Asked on May 29, 2014

Adhearing Glass to Glass

Rhonda Vigus
by Rhonda Vigus
I need help with a project..advice at least. I like the mason jar lamps that have been around for years. I wanted to create a larger one for my bedroom. I love sea glass and my bedroom is done in that aqua/green color of sea glass. Bottom line is I had a large gallon glass jar with lid, I got a ton of sea glass in the exact colors I needed. I hot glued the glass pieces onto the jar then filled in around the pieces with grout. Well, the glass pieces stared to fall off before the grout was dry. I tried to hot glue them back on but they were falling off faster than I could glue. Now the grout is set on what is left and I can't seem to get it off where it covered some of the sea glass. I willing to take it all apart and start over...I'm dogged determined to do this project, so any suggestions would be most welcomed.
Too much grout? Too little glue?
  33 answers
  • Miz Amerika Miz Amerika on May 29, 2014
    E6000! Find it at hobby stores and walmart
  • Carolynm Carolynm on May 29, 2014
    I love E6000! Works so well my memory jars in the yard have survived 2 winters so far. In Walmart in the crafts aisle.
  • I also love E6000, I buy mine at Michaels, and it works wonders.
  • Donna Shaner Donna Shaner on May 29, 2014
    E6000 will work best, but you may need to figure out a way to hold the glass in place while the glue sets. Things sometimes slide around till the glue sets-might depend on the size of your sea glass pieces. I have seen people use blue painters tape to hold things in place. Once set, it will hold well. Good luck! :) E6000 is cheaper at Walmart, but you could use a 40% off coupon at Michaels or Hobby Lobby.
    • Z Z on May 29, 2014
      @Donna, is correct. Though E6000 works great, but until it's dry the glass could slide. When adding flat backed marbles to vases for our daughter's wedding reception we did two rows at a time or the weight pushed the lower marbles off.
  • Sam Schaefer Sam Schaefer on May 29, 2014
    E-6000 will work, but so will clear bathroom caulk. I use it all the time, and it's waterproof too. There are many brands. I like the silicone. You can find them anywhere from Lowes & Home Depot to Walmart. Good Luck!
  • I use GE Silicone II Supreme. It works as well as E-6000 but doesn't have the intoxicating glue smell. When I am doing projects that need to be held in place, I use the blue painter's tape to hold them. Just be careful not to get it where any glue is or it will be glue to your project.
  • Sherry Knott Sherry Knott on May 30, 2014
    I use E6000 too. I'm with Becky -- do only a couple of rows at a time. That's what we do on Mason jars. With a large jar, I "secured" the jar so that it wouldn't roll around by placing a hardback book on both sides. Anything you can think of to keep the jar from rolling. Then I glue a couple of rows vertically rather than horizontally. :-) Just an idea that works for me.
  • Terri Johnson Terri Johnson on May 30, 2014
    Hi, I use a marine clear silicone.
  • Laura Frasco Laura Frasco on May 30, 2014
    Gorilla Glue 2 part epoxy is what I use to make glass birdfeeders out of HEAVY glass candy dishes and wine glasses.....sets up in less than 5 minutes, so you need to work quickly and in small batches...... and it dries perfectly clear!
  • Joan Joan on May 30, 2014
    The GE silicone III is water proof,withstands sun and is freeze proof. Love using it and of course, it is clear.
  • Nina Owens Nina Owens on May 30, 2014
    E6000 or the clear caulks will work, however one of the problems of glass to glass is it is a nonporous surface. For best results to adhere, I use Armour Etch-All (or any other glass etching product) and lightly etch both glass surfaces. With Armour, I'd recommend about 10 minutes of etching. It will give the surfaces some "tooth" where the adhesives have something more to bond.
  • Donna Shipley Donna Shipley on May 30, 2014
    If you're not set on gluing on the sea glass, you might try starting over with this paint technique...
