I need some suggestions for this odds ceiling area. Please help.

by Meg
This ceiling is surrounded with floor tile. What should I do with this area?
  28 answers
  • Lori J Lori J on Jun 01, 2014
    Where is this ceiling?
  • Meg Meg on Jun 01, 2014
    The ceiling is behind and above the track lighting, I dont know if they meant for it to be a skylight and never went through with it but it just a very odd space.
  • Lori J Lori J on Jun 01, 2014
    What is below it? Skylights would sure make sense.
  • Meg Meg on Jun 01, 2014
    It is the dining area next to the kitchen
  • Penny Massey Penny Massey on Jun 01, 2014
    Does the area above the tile follow the roofline? If you don't like or want to keep the opening, just frame it in & drop it to the level of the rest of the ceiling. If you want to keep it, but don't want a skylight, put a window frame with a picture behind it to look like outdoors.
  • Meg Meg on Jun 01, 2014
    Yes it follows the roof line. I am leasing with option, so can't do anything drastic.
  • Moxie Moxie on Jun 01, 2014
    I would paint the tile to go with your decor; I would so take advantage of this and so some wicked stenciling for an ohhh and awwww ceiling or fake a cloudy sky and skylight members with paint...would love to see what you do! : )
  • Adrianne C Adrianne C on Jun 02, 2014
    I had a 1955 trailer that had fluorescent lighting close to the ceiling behind glass. It created a really nice glow in the room. They were hidden. A mural would be nice too.
  • Anna Erishkigal Anna Erishkigal on Jun 02, 2014
    Paint it all a uniform light color (those black tiles are just weird) and then either paint a pretty mural up there, or add a mirror to reflect light back into the room.
  • Meg Meg on Jun 02, 2014
    I agree about the tiles and they are actually green to match the floor tiles and the floor tile used as a kitchen counter top. One step at a time for now at least until I buy it.
  • Bethar Bethar on Jun 02, 2014
    I agree you shouldn't do too much until it yours. I think painting it another color and finding some different lighting, maybe something with a little more style would help. Also, if you could take the tile down and replace it with a nice painted or stained molding, I think that would make a big difference.
  • Suzanne Jones Suzanne Jones on Jun 02, 2014
    First, replace those bulbs with MUCH softer ones!! (holy crap!! even in the picture, they are bright enough to make someone want sunglasses!!) I have NO problem with you calling me and talking this through. I have LOTS of ideas, as I had an area, JUST like this at a house we lived in. It's tough, when you don't own it. You can message me through facebook. Suzanne Berry-Jones, or, email me--ivory0311 @gmail.com We'll work on it.
  • Cynthia Fuller Cynthia Fuller on Jun 02, 2014
    How about hanging some art from there - like a mid-century mobile or some stained glass objects?
  • Centrd Centrd on Jun 02, 2014
    If you could also provide a picture of the room, it would be a lot easier to know what would tie things together...but just looking at a hole in the ceiling makes it hard to know if any ideas would actually be appropriate for the space.
  • Centrd Centrd on Jun 02, 2014
    I also can't see the light fixtures well. Is it too dark for a pic if they're off? One thing for sure, regardless of what's below...and at least for the short term, I'd mask the two colored tile. At minimum make it all one color. It could be done very inexpensively with some sort of very thin board glued or velcro'd on to the tile, since it's not going to be taking any abuse up there. There are so many possibilities, brain storm a little, maybe peel & stick wall paper? Foam core? some barn board paneling? I'm sure walking around a home center or lumber yard would get the creative juices flowing. But I'm sure it can be turned into an architectural feature if done right.
  • Shari Veater Shari Veater on Jun 02, 2014
    Get tile paint and a wall color paint a shade or two darker, soft light bulbs...it should look alot better....good luck :)
  • Peteysmom Peteysmom on Jun 02, 2014
    Without knowing your decor, I am suggesting an easy/temporary fix: you can attach loose fabric pannels or scarves to drape from one side to the other. Maybe several pieces to create a Moraccan type of ceiling decor. If you keep it loose enough to be away from the lights it will be backlit so that could be pretty. If you do not know what I am trying to describe, just look up Moroccan decor and there should be lots of examples to get an idea. Good Luck.
  • Peteysmom Peteysmom on Jun 02, 2014
    Here are some examples in case I was not describing it well.
    comment photo
    comment photo
  • Meg Meg on Jun 02, 2014
    You have all been so helpful with your ideas. I will take some better pics and post them. Was considering hanging baskets for a rustic/Tuscany type feel. I will still have to cover the green tile with maybe a ages wash or something similar.
  • Suzanne Jones Suzanne Jones on Jun 03, 2014
    I talked to my friend. We thought...replace those horrible bulbs. See if globes will/can, at all, go over them. If the area isn't too large, get some plastic molding, and affix it where it isn't permanent, but will stay in place, and, then, buy some really pretty plexiglass, in your preferred color, and put it in that massive hole, letting light shine in, but, it will, at least, be a color that YOU like, and be decorative!! (she thought the bulbs were too bright, too, and we were both confused about the space!) Good luck, Sweetie!! ;-)
  • Meg Meg on Jun 03, 2014
    Thanks Suzanne, the lights are on a dimmer switch which helps with the brightness but not the ugliness. Still pondering my options. Will have more time this summer to tackle this issue than can move on to the rest of the house. lol
  • Suzanne Jones Suzanne Jones on Jun 04, 2014
    Like I said, see if you can attach globes, to hide the ugliness. -)
  • Diane Arnold Diane Arnold on Jun 13, 2014
    Switch out the lighting with inexpensive track lighting and use the natural light or white bulbs. Then get some 1"x2"'s the length of your opening, maybe 3 or 4 and stain them the color of whatever wood you have in the room. Now go to a glass shop and get frosted plexiglass to place on top of the wood.It looks like there is already an edge on each side that it could lay on. You would have a flat ceiling and would look like a faux skylight. You didn't say if the tiles were ceramic or not, if so I'd leave them and paint them, otherwise take them down and repaint that part of the wall. This might mean having to replace the sheetrock, but that is very easy. Whatever you do, it is an interesting area and I would love to have it. lol I love a challenge. Good luck and let us know what you do.
  • Michelle Nevers-Grow Michelle Nevers-Grow on Aug 28, 2014
    I think a cool mural would add an awesome vibe!
  • Frank C Frank C on Sep 18, 2016
    Make the sides Mirrored, The ceiling with a mural of the sky and Sun.
  • Pg Pg on Sep 18, 2018

    I would paint it a contrasting color and leave it alone. Actually looks kind of cool, because it is so unique. I really think if you accent it with color, it would look really good. Just my opinion.

  • Deb K Deb K on Jan 07, 2022

    Hi Meg, you could paint the tiles 1 color to make it look more pleasing. You could also put a wood layer over the tiles, and on the actual ceiling again to make it one color. Here are some ither ideas for you to look at,


    If you do this right, it can be a center piece .