My lawn is so hard packed..what to do?

Bernice H
by Bernice H
My back yard lawn/dirt is so hard , it has little bumps all over that are hard too, and makes it uncomfortable to walk on. It has been this way for a few years, and I am ready to do something about it. For me, it makes walking not so safe. Any ideas?
  5 answers
  • First suggestion Bernice is to use a power rake and go over the lawn. This tool will pull up any dead grass that prevents the new grass from growing properly. After that you have a few options. You can add soil thinly on the surface level and re-seed with a good quality lawn seed. The thicker the lawn the softer the feel under foot as it creates a carpet of sorts filling the low spots. You may also want to consider using a aerator tool. This machine punches tiny holes into the surface of the soil allowing fertilizer and chemicals as well as air into the soil so the grass can grow better and a bit faster. Our lawn was exactly like yours was. While it looked fine, it did not have that soft feel under bare feet as you would expect. I did what I just explained and by mid summer it was like night and day under foot. A good quality lawn service company can assist you with this for little cost to get you on the correct path. Once done you need to stay on top of it by proper fertilizer and waterings.
  • Bernice H Bernice H on May 05, 2014
    Thanks..@Woodbridge Environmental I will keep that in mind. Hubs doesn't realize how tipsy it can be for me, but it could be easy to twist an ankle at the least.
  • Sandra Caggiano Sandra Caggiano on May 05, 2014
    Ever try rolling it? Roll it when the lawn is wet, or after a rainfall. If it's that bad a few times should even out the lawn.
  • Sue Scimeca Sue Scimeca on May 25, 2015
    Also try aerating it in the spring and possibly the fall to loosen the soil and allow moisture to penetrate. Helps the grass grow too by getting nutrients down to the roots.