A Boring Picnic Table Gets a Doodle Inspired Makeover

Kimberly Noelle
by Kimberly Noelle
When we bought this house last summer the previous owners left this large and very heavy picnic table and we were excited thinking we wouldn't have to buy patio furniture. Well, with the amount of time we are outside bbqing in the summer we soon found out that the lack of back support and the pure uncomfortableness of it was not going to work so we bought a really nice patio set with umbrella and all. The picnic table however is great for putting food out on and for the kids to sit, so I wanted to do something fun and quirky.
I really had no plan, whatsoever. I decided on dandelions and as I had just finished the first of it guess what?? It started raining, so there was some smearing of paint going on and I was not happy, but I was not about to repaint the entire thing so instead I decided to go with a doodle effect and the imperfections created by the rain would look intended. ; ) As I had finished the last part of it guess what?? It started to rain yet again but luckily most of the paint was dry.
Before: I'm not a fan of grey or beige. I need color, and sometimes I like to overboard.
The rain did not help my project but I improvised and like most of my art I got messy with it because I like imperfections.
I had good intentions of creating this beautiful mural but then after the rain I realized that this is going to be used a lot and the mural should be saved for something else. I went for a doodle look. It is the kids table after all.
It's defintley bright but it matches the rest of our pops of color in the yard.
I'm happy with it, it's a fun place for all the kiddos to gather on a hot summer day. furniture
Kimberly Noelle
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