Any body have idea on re purpose of old CDs?

by Hema
I need your ideas.
  17 answers
  • Lori J Lori J on Jun 08, 2014
    I have several projects in the elementary art room that make use of old cds. If you don't want to just give them to a local art teacher, I would think you could take the weaving idea and make coaster.
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  • Faith R Georges Faith R Georges on Jun 08, 2014
    home made stickers with children s sizes or type of clothing. size 0-2T they go sizes fast the first couple of years and this would help keep the sizes in order
  • Peggy Lyman Peggy Lyman on Jun 09, 2014
    Paint with metallic paint and hang on outside Christmas tree.
  • Donna.chagnon Donna.chagnon on Jun 09, 2014
    Hang as a wind ornament. When the sun catches the CD you get a rainbow of colors.
  • Shirley C Shirley C on Jun 09, 2014
    I put a string through the middle and hang on posts across my garden. The sun reflects off them and they turn in the wind and keep birds off your garden. It works --Best use for Windows 95 I've found !
  • Virginia J Ortega Virginia J Ortega on Jun 09, 2014
    Cut them up and make a mosaic out of them on a large rock, or planter or even an old coffee table or on a frame....etc....
  • Therese C Therese C on Jun 09, 2014
    I wish I could remember the site I saw the idea on, but somebody had covered an entire game room floor by epoxying cd's down and then clear coated it. The look was awesome!
  • Hema Hema on Jun 09, 2014
    @ @Lori J Thanks for the reply.
  • Joffler Joffler on Jun 09, 2014
    CD-clad Art car!
  • Peggy Rickard Peggy Rickard on Jun 09, 2014
    On HOMETALK, a blogger used the inside of the CD to resurface a birdbath. Really beautiful . Check it out.
  • Lelsey Lelsey on Jun 09, 2014
    I crochet around them (in hole and out) and use them for hot pads. i give them to people also!
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    • Trish Davenport Trish Davenport on Jan 03, 2016
      @Lelsey What an excellent idea. I wish I could crochet. I am as knitter. I also answered this question with my CD's idea. Yours are beautiful.
  • Lelsey Lelsey on Jun 09, 2014
    If you have fruit trees, you can hang them in it to keep birds away. They see the spinning flash and leave & won't eat the fruit!
  • Kasey Ripley Kasey Ripley on Jun 16, 2014
    If you heat a CD they become flexible, heat it up and then press it around the outside of a bowl, when it cools back done, you now have another bowl you can store stuff in, or a small planter, or you can just twist it into any fun shape you want
  • Irene G Lewis Irene G Lewis on Jun 16, 2014
    We took our grandchildren to a Children's Museum in Phoenix and they had about a 30 foot high walls and they had strung CD's on colorful string down one wall. Maybe 60 strings of CD's about 25 feet long. The room had a huge jungle gym with skylights and the CD's sparkled with the lights. Because they were only attached to the top they also moved gently. It was awesome!
  • Nick Nick on Jun 24, 2014
    If you look at a CD or DVD from the side they are clear and have a sort of rainbow quality. I always wanted to stack them up and put a light inside (maybe LED rope light) and see what type of lamp or floor lamp would look like. Wife made me recycle the box of them when we got together so it never happened.
  • Trish Davenport Trish Davenport on Jan 03, 2016
    I stripped off the shiny side with packing tape. Then downloaded designs from You Tube for Mandala's. With the CD's now stripped and clear I put the pattern under the CDs and outlines them in Magic Marker. I used silver/gold and colored glitter glue to cover the pattern outlines and then colored the rest of the cd's with Glass Paint. It was so easy and went so fast. I then drilled holes in the top and bottom of the Cd's and strung them on mono filament. I hung some outside using some homemade beads in between them.
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