Squirrels in my flower gardens

Can anyone give some good advice on how to get ride of and stop those pesty squirrels from digging in my flower gardens and flower pots. I've lots to many flower beds to them trying to hunt or trying to hide their nuts. I've tried using chicken wire but they climb right up it. I've also tried using a dummy owl and all they do is sit beside it. It's like they,re laughing at me and the problem keeps going. Every morning I get up and end up trying to fix what damage they've caused. So any help will be greatly accepted.. Thank you in advance
  3 answers
  • Jennifer G Jennifer G on Apr 25, 2014
    Now that summer is coming, you can find those inexpensive Pinwheels in most stores. Try sticking them in your flower pots and beds and see if their spinning movement deters them. Also, I've heard that Predator urine (lion, bobcat, wolf etc) can help. Many places to buy online and your local nursery may carry it too. Good Luck!
  • Charlene Antonelli Charlene Antonelli on Apr 25, 2014
    Sprinkle cayenne pepper around your garden. It is sold in 40 lb bags at many garden centers. The squirrels do not like the taste of the cayenne pepper and will stay away from your garden
  • Sarah Sarah on Apr 25, 2014
    I make a spray with hot pepper. I don't use measurements, I just boil some water with hot pepper flakes, let it cool, and then spray my plants. I didn't know you could buy cayenne pepper in such large amounts, I'll have to try that this year.