 2023

    Will this work on a cement planter like this one?

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  • Biwako Biwako on Mar 28, 2021

    Pretty sure I am going to try it, if I can get hold of the right types of spray paint. The pandemic has thrown a monkey-wrench into so many possible projects! But happily, the end seems to be in sight. Keep safe, everyone!

  • MSLady1125 MSLady1125 on Sep 05, 2021

    Beautiful!! I love this idea and how easy it is to make something "old" into something "new". Can't wait to try it! Thanks for sharing!
