Kid Toy Storage

Kristin Kennedy
by Kristin Kennedy
Using three Ikea Expedit shelves to frame a window in the playroom allows for optimal storage and easy access to the toys.
Purchased three Ikea Expedit shelves (Kallax has now replaced the Expedit series) and used them to frame the window in the playroom. The bins were purchased from Target. The seating bench was made using a MDF board, foam, fabric and a staple gun. I first laid the fabric with the print side down, then the foam and finally the MDF board on top. I tightly pulled the fabric over the board and used the staple gun to secure the fabric. Once complete, I then screwed the bench seat to the Expedit.
Kristin Kennedy
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Jeni Jeni on Apr 13, 2019

    Did you connect the side pieces to the bench? What about mounting then to the wall? I am totally stealing this idea for my 3 year old's room, I'm just worried about him climbing up the

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  • Savi Savi on Jun 01, 2017

    Cool, Where did you get that bed from?

    • Kristin Kennedy Kristin Kennedy on Jun 01, 2017
      It is actually foam that I purchased from a local foam store. I went in with my dimensions and they cut it down for me.
  • Dub34250483 Dub34250483 on Oct 19, 2018

    Nice regards

    Watching Pin

    one lady! I did not even see your blog

    Curiosity and color complexity itself with everything I saw

    I assume it's for the little princesses!

    So I opened it and entered it on your side of the blog

    Wonderful Thank you

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