Fab Foyer Rug Revamped

by Lory
Hi all, can you believe it's almost summer? This year is passing by in record speed. Any who, I hope you all had a fantastic weekend, I sure did. Saturday night we hosted a Luau and it was great. I will do a post on it later on. As I mentioned earlier summer is almost here, and I have been doing a few home improvement projects like painting, organizing, and rearranging before it gets too hot. The rug in my fab foyer was on my summer to do list as well. Read on to see how it was transformed.
This is how the rug looked before it was repainted. It had lost it's luster but.....
My daughter breathed new life into this rug with......
several bottles of apple barrel craft paint, time and patience.
It took about 8 hours to complete this work of art and.....
I was able to get in on the action at the very end. I was responsible for painting the border. tahehehe!
See, that's me painting on the border.
After all of the hard work, the rug was signed by the artist ( my daughter) and left to dry overnight. The next day it received a few coats of Scotchgard and then it was put back into place.
Here's the finished product. What do you think? I absolutely love it and I couldn't be more pleased. A great big "Thank You" to my daughter for taking the time to revamp this rug.
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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