  • Carolyn Carolyn on May 30, 2014
    My experience is the marine silicone works best for these projects.
  • Judy Batty Judy Batty on May 30, 2014
    Weldbond!!!! Goes on looking like white glue and dries clear. Does not have the toxic effect of E6000.
  • Tanya W Tanya W on May 30, 2014
    Have you thought about just putting the seaglass inside the jar? That way you can change it out as your decor changes.
    • Kathy Meyer Kathy Meyer on Nov 21, 2014
      @Tanya W that's what I do with my jars and vases... and I keep the other colors in Zip lock bags or old coffee containers... I'm terrible though... I will separate all the "mixed" bags of beads or glass and keep them separated until I need specific colors to blend for the perfect look when I change it up... time consuming but less expensive than buying new all the time... just buy the color(s) I need and mix it up as I want...
  • Jeanie Wilde Jeanie Wilde on May 30, 2014
    I think silicone works best. It is heavy bodied and will help hold the glass pieces on.
  • Sue Allemand Sue Allemand on May 30, 2014
    Yep I use clear silicone caulk! :)
  • Paulette Marshall Paulette Marshall on May 30, 2014
    I use. GO2 GLUE. You have to have patience to let dry, but I found it best, I also use painters tape to hold in place while it dries . This glue dries perfectly clear, and easily found.
  • Evonne Kruger Evonne Kruger on May 30, 2014
    I use E6000 for all outside glue, making yard art is fantastic with this glue and really sticks fast,Glued a ceramic piece for my sister, works great.
  • Kc Nordquist Kc Nordquist on May 30, 2014
    I think all of these are very helpful suggestions. My question is: did you thoroughly clean the jar before you started?
  • Eileen Serletic Eileen Serletic on May 30, 2014
    Try Weldbond glue.
  • Therese Ryan-Haas Therese Ryan-Haas on May 30, 2014
    I don't know how you are going to get grout off with out scratching or braking glass. You can try to soak the whole thing on a bucket of white vinegar. Vinegar got grout off my ceramic tiles.
  • Sandy Lueker Sandy Lueker on May 30, 2014
    I use Marine Goop on all my glass projects..I make garden art, glass flowers, etc..never had a problem with it..
  • Leslie Long Leslie Long on May 30, 2014
    I agree with a few others. I use E6000 for all my outdoor projects. It is impervious to our high humidity here in FL so I'm sure it will work everywhere else! :)
  • Kat Davis-Moran Kat Davis-Moran on May 30, 2014
    I work with glass I use e6000 and Devcon Home, Devcon dries n is ready for use in 5 minutes, e6000, takes longer, Devcon is a 2 part epoxy n works very well hope this helps
  • Carol Carol on May 30, 2014
    First clean the jar with nail polish remover. Then wipe down with wet tissue, water only, no soap. I used glass glue that I bought from Ace Hdwe. It comes with a syringe for use.
  • Tegma Tegma on Jun 01, 2014
    I think I'd leave the grout on the jar, and just fill it in all over again with the beach glass &/or the grout, as needed. Use Weldbond or clear silicone and I think all will be well!
  • Rhonda Vigus Rhonda Vigus on Jun 09, 2014
    Problem solved!!! I tried the E6000 and it worked beautifully! I'm doing just a couple sections at a time to let the glue set and be able to turn the jar for the next roll. Thank you all for your suggestions. I'll post a finished lamp once done.
  • Selena Selena on Jan 03, 2015
    I also create mosaic projects. I like E6000 for glass. Good Luck
  • Rosalie chow Rosalie chow on Jan 29, 2015
    You should use Mosaic glue to glue the sea glass. Start from the bottom row and work your way up. Mosaic glue dries clear. If you use darker color grout, it will not see the dirt and your sea glass will stayed out.
    comment photo
  • Pam Shaffer Leonard Pam Shaffer Leonard on Aug 04, 2016
    Thats beautiful!!!