Brick floor need countertop

by Shirley
My kitchen floors are old Chicago brick- tones of brown, black, gray, peach to rust colors. Cabinets are a creamy white. What countertop would look good? My husband loves granite and quartz, but would something like that look ok? What colors and how busy a pattern? Thanks to everyone!
  2 answers
  • Tina C Tina C on Jul 25, 2014
    If you want a contrast I think a dark grey or black would look nice. The great thing is you already have two neutral colors - so you can pick whatever you want ... you want a large pattern since your brick is small pattern -- it's always best to mix pattern sizes.
    • Shirley Shirley on Jul 25, 2014
      @Tina C THANKS for your input...that's what I was thinking too......
  • Hannah V Hannah V on Jul 25, 2014
    Hi Shirley! Could you upload a photo of your floor? That will make it easier for other hometalkers and myself to give you better answers and ideas! You can add photos by clicking the upper right drop arrow and select "edit" (see screenshot). Hope this helps! :)
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