Asked on Sep 05, 2014

Concrete steps/railing/screen door help

by Sharon
I do have the concrete pieces for the risers (how to reattach?), paint the railings white and I was thinking of painting the concrete - what color & what to use. First time doer so this is all new to me.The old screen door I want to remove and the wooden door and get a new exterior door, but the siding is metal so removing the storm door may leave holes? Help!
  28 answers
  • Can you post a full photo? If you go to your local home store and ask them to help you find a strong adhesive or epoxy for the concrete-each store may carry a different version so it is good idea to ask. As for painting, you will want to make sure the steps are cleaned really well and use paint specifically for this purpose and add an additive so the steps are not slick when it rains. I personally would not paint them but just clean them up and do some sort of tile or mosaic instead on the risers where the concrete fell off. As for the screen door, if it is in your budget i would get a great storm door for those more cold and wind protection in your area. I personally do not like storm doors but like you said you may have holes but there are some really nice storm doors out there. painting the rails white, well, black wrought iron is so nice looking and hides a multitude of sins on the railings. I use Rustoleum 2x spray paint which give great coverage and freshening them up would make them look really nice. I would also kill the grass next to the house and lay down some decorative stone or rocks and come out to the edge of the sidewalk so you can have a place for the pots to sit on each side of the sidewalk where they are but in rock so your entry looks complete. does this make sense?
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    • Sharon Sharon on Sep 06, 2014
      @The Garden Frog with C Renee thank you, that sounds like something I can handle even with my limited abilities about this. Thanks for all you helpful and great suggestions.
  • Lee Cunningham Green Lee Cunningham Green on Sep 05, 2014
    I also think painting the Wrought Iron white will really freshen up the stoop, and you should be able to get a door that fits properly, Measure the door. and just like The Garden Frog said, go to the Home Depot and ask the door guy, they will help you and it is true you can even find discounted and discontinued doors.. You could do lots of great things with that little space you have have fun!
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    • Sharon Sharon on Sep 06, 2014
      @Elizabeth Calvert Thank you Elizabeth we do have a Lowes down the highway a bit not too far and I've been checking them online too. I've always had good luck at Lowes so no yelling, ha. Thanks for the info.
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Sep 06, 2014
    In some climates, a storm door makes a lot of sense. If you want it down, you can fill the holes with a waterproof caulk. As for the concrete, any paint you use will eventually peel because it will get moisture...but anything you use will require upkeep. A medium gray would be pretty with your yellow. Were it me, I would leave the steps plain and pick a pretty tile for the risers...maybe a mosiac in blue and yellow/gold or terra cotta and gold. There are tiles for outside and that is what you need to get and you need to get an epoxy that will hold in snow. Whatever you do here, do the same on the side porch.
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    • Sharon Sharon on Sep 06, 2014
      @Jeanette S I think we are leaning towards a new storm door as we do need one here in Maine unless we buy a new exterior door as well as our door is wooden. This is an old (1830's) house and afraid what might happen when we take the old door down with the metal and holes etc, that I might be opening a can of worms so will try for a new screen door. Seems the lesser of two evils. I just can't get the old screen door clean enough to my liking. What color would you use on the railing?
  • I totally agree with The Garden Frog Boutique! Her comments and suggestion would really give you the look I think you are looking for. Definitely black on your railing....hides so much and a more finished look. Good luck! P. S. Her suggestion for the blocks to finish off your area at the bottom of the steps really would define your entrance way. Well worth the effort!
  • Vickie Vickie on Sep 06, 2014
    Check out Spread Stone by Daich Coatings. We gave our front steps a face lift with that 6 years ago and they still look great. Just requires routine sealing!
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    • Sharon Sharon on Sep 06, 2014
      @Vickie I love that thanks for sharing, your steps look great. . I'll check out the website
  • Jody Lange Jody Lange on Sep 06, 2014
    I think you should remove the cement steps if you paint them they will be slippery {not good} I would get curved wooden steps to get more appeal then stain them a barn red color to go with your siding yellow. Your flower pots will match very well with this. As for the door get a new one with a screen that pulls down and a window that pulls up. That is what I would do I hope this helps. Also you can put the flower pots on the steps will add more appeal to the door and house.
