Black-Eyed Susan Vine

Look at this beautiful soft yellow flower. It grows on a very vigorous climbing vine. If you look closely at the center of the flower you will see that it is actually a very deep color of red and not black as the name would have you believe.
I have grown these flowers now for three years and was fortunate enough last year to have found one with orange flowers. I have gotten these vines from local nurseries and understand they come in several colors.
This year I grew the vine in an old iron kettle/pot with a trellis in front of the garage. In the years past I have grown them in hanging baskets and trained the vines to grow downward, yes that is possible. It makes for a beautiful addition in a hanging basket.
It is now August and the vine is getting pretty leggy. It also has a morning glory growing in it accidentally. I have to keep the vine from growing into the garage. It has been quite a showstopper but I don't think I would plant it again in this pot nor in this spot again. I really liked it better in a hanging basket and may try that again next year.
Minnie's Milestones by Jonni
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3 of 6 comments
  • Suzy J Suzy J on Oct 11, 2014
    Would like to share my black eye susan vine
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  • Thank you for sharing! You gave me two ideas, also. One, I planted a new/old mailbox and was wondering what to plant by it that would cover it and that is where I will plant the black-eyed susan next year. Two to put solar lights on landscaping poles at different heights.