What kind of worm?

Charlotte Kent
by Charlotte Kent
It has stripped pepper plants of leaves but had left tomatoes alone. Or maybe just found peppers first... apparently the first time I posted, I didn't wait until these pictures loaded. Now here is this huge green worm. And today found another one and it was on tomato plant. So what is it?
  3 answers
  • Patty S Patty S on Sep 05, 2014
    Sounds like the fungus, "Early Blight" instead of a worm. This fungus is hard to kill. It will appear yearly unless you sterilize the soil. Spray the plants and leaves with a solution of Hydrogen peroxide and water. 1 part H202 to 2 parts H20. After removing the plants from your garden, wearing rubber gloves and don't let them or your hands touch anything else, spray your soil with this solution. Next year when planting put grass clippings or straw around each plant immediately when planting. This keeps the dirt from splashing up on your plants when being watered. Good luck. I have had it. It is a real disappointment when this happens.
  • Mspeppercorn Mspeppercorn on Jan 20, 2016
    Not a worm. It is a caterpillar but not sure what kind, the picture is a little hard to see. Maybe a tomato hornworm.
  • MSKMGR MSKMGR on Jan 21, 2016
    Yes, it is a horned tomato worm. Manually pull them off, place in a ziplock bag and seal. If you see white sacks on the worm, they are the larva of the Braconid Wasp and will eat the worm. Leave the worm alone if it has the larva attached.
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