Fireplace decor

by Sandi
I have a stone fireplace in our home but it looks a little plain in the fact that it could use something above the mantle. Anyone have any ideas how it could be decorated or if it should be at all? Perhaps my mantle just looks a lack luster and needs updating. Ideas?
  3 answers
  • Donna Byram Donna Byram on Aug 04, 2014
    It would help to see a picture and to know your style of decorating in the room that the fireplace is located, but will try and give you some ideas. These photos are all a little different, but have a great look. Don't over stage your mantel with too many objects. Try to use things that will lighten up the area if your rock is dark. If it's light colored you can add a pop of color or do a monochromatic color scheme as in Photo 1. Use all different heights of objects and notice each of these are not symmetrical. If you are tired of the color of the mantel, paint it. Maybe that will inspire you. Hope this helped.
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  • Sandi Sandi on Aug 07, 2014
    thank you for the ideas