Asked on Jun 05, 2014

Patriotic Decorations

Dee W
by Dee W
Help...I am having a memorial after the funeral of Chester Nez (The Last of the Original 29 Navajo Codetalkers). The funeral is on Tuesday so I need to have everything up by Monday night. I really want to honor him but I don't have a lot of money or time.. I was hoping some of you could help me out with ideas for inexpensive, easy decorations (red/white/blue). I have a large yard, so I am looking for big impact. Maybe things for fences or trellises. I know there are a lot of decorations out this time of year, but that can get quite expensive. Thanks for taking the time to help me out!
  7 answers
  • Donna Byram Donna Byram on Jun 05, 2014
    If you have a chain link fence you can put plastic cups in red, white and blue cups in the squares and make a flag, spell out a special note in his honor, make just about anything. Seen this done a lot at school yards that have chain link fences. You could also weave ribbon in the trellises in the 3 colors too. Check out your Dollar General stores, the usually have a lot of Patriotic things out this time of year.
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  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Jun 06, 2014
    You can do a lot with those rolls of crepe paper that you twist the colors together and hang from ceilings or wherever you can tack them up. You can add the 3 colors of balloons at every tack. If you are holding this in a room, run the streamers across the ceiling, tacking them every 2' or so (or as needed) and tack a balloon at each tack in one of the colors. let the streamers run down the wall where you tack the at the edges. You can purchase small 4x6" American flags at any party store (and some grocery stores). Get about 2 packs (8 or so) and fashion a bouquet of them in a vase (stuff vase with some tissue paper to use to make flags stay in place. Ordering cookies? Get a few with Icing in the 3 colors and have them on small trays near the main table (just enough for color...the rest can be plain if there is a difference in cost).
  • Ene19230 Ene19230 on Jun 06, 2014
    Walmart has ribbon fairly inexpensive. Get red, white and blue ribbon and make your own swags for your fence by layering and draping them. Get some foam core board at the dollar store and print out some patriotic decorations from your computer and glue them on the board. You can hang them on your fence using ribbon or display in the room. Also create beautiful story boards with photos of his life. You can find lots of patriotic graphics for free on the internet to print out and decorate your boards. You can also get stickers fairly inexpensive at the craft stores or Walmart. That's what I am doing with a scrapbook I'm putting together for my dad who died last Memorial Day. I put together photo boards for his funeral and everyone enjoyed looking at them. I also had photo scrap books. Don't forget that you can have a photo cake made with patriotic designs around his photo. Good luck! I am thankful for the service of Chester Nez who served our country bravely and with honor!
  • Ene19230 Ene19230 on Jun 06, 2014
    I thought you might be able to use some of these. You can cut and paste them into a Word document and print them out to make your own graphics to cut out and put on story boards. I hope you find something you can use here.
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  • Melodie Hoffman Melodie Hoffman on Jun 06, 2014
    Dollar Tree has a lot of things you can use in red,white and blue. I see a lot of friends going there for weddings and anniversaries and I'm sure you could find decor to use. Wonderful that you are honoring this hero,these men should be honored by us all.
  • Cynthia Swan Cynthia Swan on Jun 06, 2014
    @Dee W You could make a large American Flag : You could take a large, blue tarp, and paint it using Rustoleum Spray paint (or similar). First, plan out the layout of the stripes, blue field of stars. mark your design on the tarp with sharpies. Use painters blue tape to mask off every other stripe, and cover the blue area for the stars with newspaper. Spray paint the red stripes first. Let dry, then switch to having the masking tape cover the red stripes. Paint the uncovered stripes white. Remove the newspaper from the blue area for the stars. Cut a star shape the size you need out of a kitchen sponge. Spray the white paint into a pie tin or some other open container to make a small pool of white paint. Daub the sponge into the paint, blot it off on newspaper, then stamp it on the blue area. Repeat for all of the stars. This is easier to do if you put a line of masking tape down to help keep the star rows straight. Hope this helps.
  • Chris aka monkey Chris aka monkey on Jun 07, 2014
    @Dee W get some red white and blue table cloths plastic dollar stores have them lay them on top of each other cut strips but not all the way leave about 4-6 inches at top tie a knot on the top with all threecolors these can be draped around a tree or on a porch railing or a fence you can cut them to size to fit almost anywhere hanging from tress big bang small bucks xx what an honor you are doing we owe a lot to the codetalkers