Linda Adams
by Linda Adams
Four years ago we bought a new mobile home , thinking it would be an inexpensive choice for retirement. Since everythign was new , we figured it woudl last 20 years or so. Biggest mistake we ever made! The fixtures are so cheap that everything is falling apart and needs to be replaced - faucets, molding, cabinets, carpeting etc. The kitchen and bathroom cabinets along with all the molding on the walls, which i thought were inexpensive oak, are a cheap fiberboard covered in what seems like a type of contact paper. Where they have gotten repeated moisture the fiber has "puffed up" and deteriorated. The paper covering , even after a few years , has started to rub and wear off. Something that you would expect to last a lifetime looks like crap after only a few years. I don't see any alternative but to replace cabinets, vanities, molding etc. But if anyone has had the same problem and can offer a solution I would really love to hear it.
  5 answers
  • Adrianne C Adrianne C on Jun 16, 2014
    Yep, been there several times! Really dislike that stuff! Had a sink overflow once on a rental and the "Melamie" countertop swoll up a couple of inches! Currently working on a piece of furniture for a dear older lady and the whole thing is like that. I'll end up rebuilding the entire cabinet. What I do is build a basic cabinet, copying the one that's in there currently, except use real wood and plywood. Birch is furniture grade, but it's more expensive. Buying cabinets can be super expensive. In the house I'm currently in, there were the old 50's style metal cabinets that I moved around and positioned where I thought would be good. That might be an option if you could find some.
    comment photo
  • Linda Adams Linda Adams on Jun 16, 2014
    what do you do to it to repair it?
    • Adrianne C Adrianne C on Jun 16, 2014
      @Linda Adams You can't repair it, it disintegrates. It must be replaced. Strongly recommend using real wood, even plywood will shrink back to it's original if it gets wet and expands.
  • Mon1040256 Mon1040256 on Jan 02, 2015
    I know what you're talking about - I used to hate, hate, hate my kitchen because of those cheap kitchen cabinet that came with the mobile home. Ours also were damaged over a short period of time after we bought the mobile home (swelling from moisture). We recently re-did our entire kitchen replacing our kitchen cabinets with in stock kitchen cabinets from H. Depot (also replaced the floor, lighting and put up a tile backsplash). I don't think we spent over $1700 (got them on sale). We would buy a couple of cabinets when we had extra money and my brother would install them for us (the entire process took 4-5 months). The end result was beautiful - looks like an entirely different kitchen.
  • Terra Gazelle Terra Gazelle on Feb 18, 2015
    My cabinets did the same thing in my double wide...we are getting ready to remodel the kitchen and replacing the cabinets. I thought about painting but there is no way with the damage..I thought about just getting new doors, they are so much cheaper. But I wanted taller cabinets so we are splurging. I got a new granite sink..( love at first site) so I have a laminate counter (to get the sink I had to save some where else...but I really like it. Looks like granite and even my cheapo counters held up pretty much. New italian porceylin tiles, gorgeous back splash with open shelving. I am excited to have cabinets that do not look like I never washed them..they are So scuzzy!
  • Creative Services ltd Creative Services ltd on Mar 30, 2015
    Cheap kitchen cabinets are always a mistake. Look for APC, which is All Plywood Construction.