Age of wicker chair

Sheila Mills
by Sheila Mills
What is the age of this wicker chair and was the original finish done in white?
Wicker chair, original seat was leather with straw for cushion filler. Would like to know the age of this chair and if the original finish was white.
  4 answers
  • Z Z on Aug 23, 2014
    Beautiful chair. I can't be sure, but my guess would be Victorian era. I have no clue where it was natural or white originally as I've not studied Wicker furniture. It's beautiful, that I do know.
  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Aug 24, 2014
    Don't know but it's a beauty.
  • Charlsie Sparks Blocker Charlsie Sparks Blocker on Aug 24, 2014
    I agree....Victorian era and believe it was what they called then white washed.
  • GR GR on Aug 25, 2014
    I just googled Victorian wicker chairs and found lots of images very like your chair. Wakefield or Heyward seem to be the leading manufacturers at that time in the US. While some are white, others are natural coloured and don't look as though they were ever painted, quite a few have upholstered seats. Take a look, if you persevere you may find an identical chair!