Can kitchen counter tops made of laminate be coated/sealed with clear?

by Sje223824
Have extra-large kitchen counter tops in laminate. Only 10 yrs old and in good shape. Have many areas and main area by kitchen sink has worn the finished off and stains with everything sat there. I am on a budget and would like to apply a clear seal as I like my cabinet. Do not want to replace with any other counter top at this time or paint with that Giani or Rustoleum redo stuff. Just looking to reseal with a clear finish that will not look bad, and withstand water. Thanks in advance for all help! :)
  6 answers
  • Debbie Harris Debbie Harris on Aug 21, 2014
    You can if you get the right product. The problem with kitchen counters is that it also has to withstand some heat levels. Make sure to check out the products completely. Ask at your home improvement store what they recommend.
  • Sje223824 Sje223824 on Aug 22, 2014
    Thank you will check.
  • Julie Julie on Aug 22, 2014
    I used Rustoleum for counter tops. I loved the results. Make sure you have good ventilation, because it has a strong odor. You don't have to prime, just paint. Make sure you use sponge rollers. You can't set anything on the counters for @ 3 days and I use hot pads when I put hot stuff on counter.
  • Moxie Moxie on Aug 23, 2014
    I just used Varathane clear satin polyurethane (for wood floors) (3 coats) on mine and it held up great!!
  • Sje223824 Sje223824 on Aug 24, 2014
    Moxie, Did you have to rough up (sand) the your existing laminate counter tops. Many contractors have told me nothing will stick to it unless you take off the finish on the entire counter top? Thanks!
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Aug 24, 2014
    If you have a worn place near the sink, consider installing a cutting board in that area instead of trying to put a new finish on the counter...which might not hold up. I had this large 19"x25" Corning cutting board installed when I put in my has held up since 1985! I googled "built in cutting boards" and a bunch popped up! My mother-in-law burned a spot on her counter and put one in. They are great as a place to set hot food when you want to serve a large group!
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