    • Sharon Sharon on Sep 06, 2014
      @Jody Lange Loved this idea for the steps forever it seems.
  • Gretchen Gretchen on Sep 06, 2014
    My first thought was that the painted steps I had in another house were very slippery! When I repainted them (yearly), I would add sand to the paint to help with traction. However, there may be new products out there, like Vickie said. Ask and read labels!
    • Chrystine Dimitry Chrystine Dimitry on Sep 06, 2014
      @Gretchen Yes, the sand idea is great! We painted the deck of our houseboat with epoxy paint, sprinkled sand in the wet paint, and when it dried, put on a second coat of epoxy paint. It worked so well that we did our old worn-out shower floor the same way!
  • Tina Elliott Tina Elliott on Sep 06, 2014
    Paint...paint...paint. Paint is cheap and really freshens and pops. I would suggest painting steps terra cota, get 4" deco tiles with a pattern for the fronts of the steps and paint the wrought iron with a pretty navy blue or black. The good thing about paint is you can change easily. Go for lots of color.
  • Carolina Custom Garages Carolina Custom Garages on Sep 06, 2014
    I love Tina's idea w/ the paint & deco tiles. I would also suggest river rock instead of tiles to give it a more Maine/cottage look. You definitely want to speak to a painting professional about what to use on the concrete. When we paint the concrete stem walls in the garages we do, we use Sherwin Williams Luxon concrete paint. It seals the concrete, and you can tint it, or do another coat of color on top. Gretchen is right about slipperiness. Ask for an "aggregate" to be put into the paint. Good luck and be sure to post some "after" photos!
  • Sharon Sharon on Sep 06, 2014
    Thank you everyone I enjoyed reading every comment and ideas. So glad you all took the time to answer. I now have some homework to do and will be considering the river rocks/tiles idea. I am heading to HD later today and will be checking things out and also online reviews (which I always (read). I've wanted to do Jody's idea for awhile but not sure it's in the budget - we are not 'builders' and have no tools to do that ourselves. Thanks again everyone and have a great weekend!
  • Marcia Richards Marcia Richards on Sep 06, 2014
    If removing the storm door leaves holes, you can use sparkling or compound to fill them. You can also paint your metal siding frame. You can spray paint your railing with Rustoleum. Then use a paint made for concrete to paint the steps. I would paint the railing white and the steps a light gray.
  • Sharon Sharon on Sep 06, 2014
    thanks, I'll check out what paint works best on metal (besides spray) for the siding frame.
  • Maria Welch Maria Welch on Sep 06, 2014
    We just painted our concrete porch floor black and it looks fabulous. I would paint the steps black also but paint the risers a contrasting color. Maybe a nice dark gray or something bright to add a punch of color.
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    • Sharon Sharon on Sep 06, 2014
      @Maria Welch I will post pictures. Right now I am on a roll doing interior painting. Thank goodness paint is affordable. Everything is getting touched up.
  • Susan Susan on Sep 06, 2014
    Sharon - I put together a before and after on a word document. If you'll follow me, then I can send you a private message with the document attached. I think you'll like my suggestions. I can't figure out a way to send you the document any other way. If you have suggestions, please let me know. Thanks.
  • Ozzys Girl Ozzys Girl on Sep 06, 2014
    We painted our patio, got concrete paint at homedepot. You can do a small pattern. Like a frame around your door mat. Or vines/flowers on the steps. Use craft paint for concrete from Michales or Hobby Lobby. Add color lots of color!
    • Sharon Sharon on Sep 06, 2014
      @Ozzys Girl another great idea, so much to mull over. Thanks!
  • Beth Larck Beth Larck on Sep 06, 2014
    If you're trying to fix it on a low budget, you may want to check to see if you have a rehab store near by. I live in a house built in the 1930 and have been trying to put it back to original condition as budget allows. It's great for finding old and one of a kind things. They also have new things at low prices. Just got a new piece of carpet (remnant 8x10) for my kids playroom for $15.
