Anyone have any ideas of what color to paint fireplace?

Kim Lander
by Kim Lander
This house was built in 1964. What a horrible, ugly bricks they used. Would like to paint it, the wood behind it is real good wood paneling.
  20 answers
  • Becky Wood Becky Wood on Jun 20, 2014
    A lot people paint their fireplaces and I have seen it done on lots of home improvement shows. Do a search on this site or Pinterest and you will probably find lots of ideas for painting it. HGTV probably has some suggestions too.
  • Penny Penny on Jun 20, 2014
    you're is ugly!!!! why did they do that? would paint it white and make a bigger mantle for the top.....i think with the white, or even a nice creme color, you will be safe with any other colors you use in the room, especially since it sits against brown paneling and turqoiuse furniture....good luck...hope i helped..
  • Diane Arnold Diane Arnold on Jun 20, 2014
    Actually I have seen this brick used with the right mantle look very nice, but it does seem to clash with your wall and mantle. I would take a picture of your wall to the paint store and hold paint samples next to it. Find the right color for the wall.
  • Victoria Muzik Victoria Muzik on Jun 20, 2014
    light gray, almost white, sponge in flecks of dark gray, It will iiven up the room.
  • Frances Davis Frances Davis on Jun 20, 2014
    Ick! I would go with a cream or vanilla color
  • I personally like a white fireplace. A larger mantel top could be easily made. Update us with a photo with what you decide. :)
  • Kayo Frazier Kayo Frazier on Jun 20, 2014
    Paint it a creamy white this will make the black parts of the fireplace & the wood paneling pop. Change the mantle piece to a 2-3" thick & about 6-8" wide dark wood piece that ends about 5-6" past the brickwork. That's it.
  • Terry's Flooring Terry's Flooring on Jun 20, 2014
    I like the light colors everyone has mentioned ..Personally , vanilla sounds great
  • Jan Loehr Jan Loehr on Jun 20, 2014
    All the suggestions of white paint are spot on,,but your brown/orange panelled walls are still there & would clash terribly if not painted in a light complimentary color as well. Are these panels on all the walls in the room? The whole room would be transformed if you paint the walls soft gray or off white as well.
  • Pat Pat on Jun 20, 2014
    I thinking creamy white paint will do wonders on the fireplace. The wood, no matter how expensive it is, if you are not happy change it...You can paint it. It's your home enjoy it.
  • Debbie Debbie on Jun 20, 2014
    I also did my off white. It will give you a base coat and give you time to think if you want some other color.
  • Isabela Castro Isabela Castro on Jun 21, 2014
    Das Gosto Sugestões fazer Branco ou baunilha creme ... Vai Ficar lindo!
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Jun 21, 2014
    I would build a surround with wider mantle, making it deeper front to back on each side of the venting area and take the surround all the way to the ceiling. (I take it that those slots are vents for heat from the stove so you can't have a deep mantle and can't cover them...???) Make sure you put electricity to the mantle so you can put lamps, etc. on it and your TV above. Google "Build Fireplace Surround" and you will find lots of suggestions from ornate to plain as well as plans. Make sure you get your local code on how far from the opening you have to have the wood and the kind of paint to use. Then I paint it cream...not biege but a true cream. You can cover a large portion of the bricks.
    • Laura Laura on Jan 20, 2015
      @Jeanette S Yes! the surround all the way to the ceiling!
  • Therese C Therese C on Jun 21, 2014
    Two things come into play very quickly here. 1) do you use the fireplace for a heat source still? and 2) are you keeping the walls as they are? If yes and yes, the you are a bit more limited as to what you can do. Definitely, I would build the surround wider and add a larger mantle either way it goes. If it is NOT a heat source and you are NOT keeping the walls as they are; pull out the iron heat box and use the area with an iron candle holder. The mantle should stay cream colored (not off-white) with the wood walls. If you are changing the walls then you can paint the paneling and use a fine accent color on the surround and mantle. Let us know what you are doing with the walls and if this is still a heat source, maybe we can then help you better. Also, please include a shot of the room this is in so we can get an idea of your personal taste and the colors you use for your furnishings. Thank you and kind regards, Therese
  • Angie W Angie W on Jun 29, 2014
    Are you keeping the walls paneled? Are you keeping the furniture?
  • Angie W Angie W on Jun 29, 2014
    Here is what I would do..... Paint the lower (33" from floor) part of the paneling white.....the upper part a beige color, build up/out your mantle shelf a little...(make it bigger), Trim out your lower wall to look like panels (like picture)...(you buy small flat sided trim, could even use the Styrofoam kind)...cut corners at angles, put together like a square).....Put a large mirror over mantle in gold or silver, preferably round to break up all the squareness (is that a word?....haha) add a few candlesticks or tall vases, add a few pictures...Voila !!!
    comment photo
  • Candy@habitat2home Candy@habitat2home on Dec 26, 2014
    I think black or charcoal gray would be amazing!
  • Laura Laura on Jan 20, 2015
    Don't know if you've done anything with it yet but I'd paint the wall and mantle white and leave the brick. Another idea is to white wash the brick instead of solid paint. It looks so good and I think we're going to do that. Check pinterest for how to do it.
  • Laura Laura on Jan 20, 2015
    Also, a bigger mantle would be nice depending on your budget, etc.
  • PattyV PattyV on Jan 31, 2015
    Whitewash or use concrete stain so it is not a solid color