What kind of flower am I

Dianna Brown
by Dianna Brown
This plant was found behind my garage-it came from no where. I'm having behind the garage cleared out today. Do you think I can transplant it?
  23 answers
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Jul 03, 2014
    It's a common mullein, Verbascum thapsis. Most people would think of it as a weed. They have a long taproot, and it is generally a challenge to transplant plants that do.
    • Bonnie Bassett Bonnie Bassett on Jul 05, 2014
      @Douglas Hunt I had a butterfly weed that came up near my shed a few years ago it was very healthy and pretty but I didn't like it's location so I transplanted it ...it died shortly there after !
  • Eileen Jessop Eileen Jessop on Jul 04, 2014
    Yes Verbascum. Grows wild.
  • Fenya Kashergen Fenya Kashergen on Jul 04, 2014
    I'll bet the bees like it a lot. Good for the environment.
  • Vickie Wybo-Yuhase Vickie Wybo-Yuhase on Jul 04, 2014
    I get a few every year. I let one grow to all the way, I find the butterflies and bee's do love it. I like the color and softness of the plant itself. I never know where it will appear from year to year.
  • Mormoormo Mormoormo on Jul 04, 2014
    Goldfinches LOVE the seeds. Also, the first year from seed, the leaves form a silvery rosette on the ground. Very ornamental. The flower stalk appears the second year.
  • Lucia Lucia on Jul 04, 2014
    I have in my garden Lambs Ears,and the flowers are very similar to yours,If the leafs are fleshy ,and the shape of a lambs ears,so you don't have a weed.
  • Glad E Olah Glad E Olah on Jul 04, 2014
    Lamb's Ear? We have never let one grow being in the main yard they always get mowed down. I think it is time to allow one to grow somewhere in the yard. Beautiful plant!
    • Sue Beaty Sue Beaty on Jul 05, 2014
      @Glad E Olah i love lambs ear, and i have one, but.....last yr. i moved and transplanted a couple in different places.. it really didnt grow per say BUT this year IT IS ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!! im pulling up 100s of little babies so it wont overtake. so... my advice is to find a place for it where you dont mind if it pretty much has the run of the place. its beautiful, i love it but yet have discovered it can have a mind of its own. just a lil fyi for ya:)
  • Jody D Jody D on Jul 04, 2014
    I have a few of them in my yard I let them grow. I thought they were Lamb's ear as well :) Love the yellow flowers
  • Claudia Claudia on Jul 04, 2014
    My Mom used to call them Lambs Ear also. I saw some at work and noticed they were growing this tall. But I never knew! I pulled them all up this year as weeds, but I heard they will come back, I can always hope :)
  • Tanya Hough Tanya Hough on Jul 04, 2014
    This is a mullein plant. It was used medicinally for asthma, but I don't know how. It is a biennial and I have never had it grow where I want it. It used to just pop up randomly and I never had any luck moving or transplanting it. It is rather cool in a so ugly it's cute kinda way.
    • See 3 previous
    • Deb Deb on Jul 06, 2014
      I agree with the people saying it is a Mullein weed. I see them along the roads during my walks and my cousin had some grow in her yard . This is very Northwest OHIO
  • Yvette Gerace Yvette Gerace on Jul 05, 2014
    How funny, I just posted the same flower yesterday asking the same question ! Found it in one of the gardens I have in a Detroit park. The garden is 4 years old but this came out on nowhere! Mullien and is used for everything much like Aloe. A desired weed and newer to North America.
    comment photo
    • Bonnie Bassett Bonnie Bassett on Jul 05, 2014
      @Yvette Gerace Yours doesn't look the same as the one posted although it is a little difficult to tell because the one posted doesn't show the bottom leaves .I think the one posted is Lamb's Ear
  • Angie Spizzirri Angie Spizzirri on Jul 05, 2014
    read up on it it has healing properties too
  • Dorothy Dorothy on Jul 06, 2014
    Easy to confuse first year mullein and lambs ears....they both have silvery fuzzy leaves and grow fairly low to the ground. Lambs ears bloom with a flower spike with pinkish to slightly violet colored flowers while mullein (the wild form) blooms yellow with spikes as much as 6 feet or more high. There are now "domesticated' varieties with more color choices (from pale yellow to an apricot/peach tone). Wild birds love the seeds so leave them after the blooms are gone and allow the birds to eat from these natural feeders.
  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Jul 06, 2014
    Like it whatever it is. I'd dig out a good chunk of soil with it, and try to plant it somewhere in the yard that has similar light/moisture conditions.
  • Katie Katie on Jul 06, 2014
    This is Mullein. You are very lucky to have it. I've tried everything to get them to grow in my garden but they are VERY particular about where they choose to thrive. It will likely not transplant. Just leave it where it is and do nothing to it. It will thrive.
    • Sue Beaty Sue Beaty on Aug 29, 2014
      @Katie do you possibly have an area that is more sandy. i found 2 mulleins when i was out pickin hedgeapples. they were on a small gravel/sandy drive on a country road. picked, brought home and planted in sand by creek. did very well im pleased to say.
  • Linnie b Linnie b on Dec 28, 2014
    Good idea sue b, We have them here in n central florida. They are always growing along the side of the road which in fl is always sand!
  • Dorothy Dorothy on Dec 29, 2014
    You can buy seed for them and possibly first year plants here and there. They have been semi-domesticated with more flowers and brighter colors and sell under "verbascum" Not hard to grow, like sun, fairly well drained soil.
  • Rsbailey Rsbailey on Dec 29, 2014
    Yes, it is Mullien I love this volunteer .I think they consider it a flower in England and call it Verbascum(Might not be spelled right ) but I've had them selfseed for in my flower beds.for many years/ I think mine came in with the maunure I add to my beds The plant. will produce seeds froom the flower head if you let it dry. I have had luck transplanting some of the baby ones if it is early in the year and they are watered wellboth before and for several days after. It helps if its still cool out. When transplanted he larger ones always look awful if they do survive. It is a biennial in Ohio where I live and I think its aso called the candalabra plant. Sometimes when the bloom gets damaged or broken off several smaller spikes will come on to replace it. The plants I know as lambs ears are smaller ,spread by the roots and are perienials. Their spikes have lavander flowers on them .
  • Linda Choser Linda Choser on Dec 30, 2014
    Yes @Dianna Brown , looks like a Mullein stalk. Mullein is a medicinal plant and I have heard that if it is growing in a certain area the people of that area need to use the plant! It's primary healing function, if I recall, is a muciloge--it clears congestion from the lungs. The Native Americans also used the soft leaves of the plant as toilet 'paper.'
  • Phyllis Minga Phyllis Minga on Feb 24, 2015
    I have seen this growing on the highway but had no idea what it was. Thank you for the info.
  • Peg Peg on Mar 25, 2015
    native indians used the leaves for all types of things, dried them and used the leaves as wicks for torches, fire starters, used the wooly leaves to line their clothing for warmth in winter, lined moccasins and bedding, used for hygiene purposes too.
  • Chloe Crabtree Chloe Crabtree on Mar 22, 2022

