Asked on Aug 16, 2014

Can anyone tell me what type of spider this is?

Shaun Roney
by Shaun Roney
I found it in my backyard stretched between a lemon tree and the fence. Is it poisonous? Thanks!
  12 answers
  • AvonelleRed AvonelleRed on Aug 16, 2014
    It looks like an Orb Weaver spider to me.
  • Z Z on Aug 16, 2014
    Other than the web, it looks quite a bit like a.... We have a small one (about three inches including legs) on our front porch right now.
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Aug 17, 2014
    I am not terribly afraid of spiders, but I just hate the dried up dead bugs they leave scattered everywhere! HA! Between the spiders, the bird mess and the leaves blowing onto the front porch, it seems impossible to keep it neat! HA! Mine looks like some folks have had a picnic and left a mess out there!
  • Barbara Thomas Barbara Thomas on Aug 17, 2014
    Just a garden spider. No worries, it eats bugs for you.
  • Mary Piotrowski Mary Piotrowski on Aug 17, 2014
    Argiope------the garden spider a beautiful spider to have in any garden---makes a gorgeous zigzag in its web great benefit as it eats good sized insects all spiders have toxin of some level and all are capable of biting if handled roughly but not a "poisonous" spider but this one is a treasure in any garden
  • Shaun Roney Shaun Roney on Aug 17, 2014
    Thanks everyone! I don't love spiders :-D But sounds like I will learn to love this one. They are showing up right where our hammock was going to hang...not very relaxing!
  • Ann B Ann B on Aug 17, 2014
    We called it a "writing spider" when I was a child and said if you showed your teeth, it would write you name in it's web(zigzag pattern), There were various other sayings about it but not as nice as the previous one. You know how kids tend to exaggerate, huh?
  • Mary L Mary L on Aug 17, 2014
    Did the flash wipe out it's yellow color? When I was a kid in Michigan, we called them banana spiders. We didn't have Wiki then. Although, we could have used the encyclopedia. LOL
  • Michelle Eliker Michelle Eliker on Aug 17, 2014
    Hi Shaun. I live just down the 80 freeway from you in Vallejo! That's a Cross Orbweaver, Araneus diadematus. They're around all the time but you see them more this time of year because they are full size now. They are harmless and the only downside I find with this spider is they like to make their huge orb webs right at face level! LOL
    comment photo
  • SallyAnn7 SallyAnn7 on Aug 17, 2014
    A Scary One! But I am scared of spiders. My worst nightmare.
  • Shaun Roney Shaun Roney on Aug 17, 2014
    Ann I like that! Kinda like Charlotte in Charlottes web. Mary, no yellow-this was kinda orange. Michelle, lol-hi neighbor! I think you win-your girl looks bigger than mine! SallyAnn-ditto. Don't like them-too sneaky!
  • Heidi Heidi on Aug 17, 2014
    It looks like the orb weavers we have in Florida. They come out at night to spin a new web (which is really fascinating to watch) and are usually found close to bright lights where they snag their prey. They're harmless, but their large size will give anyone the creeps!