  • Annie Miller Annie Miller on Sep 06, 2014
    Oakland, ME.....your post caught my attention because your set up is similar to ours either the concrete steps, railings, screen door, and even the same color siding ;) Then I saw your location. I grew up in Houlton. But I am out of state now. My parents live in Ludlow now. Fall in Maine is a so lovely! Enjoy :)
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    • Donna Arsenault Donna Arsenault on Sep 06, 2014
      Your comment caught my sister in law is from Houlton..and her parents still live there and the rest of her family. We have visited a few times! Great spot!
  • Sharon Sharon on Sep 06, 2014
    Wow - I keep forgetting we do have one not too awfully far away. Need to go check it out. Our house is 1830's and yes my budget is an issue. Thanks so much!
  • Patty Patty on Sep 06, 2014
    I would consider concrete stain instead of paint, paint will eventually chip and you constantly have to touch up or repaint depending on the weather, moisture, sun, etc.
  • Jan352761 Jan352761 on Sep 06, 2014
    Stain concrete ,paint door.there r paints for metal ucan brush on.look on Pinterest
  • Tes Scholtz Tes Scholtz on Sep 06, 2014
    I agree with staining the concrete rather than painting it, will be much less of a headache to maintain. I also like the idea of the risers being a complementary color, that would look nice! If you want to add more interest, you could plant ivy, clematis, or something else that climbs and let it climb its way up the railingsā€¦after the paint is dry, of course! :-D
  • Trash Find Redesigned Trash Find Redesigned on Sep 06, 2014
    Yes, definitely concrete stain and not the paint!
  • Karen Karen on Sep 06, 2014
    Build columns around your door, flat against the house. Paint them white. Will make a prominent entrance. It will also cover up whatever is behind the metal flashing attached to the screen.
    • Sharon Sharon on Sep 06, 2014
      @Karen I love this idea Karen and shouldn't be too hard to accomplish ourselves. HD will cut the lumber I understand.
  • Barbara Turner Barbara Turner on Sep 06, 2014
    Go Craftsman style. It'll really pay off!
    • Sharon Sharon on Sep 06, 2014
      @Barbara Turner Thank you Barbara I'm going to check this out for ideas.
  • Tlj295402 Tlj295402 on Sep 07, 2014
    I painted my steps when I painted my house, love them!
    comment photo
    • Sharon Sharon on Sep 07, 2014
      I really like this, looks like a runner. Thank you for another idea.
  • Lesley Lesley on Sep 07, 2014
    If you don't want to close yourself off by only having the front door, consider a white full view storm door. You will still have a view and also show off your new front door.
    • Sharon Sharon on Sep 07, 2014
      @Lesley I think that's my best option that way I get the extra weather protection and can show off my wreaths and door. Thanks.
  • Cindy Milliman Cindy Milliman on Sep 08, 2014
    I had the same problem. We painted our front concrete pad and front concrete steps with Baehr's Deck Over. It looks fabulous - easy and economical. Lots of colors to choose from. It total changed the character of the entrance of our home. Also - NO WROUGHT IRON. Very dated. Switch to vinyl. Home Depot has step railing packages with good directions for installation. And, yes, most definitely switch to a full view door. Good Luck!
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    • Sharon Sharon on Sep 12, 2014
      @Cindy Milliman have you had any issues with the deck over and how long ago did you do it? thanks
  • Teresa Chonko Teresa Chonko on Sep 08, 2014
    So you just going to paint the steps - even with the crumbling concrete? I have crumbling concrete on my from steps - the sides are brick and concrete. House is stucco - want to keep the originality of it. Suggestions for repairing then possibly painting?? Love the ideas shared!!!
    • Sharon Sharon on Sep 08, 2014
      @Teresa Chonko We have the pieces for the risers we just need to get them reattached, then I'll paint/stain. I guess from my responses that stain is the way to go. Thanks for your input. I rec'd a really nice photoshop from Susan in my private email which really gave me a glimpse of what I could do - loved it. Everyone is so kind to take the time to reply.