Asked on May 17, 2014

What colors to paint?

It's time to repaint. I like the black, red, and beige combination, but would like to change it up a bit. The columns look blah to me. Any suggestions?
Looking for suggestions
  9 answers
  • Funnygirl Funnygirl on May 18, 2014
    I would paint the furniture the color of the door.I would also jazz up the concrete step with a design or fun house numbers on the face of the step in black.what about painting faux flower vines around the columns?you can purchase stencils but I would try it freehand-go sparse,maybe just start off with green vines then if you like the look, add flowers.Black columns could look beautiful also could grow some real vines around the columns ,if you have time.wrap some black crepe paper around the columns to see if you like them before you paint them
  • Kim Trudel Kim Trudel on May 18, 2014
    You should leave the columns beige as they are part of the roof design. If you painted them black, they would recede into the shade of the porch.From the picture, the door looks maroon. If so, perhaps paint it a brighter red or a sage green. I agree with the previous comment about painting the porch furniture a light colour. She also suggested painting the concrete step with house numbers - that's a cool idea, too. You could add big planters on either side of the door (make sure the plants are for shade only). Have fun!
  • Pat Dollar Pat Dollar on May 18, 2014
    I agree that a brighter red would be better on the door with matching red furniture. I would also leave the columns beige. A faux stone finish on the porch would also add to the charm.
  • Funnygirl Funnygirl on May 18, 2014
    Had another crazy idea-not for everyone but, what about chalkboard paint on the columns!It comes in about 20 colors!think of all the fun you could have writing and drawing on the columns.wipes clean for company!
  • Jenny Robertson Peters Jenny Robertson Peters on May 18, 2014
    The kids would love that!
  • Shari Shari on May 18, 2014
    Black shutters and some variation of red on the door seems to be the most common (and predictable) color combo on red brick houses. For curb appeal, I would recommend something less ho-hum. I'm attaching a photo I have saved of a plum door on a red brick house. I think that color is gorgeous...and totally unexpected! I, too, have a red brick house and I'm feeling more daring in my older age so I'm planning to paint my front door and shutters aqua, similar to the other 3 photos I'm attaching. (No matter what colors you chose, I would suggest painting your columns and the area under the peaked porch roof white to match the window frames.)
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  • Linda Stone Linda Stone on May 18, 2014
    If you're going to leave the shutters black, I think a pretty bright teal or turquoise color would be very pretty. I wouldn't paint the columns either. Maybe paint your furniture a lighter color. Just put some pops of color on your porch with flowers, etc. and leave the columns as they are.
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on May 19, 2014
    The first thing is see if you can get that downspout moved to the side of the house so you can shutter that window on the left corner! When our new roof went on, we bought dark gutters and put the downspouts on the sides of the house. It really made a difference! The brick is beautiful but it will look a lot brighter if you paint the trim white. The red and black is such a classic, timeless combination I would keep it were I you. Then paint the porch furniture white too.
  • Donna Byram Donna Byram on May 22, 2014
    I would paint the columns white. You have white trim on the door and the trim around the windows look to be white. (?) To me the white gives it a welcoming feeling.
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