SK's Half Way There Table

SK on Elderberry
by SK on Elderberry
I needed a little table in my tiny, tiny bath. I had just under 20" next to the toilet. I wanted a little lamp for a night light. I could have just plugged in a little night light, but I wanted something a little prettier.
This is the promised post of my little handmade table. You can see more of the baths projects on this post:
I saw round cut pine at Lowes and thought about taking it and cutting it in half and using half for the top and half for a shelf below.

I have used Lowes black wrought iron twisted railings and feet parts for handrails in many homes. Why can't I use them for something new?

2 Single Basket Balusters

1 Double Basket Baluster

9 Shoes

1 Round Pine, cut in half
Cut the round wood in half. And sand.

I used 2-1 basket balusters and 1-2 basket baluster. Each leg needs three shoes.

Measure the rod and use a corresponding drill size. Locate the legs evenly from edge of wood.
Drill holes 1/2 deep for the top. Don't drill all the way through. This will be the table top and you don't want to have to fill and sand any more than you need too. Drill clear through for the bottom. Put the Shoe on before inserting the Balusters. The shoe has a little tightening screw. Tighten it down tight against the wood. You may want to finish or paint the wood before installing the legs and shoes.
The shoe on the underneath makes a nice foot. This also keeps the Balusters in place.

For this project I knew I was going to be sanding back, so I painted the base color red. I then coated a top color of green and sanded.

I will be using Modern Masters Metal Effects Paint in patina-ed copper. This metal effects paint will give me the turquoise effect I am looking for.
I have started to use the great storage and found great colored towels to match the copper patina and the crazy fun mural.
The vanity is painted with a copper and iron painted surface.
The little alcove next to the sink was the perfect spot for a few little and necessary shelves for bath items.

I used left over wrought iron balusters, rectangle wire baskets and the iron feet to hold all the baskets in place. This makes a very convenient storage for all those pesky but needed bath items.
There is only one outlet in this room. I like to hide all my electrical gadgets wiring. I drilled holes through the bead board into the closet and ran an extension cord behind all the towels. This keeps my hairdryer and misc cords in the bottom basket. It keeps them plugged in at all times and somewhat out of view. I used a heavy duty cord and covered it with a electrical conduit for safety.
You can see the entire project at the link below.

Thanks for visiting, sk
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4 of 54 comments
  • Ethel Edwards Ethel Edwards on Sep 15, 2014
    Love it all but my favorite is the wall behind all this. Did you actually paint this or use stencil?
    • SK on Elderberry SK on Elderberry on Sep 16, 2014
      @Ethel Edwards Thank you Ethel. I'm pretty partial to color as you can tell. My painting is usually just starting to slap on the paint and it goes from there. I have a simple idea and then it just explodes. Sometimes it works, some times it's just an explosion I have to cover up and try again. It never discourages me. I let it sit for a few days percolating and simmering in my mind and after looking at it long enough and absorbing the balance, scale and purpose I seem to know what has to be done. So I just get on with it. I have made plenty of mistakes but they don't bother me much. I just start over. Eventually I come up with something I love. Thanks for commenting. sk
  • Lori Lori on Mar 04, 2015
    So pretty. Wouldn't this look cute perched on the lamp?
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