Looking to replace wooden deck front steps with concrete front steps?

Jake T
by Jake T
I would like to replace my existing front steps made of PT wood with concrete steps. It's about a 3-foot rise and about a 5-foot run. I'm looking to make something a little bit more decorative than flat white steps, maybe with the steps topped off with some sort of stone, and maybe adding in a convex curve on the facing edge.
Any idea where I could get information on how to do this? I know how to mix concrete, and create slabs so I'm not completely useless with concrete.
  2 answers
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Jun 25, 2012
    Three feet of rise and a 5 foot run is going to be "tons" of concrete....literally. Have you thought of using a more durable wood such as Ipe?
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  • Jake, while I applaud you in your willingness to attempt doing steps out of cement, its just not that easy for someone who has never done this type of project before. Although it can be done, its very difficult at best and really requires several hands more then you already own to do this type of project. Most steps are not simply poured into place. In most cases a foundation is poured into place and then block is set to design the steps required. Once that is done, then cement is placed in each section or a stone slab is placed for each tread. Once done then the block is plastered with mortar to finish the look. A single pour step is as KMS said a bit on the heavy side and can be quite difficult to do. I understand the need to change the steps out as wood steps do have a tendency to look pretty bad, but there are many other optional products that will would work great and are more, much more, DIY friendly.