Ironclad Garden Hose Repair in Less Than 10 Minutes

10 Minutes
Don't throw away your leaky garden hose. Repair it for less than $10 and in 10 minutes.
Frankly I know that anyone can do this simple and easy repair. So that's why I made this week's tutorial. To show you how cool it is.
You can buy the replacement parts at any home store in the garden aisle.
This is way cheaper than buying a brand new hose.
Sometimes it's the small DIY projects that are the funnest!!!
P.S. Check out my video tutorial to see two methods that didn't help fix my garden hose. I include my failures so that you don't make the same mistakes or waste your money. Definitely worth a gander :)
Garden hose repair is super easy. You can totally do this!!!
My garden hose sprung a leak in after being punctured by a nail.
Cut out the section of your hose that's leaking.
Use a hose mender like this one. It costs only a few bucks. The two clamps should slide onto each side of your hose. Then slide the mender into the hoses. Tighten the clamps using a screw driver.
BOOM, ironclad leak fix. This is what the hose will look like afterward.
Sometimes male adapters leak, too (trust me, I get the double entendre but let's keep it clean)
This also is an easy repair and the repair part costs a few bucks. You purchase this repair part at any local home store in the garden supplies section.
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2 of 45 comments
  • Marcia Marcia on Jun 01, 2015
    Get a good quality Rubber hose. I work in the garden department of a big box store. They are kink resistant and can be easily repaired when they are runover by forklifts. We loved the pocket hoses but they require extra care, not always possible with multiple users . Avoid pvc hose which is heavy, kinky and not easy to get the coils out. The new pocket hoses with brass fittings are a vast improvement over the old ones. Take care of them and follow the instructions
  • Angela Nowak Angela Nowak on Jun 04, 2020

    Thanks for the tips! I’ll do that since my hose needs repairing now.
