
by Stephanie
My flowers around my mailbox always seem to die before the seasons change. What can be the problem? Does dead grass from lawnmower contribute to this?
this was during the beginning of have marigolds and they are dying
  8 answers
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Aug 08, 2014
    The problem is definitely not grass from the lawn mower. How often do the plants get watered. Is there mulch in the planters? If so, how deep is it and is it actually touching the plants?
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Aug 08, 2014
    You can never trust your flowers! Turn your back for a day or so and they act up! I have had weather so hot in past years that the flowers on my back deck that gets little to no such will wilt...Dry/hot and humid at the same time just sucks it out of them! There is a faucet right here on the deck with a hose to water, so I know it has to be the weather, not lack of water. I tend to use grass (Liariope and Cordyline) around the mailbox where it faces the afternoon sun. Notice this is 4th of July...Atlanta's hot period...and it looks great! P.S. I forgot...I add a couple of Gerber Daisies for color!
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  • Black Eyed Susans, Salvia, purple coneflower, native perennials. To the left is Autumn Joy Sedum getting ready to bloom
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  • Denise Janhunen Denise Janhunen on Aug 08, 2014
    I wonder if its the salt from road in winter? Do you cultivate dirt around or maybe add some new dirt? Just a thought
  • Mary Reinhardt Mary Reinhardt on Aug 08, 2014
    Water plenty, miracle grow fertilizer, soil that holds moisture because the pavement probably generates extra heat.
  • Stephanie Stephanie on Aug 08, 2014
  • Sally Roesner Fuhr Sally Roesner Fuhr on Aug 08, 2014
    Nothing grows at the base of my mailbox because it is in an old roadbed. There's only so much topsoil, and then roots hit rock and can't grow. Wave petunias are heavy feeders, but they will eventually grow leggy with more old stem than blossom.
  • Stephanie Stephanie on Aug 11, 2014
    went out today and did some investigation...not only was the mulch very thin and touching the plants but i found a bed of ants living there. applied ant poision wait a little and then will change out dirt and redo the mail box with pentas for now