Asked on May 11, 2014

Does anyone know what this plant is?

Julia Powell
by Julia Powell
I recently moved to a new location and this thing was here already and it is growing like crazy! I love it but am curious as to what it is and if it could be moved easily.
  14 answers
  • Bernice H Bernice H on May 11, 2014
    I don't know , but I would love a piece , am liking it real well...looks like a succulent of some kind. ?
  • Carol S Carol S on May 11, 2014
    Sedum I believe - fall flowering - fuscia to pale pink fuzzy flowing head. -
  • Julia Powell Julia Powell on May 11, 2014
    yes Bernice it is, I believe, and thank you Carol! I will look it up to see if it transplants easily.
  • Julia Powell Julia Powell on May 11, 2014
    i just looked up sedum and although i believe this is a close relative i don't think this is it.... sedum grows to about 6 in high and this thing is about 14 in high and still growing.. i do know it had some tall stalks that grew out of it last year with some kind of flower on top... i didn't get to see this part alive because i moved here in january... i will post a better picture in a minute.
  • Karen Gaines Karen Gaines on May 11, 2014
    i agree with sedum. maybe golden autumn variety?
  • Linda Hopper Linda Hopper on May 11, 2014
    It looks like a Sedum Autumn Joy. I have lots of it and it does get 12/18 inches tall. I love it! Very easy to propagate.
  • Connie Combs-Lichvar Connie Combs-Lichvar on May 11, 2014
    My mom always called it Life Everlasting. I also thought it was in the sedum family.
    • Linda Hopper Linda Hopper on May 11, 2014
      @Connie Combs-Lichvar The lady that gave me my start called it a Forever plant. My Aunt in Oklahoma called it "an ole house leek". LOL It is one of my favorite flowers.
  • Julia Powell Julia Powell on May 11, 2014
    wonderful thank you all! i am looking forward to watching it bloom!
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  • Pam Park Pam Park on May 11, 2014
    former, older neighbor called it live forever ... you can pinch off the stems to delay flowering. It is easily divided with a spade [but then certainly shorten the stalks to allow it time to adjust in new environs]
  • Lori Lori on May 11, 2014
    This is Sedum Autumn Joy. It's a perennial that flowers in the fall with reddish pink blooms and is great fall color. It does attract honey bees so while that will be good for your other plants be careful where you plant it. I just moved mine from the front walkway since it bothered some people as they would walk by. But it's very pretty and drought tolerant!
  • Julia Powell Julia Powell on May 11, 2014
    Thank you all for such great and rapid information!
  • Connie B Connie B on May 11, 2014
    Enjoy your sedum & if you want more of them, just break off a stalk a 2 - 3" long and stick it in the ground. Rooting is a snap!
  • Darwin Darwin on May 12, 2014
    Lots of types of sedum, tiny ground cover types to larger leaves also red color leaves, yellow green, grey and variegated leaves. Super plant family. Easy to grow.
  • Lori J Lori J on May 12, 2014
    Looks like it needs to be divided. They are rapid spreaders....but the flower heads will drag and fall out from the center when overly tight.