    Verbascum is a genus of over 450 species of flowering plants, common name mullein, in the figwort family Scrophulariaceae. They are native to Europe and Asia, with the highest species diversity in the Mediterranean.

    Erect stems bearing profuse saucer-shaped flowers that are usually yellow, but also white, brownish-red, or purple. Individual flowers are short lived but numerous, and flowering takes place over a long time. Most plants in the genus Verbascum are biennials or short lived perennials and a few are annuals; some have semi-evergreen or evergreen rosettes. Most species self-sow, but not as a nuisance, and many seedlings vary slightly from the parent cultivar, thereby creating welcome surprises. Most species are found on dry, stony hillsides and open woodlands, but different species are well-adapted to cottage, gravel, rock gardens, or naturalized areas.

    Noteworthy Characteristics

    Tall, upright flower spikes with small bright flowers bloom over a long period and create vertical accents in the garden. Leaves are often fuzzy and cast with a silvery sheen.


    Fuzzy-leaved species prefer full sun, others will tolerate partial shade. Grow in any well-drained soil. Verbascums tend to flop in fertile soil.


    Sow seeds of annuals and biennials in spring in containers under a cold frame. Divide in spring. Take root cuttings in winter. Take semi-ripe cuttings of shrubby species in late winter.


    Powdery mildew and other fungal leaf spots. Caterpillars.