Laminate floor

Marlis Wilson
by Marlis Wilson
I have laminate flooring throughout my home. There are 2 large area rugs, 94" round in dining room and 134" x 94" square in the living room. They are badly in need of cleaning and I don't know how to clean them over the laminate flooring without ruining the laminate flooring with water. Please help. MJ Wilson
  2 answers
  • Z Z on May 29, 2014
    If you can, take them outside to clean. If not, buy a high mil (thick) plastic meant for use by painters to put under the rugs. I've spot cleaned our area rugs this way before to protect our oak floors and it worked perfectly. The best way to get the plastic under large rugs without completely moving them is by folding them in half, place the plastic on the bare floor somewhat near where the edge of the folded side once was. Roll the plastic to the folded rug, then unfold the rug back over the rug and fold the area without plastic over the area of the rug with the plastic and finish rolling the plastic out. Lay the rug back on top the plastic. You do want at least a foot of plastic around all the edges of the rug to protect from over spray while cleaning them. I'm adding a quick drawing I did on Paint to help you understand what I mean.
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    • See 1 previous
    • Z Z on May 30, 2014
      @I'm glad I could help you out Marlis. My motto is, when there's a will, there's a way. And I have a very strong will. LOL
  • Jo Ann Miller Jo Ann Miller on Feb 19, 2015
    You should probably have them professionally cleaned. The company usually takes area rugs to their place of business to clean.