Pebble walk, add to it or try something new?

The walk has deteriorated and a few pebbles are there and not easy to walk on. What is needed to make it better or replace it.
  10 answers
  • Is it a path you use? if it is, then I suggest using plastic edging, using cardboard, newspaper or landscape fabric to cover the weeds and then making a path to fill with back up with pebbles and maybe some stepping stones (you could even make your own). along the house or garage i would put some pretty plants in pots to greet the passerby
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Jul 19, 2014
    I would put in a fitted stepping stone walkway and edge it with lawn timbers, making sure the ends were drilled an anchored with rebar. This would eliminate having to deal with pea gravel or fillers. Clean out the space thoroughly and use plenty of sand in which to set the stones. (Google instructions on laying stones)
  • Shirley Kalinosky Shirley Kalinosky on Jul 19, 2014
    Thanks for the answers, but I'm still hoping for more ideas.
  • Robin Grabner Robin Grabner on Jul 19, 2014
    I can see that there are some stones in the ground. Baking soda sprinkled on the path will keep grass and weeds from growing in that area.
  • Beverly Turcotte Beverly Turcotte on Jul 19, 2014
    I would replace it. Doesn't look like much there. I would buy square pathway blocks and in between them the colored stone you put in vases you can buy at a dollar store, put them in between the blocks and pour clear plastic or polyurathane over them. Very pretty !
  • Colleen Colleen on Jul 19, 2014
    I like Robins idea of sprinkling Baking Soda to kill whatever is growing. How much work do you want to do? One of the cheapest is puting edging in sprinkle Baking Soda, and pack down some mulch or rocks.
  • Pattylawhon Pattylawhon on Sep 02, 2014
    Have you seen the concrete molds for pathways... I am thinking about using some on my next area... the home improvement stores around here sell them... they even have color.. that you can make your concrete red yellow or black... I think the molds are about $25.00 plus the concrete... all of my paths now are pea gravel or decorative rocks.. kinda mixed.
  • Shirley Kalinosky Shirley Kalinosky on Sep 03, 2014
    Thanks for the answers, but I'm still hoping for more ideas.
  • Lynn Rudd Lynn Rudd on Mar 13, 2015
    I have built a firepit surrounded by metal edging out a ways from the pit. I have laid down flat rocks to step on and have thought about pouring pebbles in between the rocks to make it all the same walking height. However, we have lots of leaves in our back yard and to get those out every spring it would be hard to blow the leaves off without blowing the pebbles away as well. If you don't have leaves that would work.
  • Shirley Kalinosky Shirley Kalinosky on Apr 30, 2015
    I just purchased a WORX Aerocart to haul these around the side of house to make the new path.
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    • Debra Grieve Debra Grieve on Oct 10, 2015
      @Shirley Kalinosky I don't know if you ever got your pathway laid yet or not, but there are books at home improvement stores that will tell you exactly how to lay the bricks so they will look good and stay where you put them. It is quite a bit of work though. I have dry laid a brick patio and it was fun but time consuming. You need to level (by digging) out the area deep enough to get a 2-3 inch layer of sand first then the bricks. Of course you can always just dig enough to lay each brick straight and pretty level with the surrounding grass. You will end up having to re-set the bricks so they are level. The weather will see to that each year. Either way, you should put down a layer of landscape fabric to keep the weed population down and make them easier to pull when you need to.