Using chalk paint on stained cabinets

by Georgie
Chalk painting oak stained cabinets. Had trim on doors that I removed to help update the look. Lightly sanded doors and applied two coats of pure white. Area where trim was is still showing through. Will prime if I HAVE to. Help! Any suggestions?
  2 answers
  • Hannah V Hannah V on Aug 15, 2014
    There are tons of Hometalkers who have chalk painted their cabinets, maybe considering reaching out to one of them directly for tips? Or checking out their process tutorials?
  • Comet Comet on Mar 04, 2016
    You could use BIN or KILZ on just the part that is showing thru and then touch up with the chalk paint. These two items are not paint; they are pigmented shellac and will seal the stain underneath so that it cannot "bleed" thru and you can paint over them--if they show as too shiny just use fine steel wool to knock the shine down a bit.