
Lulu Dubin
by Lulu Dubin
how many times a weeks do i need to water my plants?
  4 answers
  • Dorothy Dorothy on Aug 25, 2014
    It depends on your soil type, the amount of shade and wind your garden area is exposed to (both cause evaporation), whether you have mulch down between your plants, the kind of plants you have (some require more water than others while a lot of plants can drown if they get too much). What kind of plants do you have? Are they in the ground or in containers like pots and planters? Are they in bright sun, partial sun or shade? You obviously would need to water if they wilt at all but this really stresses plants so ideally water before they get that dry.
  • Dorothy gives a lot of good info. Newly planted plants get watered almost every day for 30 days then a couple times a week during the heat. Mulching is important for weed control and moisture (and i have 4" down). It is really helpful to know what plants you have and what their water requirements are-such as drought tolerant, shade and moisture loving, etc. It is better to under water than over water. More plants die from over watering than an occasional dry spell. I water twice a week for most of my plants in time of drought here in zone 7 and hydrangeas are almost every day in the heat and humidity of summer. So the answer is not cut and dry. Gardening is like having children-each plant/kid has different needs. Happy gardening!
  • Just do it more them me. My plants are always drying out. But I agree with Dorothy on this.
  • Shira Shira on Dec 18, 2014
    How are your plants doing?