Asked on May 15, 2014

Mini-blind slats

Gail Baker
by Gail Baker
I was just wondering if any of you DIYers & very clever/talented people out there would have any ideas for projects using slats from mini-blinds. I needed to replace a few & just hate to throw them all out if something could be done with them. Thanks..
  8 answers
  • Mama Faye Mama Faye on May 15, 2014
    Is there any way you could use some of them to make a dragonfly?
  • Donna Byram Donna Byram on May 15, 2014
    Cut into smaller strips, make a point on one end for garden stakes. A chandelier.
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  • Lori H Lori H on May 15, 2014
    My Girl Scouts once made flag ear rings and snake book markers from plastic mini blinds .
  • Kris Lee Kris Lee on May 15, 2014
    The can be used for making new roman shades. Look on Pinterest for that idea. I wonder if you could use a candle to melt them into different shapes such as flowers? Like they use plastic spoons for. Also glue them to the edge of a shelf for a finished look. If you use them for plant markers, save the string and use it for other purposes, like tying up the stray tomato plant...
  • Kris Lee Kris Lee on May 15, 2014
    Found this online. Very cute and simple to do
  • Joedean Small Joedean Small on May 15, 2014
    hand fans,decorate w/flowers and stuff.
  • Marlene Haigh Marlene Haigh on May 16, 2014
    I made large snowflakes for my porch. Just take 8 slats and sew in the middles together then fan out and spray paint sliver and add sparkles.
  • Gail Baker Gail Baker on May 19, 2014
    Thanks so much for all of your ideas, I will be trying a few of them. Kris, thanks for reminding me of the roman shade idea. I had seen that also, just need to find a fabric I like. Appreciate all your help.