Backsplash ideas

by Debbie
I am renovating my kitchen and need ideas for backsplash colors to go with white cupboards and black granite countertops.
  3 answers
  • Donna Byram Donna Byram on Apr 24, 2014
    What color are the walls? Hard to really say when I don't know your color scheme for the rest of the kitchen, but here is a few ideas. Hope they help. A few words of advise from my previous kitchen, do not get a back splash that is to dark. When we bought our home the kitchen was black granite with black granite back splash. It made too dark and made it hard to see when cooking. Needless to say it was one of the first remodel projects we done. The last picture is my old kitchen.
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    • See 1 previous
    • Donna Byram Donna Byram on Apr 25, 2014
      @Debbie Wall color is a personal preference, in my opinion. Things to consider when picking your wall color: ~ Does your black granite have other colors in with it or solid black? ~ Back splash tile colors. ~ Is the Kitchen open to other room. I know this doesn't seem to help you, but these factors are important in deciding. When I was picking out my new kitchen, I have an open floor plan and already had painted the walls, so I had to go with something that went with it. Here's my remodel. Please click on the pictures for comments at the bottom.
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  • Lavende Lavende on Apr 25, 2014
    I think white backsplashes (subway tile or one of the neat moroccan-inspired shapes the stores are starting to carry) look beautiful with white cabinets and help to accentuate the dramatic countertops. We visited a few homes with that combo and they looked amazing!
    • Debbie Debbie on Apr 25, 2014
      Thanks, I have been looking and the subway tile and something along the cream color line caught my eye.
  • Heidy Heidy on Aug 13, 2015
    My friend just renovated her kitchen and has white cabinets with black granite counter tops as well! My hubby installed for her the most gorgeous glass tile back splash! It has various shades of black, white, gray and tan, all quiet muted shades, and I am SO jealous of her incredibly classy yet cozy kitchen!