Asked on Jun 25, 2014

help...please help me identify this plant!

The tall green one with the toothed leaves.
  14 answers
  • Annette C Annette C on Jun 25, 2014
    Kinda looks like hemp... what does it smell like?
    • See 1 previous
    • Annette C Annette C on Aug 26, 2014
      @Annette C I blew up the photo, and I retract the himp statement... Hemp leaves are not connected they are 5 independent leaves that come together. My neighbor has some wild plants in their backyard that resemble them but I've never seem them bloom.
  • White Oak Studio Designs White Oak Studio Designs on Jun 26, 2014
    I think it looks like a Chaste Tree/Vitex. Usually grown in the South, though I have two in SW MI. They just die back each winter and start over in the spring.
    • I was told it was a perennial flower. The stems are not tree like. They are tender and long stems from ground to leaves. I'm waiting for blooms!
  • Tes Scholtz Tes Scholtz on Jun 26, 2014
    Hmmm, I'm not sure, but if you have time to try to find it you can try here:
  • Michael Ramsey Michael Ramsey on Jun 26, 2014
    i would have to also say hemp
  • Loni Loni on Jun 26, 2014
    Looks like pot to me too!! Dry the leaves and then burn them, the scent is very recognizable !
    • @Loni, Thank you for your response. Everybody seems to think it is hemp (pot), but it is not. I must have to admit the leaves look a lot like pot, but they have a different texture and it does not smell like pot. I checked in some of my books and it looks kind of like a perennial Ligularia. There are lots of leaf shapes and sizes, different blooms. The photo below shows one that is close to the leaf pattern on my plant. It's going to bloom any day now. Maybe then I will be able to identify.
  • No, it's not hemp (I wish it were!!)
  • I checked in some of my books and it looks kind of like Ligularia. There are lots of leaf shapes and sizes, different blooms. The photo below shows one that is close to the leaf pattern.
    comment photo
  • Thanks for the answers, but I'm still hoping for more ideas.
  • Myrna Engle Myrna Engle on Jul 01, 2014
    my choice is Frost Weed which can be very pretty if there the minute it frosts.
  • Katrina Smalley Katrina Smalley on Sep 02, 2014
    Christina Shettle-Charney, I just stumbled across your pic and just in case you haven't i.d. it this plant is a Rudbeckia Lacinata-extremely invasive via its seeds, I mean in sidewalk cracks and under bushes invasive but if you deadhead it should be fine.
  • Myrna Engle Myrna Engle on Sep 02, 2014
    All rudbeckia have a fuzzy texture to the leaf usually more so on the back side. Leaf would have some degree of firmness thought not rigid. After thinking about the fact that someone gave you a transplant, I wonder if what you have is just a weed that came with the transplant. My choice of Frost Weed is wrong. It has changed over the last 5 weeks as I'm sure your mystery plant has also. My latest thought is ' Man High Ragweed ". Will you post what it looks like now? I'm hooked on this stranger in your garden.
  • Katrina Smalley Katrina Smalley on Sep 08, 2014
    Myrna, I just spotted a 2 footer of this under my bushes! thought I had it all gone but there that little invasive plant is and its identical to Christinas' pic-and I spotted some a block away in a flowerbed so its being spread far and wide in the village lol. The plant gets 4 to 6 feet tall and the leaves look much like a marijuana leaf.
  • Myrna Engle Myrna Engle on Sep 09, 2014
    Has yours bloomed? Id keep anything as lovely as Christinas' pic.
  • Ruth Lightcap Ruth Lightcap on Sep 02, 2016
    I forget the technical name for it but it has also been know as the Outhouse Plant because it was used to hide outhouses. It has a bright yellow flower that blooms in the summer. It is very invasive. Once the flowers die the stalks are very ugly. My husband loves the plant but I hate it and yes it is a weed.