I need suggestions on how to repair the arms on these wicker chairs

Karen Miller
by Karen Miller
We found these on the curb and just had to drag them home! They are solid and sturdy except for the arms unravelling. Does anyone have any great ideas to fix them so I can spray paint and move on? Thanks so much!
These are great sturdy wicker!
One arm on each chair looks like this! Help! I've never repaired wicker!
  7 answers
  • Z Z on May 08, 2014
    Wow! These are awesome. I wish they did bulk pick up around here. Try re-wrapping what you have there and gluing it in place. Wood glue works well. If there isn't too much missing, you might want to just go ahead and paint it. If not, look for "caning" in craft stores. Hobby Lobby used to carry it, but I can't find it on their website.
  • Donna Terry Donna Terry on May 09, 2014
    After cleaning thoroughly with a pressure washer, I repaired this vintage rocker for my first grandbaby by gluing and clamping loose ends. Next I used a spray primer and then finished off with spray paint and a new seat and back cushion. My mother found this for me when I was in high school 50 years ago, and it should be good for at least another 50!
    comment photo
  • Dwight Dills Dwight Dills on May 10, 2014
    Try gluing the same material to a piece of cardboard the length and size of the edge of the are, then wrap it around the edge of the arm. You can do this with spray on glue. After that finish the whole thing with some poly (brush on) its thicker that way. Have fun in what ever you do.
  • Christie Massey Christie Massey on May 10, 2014
    it appears to be cosmetic, if it is take a woven placemat and staple (heavy duty stapels) on to the arms wrapping it around, then spray paint to match the chair.
  • Colleen Colleen on May 10, 2014
    You can purchase caining strips, then soak in warm water. Follow the wraping with the new caining. After a good cleaning deside what finish you want (I would use a stain for a more natural look).
  • Ste460281 Ste460281 on Sep 03, 2014
    I used leather cording. After a few weeks the leather turned light and almost matched
  • Terri C Terri C on Feb 22, 2015
    splay the wicker down with water to soften the fibers on the unraveled part then carefully rewrap it . . and use tiny nails to hold the ends in place where they can not be seen . . then use a wood glue for an extra bond under those arms as well where you nailed it so it is extra strong . . I had to redo mine too and it worked great . . these chairs are built while wet to form them and make the wiker do what it does so it will not hurt it to get it good n soaked . . just let it dry in the sun when it is all done . . good luck! If the wicker rattan is brittle you can buy some online at various site fairly cheap . .