Does this take the place of a head board

by Carol
My room is very small and a headboard would take up more space.Do you look at this and think it still needs a headboard?
  28 answers
  • Mary Sullivan Mary Sullivan on Jun 07, 2014
    I've seen folks put headboards on the wall, without attaching them to the bed. I am not going to lie to you. It lacks a headboard. The thing is... would I have noticed it or felt a headboard was missing if I had viewed it without you having asked about it? I am not sure.
  • Chris aka monkey Chris aka monkey on Jun 07, 2014
    @Carol because you ask, i would say yes it does not need something massive and with the way you have decorated which i love, i would say something very light like a rattan one they are inexpensive at yard sales you could spray paint it any color you would like i think pale pink would look smashing,don't be in a rush have fun looking and don't settle for anything except what you love xx
    • Carol Carol on Jun 07, 2014
      @Chris aka monkey Thanks Chris.Always nice to get some new ideas.
  • Beverley Leonie Beverley Leonie on Jun 07, 2014
    I am biased but I have never liked a bed, any bed, without a headboard. A room never reads cozy or complete without one.
    • Carol Carol on Jun 07, 2014
      @Beverley Leonie Thanks.I appreciate the honesty.
  • Carole Carole on Jun 07, 2014
    It looks very pretty but I think you need to remember why we use headboards. If someone were sitting up in bed their head and back would be resting against the wall. This is not comfortable and even the cleanest person will leave a greasy mark on your walls after doing this several times. Our hair and skin is full of natural oils and this will come off on your wall. I know this as we had no headboard in our bedroom for a while and my hubby left a dirty mark on the wallpaper where he would sit up in bed with just a pillow behind his lower back. The hanging items in your photo would also be in the way for anyone wanting to sit up in bed. I would recommend a headboard. Something like a raffia or cane headboard so you can still see through it but it would support pillows behind the back and keep the person from leaning on the wall when they sit up in bed would be my suggestion. White cane or raffia would be in keeping with your room I think. Check out ebay or Craigs list or try making your own headboard.
    • Carol Carol on Jun 07, 2014
      @Carole Thanks Carole.Never really thought about a greasy mark.I am a clean freak so that would drive me crazy.
  • Carole Carole on Jun 07, 2014
    Another suggestion. Hang a rail on the wall behind the bed and hang some fancy pillows/cushions from tabs (like tab curtain tops) onto the rail. That way when someone wants to sit up they are leaning on the pillows/cushionsand not on your clean walls! More comfy for them, still looks attractive and in keeping with your room and design and no dirty walls!
  • Z Z on Jun 08, 2014
    I think it's very pretty Carol. The only reason you would need a headboard would be if your pillow slipped between the bed and wall when you were propped up reading or while you were sleeping.
  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Jun 08, 2014
    Needs a headboard of some type. I like Carole from Australia's suggestion. Think it would really be in keeping with the super fem style of your room.
    • Carol Carol on Jun 08, 2014
      @Marion Nesbitt Thanks Marion.I do like Caroles idea
  • Wanda Wanda on Jun 08, 2014
    I think it still needs a headboard. . .possibly hand painted trifold doors or a privacy screen would work and you could decorate it any way you choose. (Also, if you use the doors UPSIDE down, you could add hooks and still be able to hang your well loved items, jewelry, etc. from them)
  • Wanda Wanda on Jun 08, 2014
    You are most welcome
  • Julie Cassady Julie Cassady on Jun 08, 2014
    I did something like this for my daughter when she was younger, I did not use a headboard, I hung material as a back drop to the netting. I think it looks good just the way it is though.
  • Carol Carol on Jun 08, 2014
    Thanks Julie
  • Amy Ogden-Paparone Amy Ogden-Paparone on Jun 08, 2014
    I like the way it looks just the way it is! I love the draped material giving the head of the bed a finished look. It says, come and lay on me and be so comfortable! I wouldn't change it. Especially if you like it! That's what a home is all about!
  • Carol Carol on Jun 08, 2014
    Thanks so much
  • Diane Arnold Diane Arnold on Jun 09, 2014
    I agree, it's beautiful and looks very comfortable. Nice job, I like your whimsical effect.
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Jun 09, 2014
    Unless you are a person who reads in bed all the time, you really don't need a headboard. If I were a "reader in bed", I would get one of those beds that raised up! HA! When I read, I sit in the bed I lie down and rest to watch TV! Your area is BEAUTIFUL!
  • Carol Carol on Jun 09, 2014
    Thanks Jeanette.I do not read in bed.Spend to much time decorating LOL
  • Cindi Cindi on Jun 09, 2014
    you could cover a piece of board, thin, about the length of your bed, by about 12 inches high, and cover it with foam and matrl of choice. Then attached it to your wall behind your bed, about a foot and half above the bed. To use as a head rest for pillows. Then your pillows you have while not in bed would cover it, just a thought
  • Wanda sinnema Wanda sinnema on Jun 10, 2014
    I think It needs a headboard too. I just bought one on online from JCpenney..for our spare room on sale for about $100.00. White w/ pickets its only about 2-3 inches deep, takes up little room but finishes the look..PLUS, if there is an outlet at the end of the bed....It keeps the bed from hitting the cords.... in this case,,it was my computer and printer outlet.. I would say NO to the headboard if you enlarge the grouping just a bit,,
  • Carol Carol on Jun 10, 2014
    Thanks Wanda
  • C C on Jun 11, 2014
    Here's something that provides the look of a headboard, it won't take extra space and provides a comfortable way to sit up while reading :) I think it would look pretty with your sheer too
    comment photo
  • Carol Carol on Jun 11, 2014
    Love this.Thanks Carrie.Did you make this or buy it.
    • C C on Jun 11, 2014
      @Carol It's not a picture from my own home. Just one of many {idea} pictures I have saved for planning a future guest space ;) It was a picture in BHG
  • Nikki Nikki on Feb 22, 2015
    I think its Very Cute! maybe a mantle type shelf under the pictures? I have seen before and loved the look but also think it is cute just as it is. :)
  • Carol Carol on Feb 22, 2015
    Thanks for the duggestion
  • Carol Carol on Feb 22, 2015
  • Country Design Home Country Design Home on Feb 22, 2015
    Hi Carol- I love what you did with the sweet draped sheer canopy! But it still doesn't look quite finished, I think because the things on the wall are too small? I would remove those and fill in the space with a large picture, poster or even a stick-on wall mural that will define the space. If you did want to purchase a headboard, Craigslist or a local thrift shop might be the answer.
  • Carol Carol on Feb 22, 2015
    Thanks sue appreciate the feedback
  • Cle942837 Cle942837 on Sep 07, 2015
    It doesn't "need" anything, it's darling! I love the handling glass baubles and the drape...BUT....I think a Japanese folding screen that has some vertical-ness, would add something to lean against if it's anchored flat....I have one I love but a window is in the way! That way you can get various widths...3 panel, 4 panel, etc....
  • SueBeeOC SueBeeOC on Sep 20, 2016
    No headboard needed! Love the drapery canopy!